Title: Malicious Code and Multilayer Protection
1Malicious Code and Multilayer Protection
- Marco Righetti
- Sales/System Engineer
- marco_righetti_at_trendmicro.com
Harri Kaikkonen Channel Account Manager, Finland
Baltic harri_kaikkonen_at_trendmicro.com
2Trend Micro who are we?
- Established in CA.,USA in 1988
- Headquartered in Tokyo, with 18 subsidiaries
- 1700 employees worldwide
- The 3rd largest AV / CS company globally
- Listed on Nasdaq (TMIC) and Tokyo Stock Exchange
(TSE 4704)
3Trend Micro who are we?
Source IDC Bulletin "Worldwide Antivirus
Software It's not Just a Consumer
Product Anymore" September 2001
- 33 Groupware
- 31 Fileserver
- 11 Desktop
4New threats detected all the time
- Up to 30 new viruses every day
- New types of viruses on other platforms
- New ways of infecting
- New technologies like Bluetooth and Wireless LAN
(802.11) could be new sources of infection - Mobile phones
- Handheld PocketPC, Palm, Epoc
- Broadband, home computers are always on and is
not protected
5HTTP the new internet BAD-BOY
- A Nordic customer using HTTP gateway scanning
detected 6000 sampels of malicious code during a
7 month period. - Security holes in Internet Explorer.
- Local admin in NT/W2k/XP or Win95/98/me let you
activate Scripts, Java applets and ActiveX. - Cross Site Scripting.
6Some samples
- ActiveX control
- Java Applets
- JavaScripts
7 8Code Sample
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kernel32.dll GetCurrentThreadId
DeleteCriticalSection LeaveCriticalSection
EnterCriticalSection InitializeCriticalSection
VirtualFree VirtualAlloc LocalFree
LocalAlloc VirtualQuery WideCharToMultiByte
MultiByteToWideChar lstrlenA lstrcpynA
lstrcpyA LoadLibraryExA GetThreadLocale
GetStartupInfoA GetProcAddress
GetModuleHandleA GetModuleFileNameA
GetLocaleInfoA GetLastError GetCommandLineA
FreeLibrary FindFirstFileA FindClose
ExitProcess WriteFile UnhandledExceptionFilter
SetFilePointer SetEndOfFile RtlUnwind
ReadFile RaiseException GetStdHandle
GetFileSize GetSystemTime GetFileType
CreateFileA CloseHandle user32.dll
GetKeyboardType LoadStringA MessageBoxA
CharNextA advapi32.dll RegQueryValueExA
RegOpenKeyExA RegCloseKey oleaut32.dll
VariantChangeTypeEx VariantCopyInd
VariantClear SysStringLen SysFreeString
SysReAllocStringLen SysAllocStringLen
kernel32.dll TlsSetValue TlsGetValue
LocalAlloc GetModuleHandleA
GetModuleFileNameA advapi32.dll
RegSetValueExA RegQueryValueExA
RegOpenKeyExA RegFlushKey RegCreateKeyExA
RegCloseKey GetUserNameA kernel32.dll
WriteFile WinExec WaitForSingleObject
VirtualQuery VerLanguageNameA Sleep
SetThreadPriority SetPriorityClass
SetFilePointer SetFileAttributesA
SetEndOfFile RemoveDirectoryA ReadFile
MulDiv LoadLibraryA LeaveCriticalSection
InitializeCriticalSection GlobalUnlock
GlobalReAlloc GlobalHandle GlobalLock
GlobalFree GlobalFindAtomA GlobalDeleteAtom
GlobalAlloc GlobalAddAtomA
GetWindowsDirectoryA GetVersionExA
GetUserDefaultLangID GetTimeZoneInformation
GetThreadLocale GetTempPathA
GetSystemDirectoryA GetShortPathNameA
GetProcAddress GetModuleHandleA
GetModuleFileNameA GetLocaleInfoA
GetLocalTime GetLastError GetDiskFreeSpaceA
GetDateFormatA GetCurrentThreadId
GetCurrentThread GetCurrentProcessId
GetCurrentProcess GetCurrentDirectoryA
GetComputerNameA GetCPInfo GetACP
FormatMessageA FindNextFileA FindFirstFileA
FindClose FileTimeToLocalFileTime
FileTimeToDosDateTime EnumCalendarInfoA
EnterCriticalSection DeleteFileA
DeleteCriticalSection CreateFileA
CreateEventA CopyFileA CompareStringA
CloseHandle mpr.dll WNetOpenEnumA
WNetEnumResourceA gdi32.dll UnrealizeObject
StretchBlt SetTextColor SetROP2 SetBkMode
SetBkColor SelectPalette SelectObject
RealizePalette MoveToEx GetTextMetricsA
GetSystemPaletteEntries GetStockObject
GetObjectA GetDeviceCaps GetDIBits
GetCurrentPositionEx GetBitmapBits
DeleteObject DeleteDC CreatePenIndirect
CreatePalette CreateFontIndirectA
CreateDIBitmap CreateCompatibleDC
CreateCompatibleBitmap CreateBrushIndirect
CreateBitmap user32.dll ReleaseDC
MessageBoxA LoadStringA LoadIconA
GetSystemMetrics GetSysColor GetIconInfo
GetDC DrawIconEx DestroyWindow DestroyIcon
CreateIcon shell32.dll ExtractIconA
wsock32.dll WSAStartup WSAGetLastError
gethostname getservbyname getprotobynumber
gethostbyname socket send select recv
ioctlsocket inet_addr htons getsockname
getpeername connect closesocket wininet.dll
9Code Red, The wake up call
10Code Red Spreading
- Spread from IIS(web) server to IIS server if it
was before the 20th in the month. - Comitted DDoS attacks the 20th to the 28th every
month against IP
(www1.whitehouse.gov) - After the 28th it was deactivated
- Next month it started again...
11More threats
Mass Mailing
12Traditional approach has changed
- 96 of corporations have deployed desktop
antivirus software - 4 Billion a year spent on antivirus products
- SoWhy are viruses still the 1 threat?
Desktop securityalone isnt enough!!!
13A Need For Multi Layers Of Protection
- Imbalance Between Spending and Threat
- It is very clear that e-mail is now the major
means of transportation for viruses. With that
said, the internet gateway would appear to be the
best place to install antivirus solutions that
can check incoming and outgoing email for viruses
and malicious code before they have a chance to
infect the corporate network or an employees
Source IDCflash March 2002
15More inbalance
- Of the total IT investment, only 4 (!) is spent
on IT-security. (AV, content-security,
firewalls...) - E.g. bying A server for 10 000 to put sensitive
information on. Only spending 400 to protect it.
16Enterprise Protection Strategy
- Classical AV solutions losing effect
- Behavior
- We wait...
- We hear about a new security problem
- We wait for the virus thats comming for sure!
- Virus alert
- Race of what comes first. Protection or the virus
- Cleaning up
- We wait again...
17Where do the money go?
Tomorrows Centralized Management with TMCM
Outbreak LIFECYCLE management, deployment, and
Real-time Analysis and Reporting
Proactive Attack Updates
Damage assessment and cleanup
Performance Analysis
AV and Content security Audit and Assessment
Threat-based scanning
Outbreak Management
Notification and Assurance
Corporate TCO and lost productivity
18Control Manager
- Make EPS true
- Outbreak Prevention Service
- User accounts
- Group configuration
- SSL Encryption
- MSDE database (SQL) for all logs
- Central update of all products
- Notifications to the right people
- Automatic clean-up tools
19Trend Micro Control Manager
Marco Righetti Sales/System Engineer marco_righett
Download products www.antivirus.com/download/down
21(No Transcript)