Title: Ohio Graduation Test
1Ohio Graduation Test Test Taking
Facts Mathematics
Created July 2004 By Mrs. Osterloh Fort Recovery
High School
2Types of Test Questions
- 32 multiple choice questions
- 5 short answer questions
- 1 extended response question
- Note Approximately 1/3 of the tests points
rely on the ability to write mathematical answers!
3Multiple Choice Questions
- Are worth 1 point each (32 points total).
- Allow the pick of the best of 4 choices
- But Test writers know the common mistakes
students make! For example, some students make
the big mistake of choosing the answer for only
the first part of a multi-step problem!
4Short Answer Questions
- Are worth 2 points each (10 points total).
- Mandate that students show their mathematical
work and/or write a clear explanation. - Dont remind students to check their answer
even though they should!
5General Rubric for Short Answer Questions
Earn 2 points if the response
- provides a complete interpretation and/or correct
solution - demonstrates a thorough understanding of the
concept or task - indicates logical reasoning and conclusions
- is accurate, relevant, and complete
6General Rubric for Short Answer Questions
Earn 1 point if the response
- provides evidence of a partially correct
interpretation and/or solution process - demonstrates an incomplete understanding of the
concept or task - contains minor flaws in reasoning
- completes some, but not all, parts of the problem
7General Rubric for Short Answer Questions
Earn 0 points if the response
- indicates no understanding of the concept or task
- States correct answer with no supporting work or
8Extended Response Questions
- Are worth 4 points each (4 points total).
- Mandate that students show their in-depth
mathematical work and write a clear explanation. - Dont remind students to label the different
parts as Part a, Part b, etc. and double check to
make sure that students completed all parts.
9General Rubric for Extended Response Questions
Earn 4 points if the response
- provides a complete interpretation and/or correct
solution - thoroughly addresses the relevant points
- provides strong evidence of logical reasoning and
conclusions - is clearly focused and organized, showing
relevance to the solution
10General Rubric for Extended Response Questions
Earn 3 points if the response
- provides essential aspects of an interpretation
and/or a solution - addresses the relevant points
- provides ample evidence of logical reasoning and
conclusions - is focused and organized, showing relevance to
the solution
11General Rubric for Extended Response Questions
Earn 2 points if the response
- provides a partial interpretation and/or
solution - somewhat addresses the relevant points
- provides some evidence of logical reasoning and
conclusions - has gaps in focus and organization that are
relevant to the solution
12General Rubric for Extended Response Questions
Earn 1 point if the response
- provides an unclear, inaccurate interpretation
and/or solution - fails to address the relevant points
- provides unrelated or unclear relationship
between information, reasoning, and conclusions - lacks the focus and organization that are
relevant to the solution
13General Rubric for Extended Response Questions
Earn 0 points if the response
- indicates no understanding of the concept or task
- States correct answer with no supporting work or
14Academic Content Standards that are assessed by
the Mathematics Test Questions
- Numbers, Number Sense and Operations
- Measurement
- Geometry and Spatial Sense
- Patterns, Functions and Algebra
- Data Analysis and Probability
- Mathematical Processes
15Visit www.ode.state.oh.us/academic_ content_stan
For a in-depth list of
- the Benchmarks (which are the broad topics on
which students progress will be tested), and - Grade Level Indicators (which are skills taught
to enable students to reach the benchmarks).
16The End