Title: Developing a Tier 4 CAMHS Practitioners Handbook
1Developing a Tier 4 CAMHS Practitioners Handbook
- Angela Sergeant-Consultant Nurse
- Royal College of Psychiatrists
- London
2Project Proposal
- To develop an education and Training package
specially designed for staff working in Tier 4
In-patient services- that will form the essential
components in working effectively within this
setting. - This will form an introductory framework ensuring
a consistently high standard of knowledge and
skills across the UK.
3Background to Proposal
- CAMHS National Workforce Programme (Barry
Nixon) commissioned Royal College of
Psychiatrists (RCPsych)-CCQI-to provide an
education and training package mid,2008. - Clinician involved Oct, 08. Project Team formed
comprising - Adrian Worrall-Head of CCQI
- (College Centre for Quality Improvement)
- Peter Thompson-Programme Manager QNIC
- (Quality Network for In-Patient CAMHS)
- Angela Sergeant-Consultant Nurse-CAMHS
4Project Timescales
Develop Project Proposal - Present to PIG-Nov,08
Expert Panel Workshop to gather themes for
Practitioners Handbook- Feb,09
Publish Practitioners Handbook-agree
Develop online module/ Submit for RCN approval
May-Aug 09
Develop Key Themes / Educationalist involvement
re methods of delivery March Aug 09
Interim Report to CAMHS National Workforce- May,09
5Why is this needed?
- Demise of English National Board (ENB) 603 course
in mid 1990s - NICAPS Study (1999)
- NSF for Children (2004)
- Tier 4 Review (Kurtz,2007)
- Every Child Matters
- National CAMHS Review(2008)
6Why is this needed cont..
- National CAMHS Workforce Programme (2006)-linked
to New Ways of Working, Creating Capable Teams
Approach and knowledge and Skills Framework - Darzis Next Stage Review-High Quality Care for
All (2008) - Recruitment and Retention (QNIC) and career
7What Trusts often provide
- Safeguarding Children
- Control and Restraint
- MHA/Legal frameworks
- Administration of medication
- Post Qualifying Modules/and or Therapy Specific/
Diagnostic Training
8Challenges to Training Delivery
- Release of Staff (especially nursing staff)
- Budget Constraints
- Identifying Appropriate Training
- Investing in Professionals and then retention of
knowledge and skills/return of investment - Limited Opportunities for Reflective
Practice/Supervision - Demands for Essential Training v Specialist Skills
9Key Milestones
- Scoping Exercise regarding University Provision
- Consultation via QNIC, CAMHS Nurse Consultant
Network, Service Users - Expert Advisory Workshop (held Feb,09) to gather
themes for inclusion in handbook - Source Literature/Best practice Documents/ DH
publications - Seek RCN Accreditation
- Educational Overview
10University Provision
- Greenwich
- Worcester
- Northampton
- York
- City University, London
- Exeter
- Lancaster
- Southampton
- Glamorgan
- Anglia Ruskin
- Kings College
- Kingston
- Bristol
- Leicester
- Course Provision
- Range from stand alone modules at Diploma, Degree
or Masters Level. - Mainly MDT provision
- Range from 1-2days-5yrs part time
11Initial Ideas Identified by QNIC Discussion Group
- Therapeutic Milieu
- Systems Approach
- Management of Risk
- Child/Adolescent Development
- Reflective Practice Supervision
- MDT dynamics and working effectively
- Ethical and Legal Issues
- Engagement with Young People and Families
- Attachment Theory
- Therapeutic Use of Self/Communication
12Feedback from Young people
- Understanding of different illnesses
- Be confident and able to cope in a crisis
- Know about working with families-how to bridge
the gap between them and parents - Consent to treatment and legal frameworks
- Confidentiality
- How to communicate in a supportive, genuine,
trusting and sensitive way
13Key Themes identified by Expert Advisory Group
- Child/Adolescent/Family Development
- Staff Behavioural Skills-Creating therapeutic
alliance, milieu, boundaries - Self Care of Professionals- support, supervision,
debriefing - Risk Related Issues
- Inpatient Pathways
14Ideas for Handbook Format
- Introduction
- Background Drivers
- Each chapter--
- Learning Outcomes (?Linked to KSF/Skills for
Health) - Body of Literature
- Case Scenarios
- Reflective Practice/Action Learning Group
discussions - Recommended Reading List/Web sites
- References
15Next Steps
- Initial draft sent out for feedback
- Educationalist review underway
- Submission to National Workforce Group for
approval - Submission to RCN for accreditation
- Publish handbook Sept 09
- Develop online module
- Phase Two roll out of materials/training
16Any Questions??
- Are there any thoughts to consider re Phase Two?
- What do you think the take up would be?
- How should handbook be disseminated?
- Thank you for attending this workshop