Title: Top cloud antivirus protection
1Top Cloud-Based Antivirus Software in 2018
2Traditional antivirus programs detect
malicious codes by cross-checking
with the database of virus definition
that they have. The antivirus programs
try to find out if there is a match.
3The advantage of relying on cloud
technology is that the antivirus
software would be very light on the
computer all the heavy scanning work
is carried out on the server side.
4Heres a look at some of the best cloud-
based antivirus software thats available
today, analyzing key features of eachAdd
Comodo Cloud Antivirus offers total malware
protection (from known and unknown
malware) and works using a powerful
combination of virus monitoring, auto-
sandbox and behavior analysis
- This antivirus solution depends on a cache of
active malware signatures plus some other
technologies- heuristic, behavioral etc- when the
system is offline.
Webroot Secure Anywhere AntiVirus uses
cloud-based technology from PrevX and is real
fast and effective. Its one of the best
performing antiviruses in its class and takes
hardly any time to install.
Immunet cloud-based antivirus software
comes with ClamAV detection engine,
which automatically gets used as the
scanning engine when the system is
offline and unable to access cloud
scanning feature.
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