Title: Kein Folientitel
1Heinrich von Barkhausen was Professor for
Electrical Enginee-ring at the Technical College
of Dresden. He achieved groundbreaking results in
communications engineering and in basic research
in the field of electron tube technology. He
gained international reputation for discovering
the Barkhausen Noise Effect. In appreciation of
his merits, the Barkhausen Award will be given
for the first time in 2006. The awardee is
granted a prize money of 10,000
The award is granted for excellent scientific
results, applied research and development at the
borderline between physics, materials science,
and electrical engineering. Research results
shall open new application potentials, or shall
have found utilization in products,
respectively. 15/09/2006 Announcement 20/10/2006
Submission of applications and proposals Materia
lforschungsverbund Dresden (MFD) e. V., c/o IFW,
Helmholtzstraße 20 D-01069 Dresden, attn. Mrs.
Dr. Dittes 10/11/2006 Selection and notification
of the awardee(s) by the Award Committee consist
ing of the representatives of the calling
institutions Materialforschungs- Verbund
Dresden (MFD), EUCEMAN - European Center for
Micro- and Nanoreliability, Fraunhofer IZFP
Dresden, and the sponsors arxes Information
Design Berlin GmbH, Fries Research and
Technology GmbH, HTS GmbH Coswig 08/12/2006 A
ward ceremony on occasion of an honorary
colloquium at University of Technology,
Barkhausen-Bau Applications shall contain an
explanatory statement of maximum three pages an a
short CV of the candidate. Evidence is requested
of 1. major scientific results with
references 2. outstanding achievements in
transferring results to products with
documentation of the share assigned to the
candidate 3. success in know-how transfer,
university education, students training,
and adult qualification.