Title: Associate Wellness The Morrison Way
1Associate WellnessThe Morrison Way
- At the end of the session, the participant will
be able to - Model worksite wellness development based on
corporate best practices - Learn steps needed to establish a
results-oriented wellness program that will
measure the impact on associates health and
well-being - Identify motivating factors that influence
associates to participate at multiple worksites
3 Shift in Thinking
- Yesterdays Assumption Health is a COST driver
- Initiatives to improve employee health are
primarily a strategy for controlling top line
expense - Todays Reality Health is a PERFORMANCE driver
- Investing in health not only controls expenses,
but also protects, supports and enhances human
capital. It is fundamental to a healthier bottom
4Welcoas Seven Benchmarks
5Wellness Survey, Oct 2007
6 Readiness To Change
Pre- Contemplation
MHFS- Morrison Healthcare Food Service MSD-
Morrison Senior Dining
7 Wellness Culture
- Positive Work Environment
- Work/Life Balance
- Handling Work Conflicts
8Wellness Tools (Likeliness of Use)
- Online Health Coaching
- Telephone Health Coaching
- Company Wellness Website
9Wellness Culture Audit
88 of associates agree that
Focusing on personal wellness helps support our
companys vision of great people.
10Top Wellness Requests
- Walking Event/Club
- Weight Management
- Group Fitness
- Health Fair and/or BP/Cholesterol Screening
- Nutrition fitness tips
- Stress management tips
- Womens health issues
- Vitamin antioxidant facts
11Program Recommendation
1 Turnkey Program Annual Biometric
Screenings/Monthly Wellness Days/Aggregate
- associate wellness program
2 Wellness Portal www.greatlivingstartshere.com
3 lncentives
13Wellness Programming
- 2008
- Morrison on the Move-
- Walk This Way walking contest
- 2009
- Morrison on the Move-
- Less Waist-The Morrison Way
- weight loss contest (Feb 2-Apr 24)
- Morrison on the Move-
- Lower Your Blood Pressure with
- Raising Your Fruits Veggies
- (June 1-July 10)
14Morrison On The Move
15(No Transcript)
16Morrison culture that continuously supports health
17Balanced Choices
- Provides nutrition education
- Identifies food items through icons
- Superfoods
- Fit
- Whole Grain
- Vegetarian
18We Have A Passion for Lifes Flavor
- Our PASSION is to be a culinary leader,
preparing food that creates taste memories and
pleases all the senses of our customers. - We enhance LIFES FLAVOR by making foods from
scratch that are alive with flavor and nutrition.
Foods that use fresh wholesome ingredients
seasonally harvested in a socially responsible
way for the wellbeing of our clients, customers,
team members, and environment.
19Wellness Programming
- 2008
- Morrison on the Move-
- Walk This Way walking contest
- 2009
- Morrison on the Move-
- Less Waist-The Morrison Way
- weight loss contest (Feb 2-Apr 24)
- Morrison on the Move-
- Lower Your Blood Pressure with
- Raising Your Fruits Veggies
- (June 1-July 10)
20(No Transcript)
21What does CMS stand for?
22Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services
23(No Transcript)
24the philosophy
- balance good taste good sense
- the best ingredients
- seasonal fresh vegetables
- healthy eating isnt boring
25Meeting Well
- Main Points
- Healthy Meals Snacks
- Action-Packed Meetings
- Healthy Fun Ideas
- American Cancer Society
- Compass Initiative
26Thank You!