Title: Professional Development for Practitioners in Early Childhood Settings
1Professional Development for Practitioners in
Early Childhood Settings
- What Works
- (and What Doesnt)
If you had been invited to present on this
topic, what one thing have you learned that works?
2- Child Care plus
- The Center on Inclusion in Early Childhood
- The University of Montana Rural Institute on
Disabilities - Sandra Morris
- Susan Harper-Whalen
3- Introductions
- The Journey
- 1988 to 2005
- A Menu of Options
4CC Progressive Model of Support
- Specialized Support
- Core Practices and Policies
- Developmentally Appropriate Practice
5Developmentally Appropriate Practice
- Practice based on
- Child growth development knowledge and
principles - Individualizing
- The context of the family and community
culture - Professional
guidelines - State
6Core Practices and Policies
- Family centered
- Individualizing
- Strengths-based
- Collaboration
- Focused observation
- Foundational knowledge of inclusion
- Making referrals
- Finding resources and accepting support
- Provider role on the team
- Working with
specialists - Implementing IEP/IFSP goals
8CC Guiding PrinciplesLessons Learned
- Family-centered practices.
- Child care professionals need strategies to see
and use families as a resource.
9 2. Inclusion Is a Natural Component
of High Quality, Developmentally
Appropriate Programs
- -Whats in it for me?
- -Limited connection between behavior and the
environment or teacher behaviors - -Universal precautions, observation, and
maintaining developmental information perceived
as difficult - -BASICS must be established first
103. Individualizing to Meet the Strengths,
Interests, and Needs of Each Child
- Link inclusion supports with practices already
used in the program - Now I understand inclusion is for everyone.
114. Inclusion Supports and Services Are Naturally
Blended in Day-to-day Early Childhood Routines
and Activities
- Providers need help to see their role in
assisting with the development of the IEP/IFSP
125. Professional Development to Support Inclusion
Must Be Designed to Promote Self- Efficacy
- Providers enjoy reviewing data (engagement,
frequency counts) - Self-assessment promotes buy-in and supports
change - Trainers have a tendency to see lack of change as
lack of provider interest and/or ability - It is difficult to ask for help
13Reaching Your Goals
14- The first conquest of Everest was not
accomplished alone. Since 1953, over 1300
climbers have reached the top.
- Their accomplishments were possible
- only because they had help.
15- Sherpa guides, tenacious mountain people of
Nepal, serve as guides and porters for climbing
expeditions in the Himalayas.
16- The climbers seek the summit with the
assistance of the Sherpa Guides. They form an
interdependent connection.
17- The Guides provide
- information
- expertise
- guidance
- cautions
- interpretations
- support
- encouragement
18- The Sherpa do not climb the mountain unless the
climbers ask for assistance - They are not trying to set records or make
19- The climbers know what they want to accomplish
the Sherpa simply provide the support and
guidance to reach the goal.
20- The climbers may modify their goals, as the
conditions change, as their resources fluctuate
and as they better understand the nature of the
21- Guides help climbers face hardships and cope
with set backs. They facilitate progress and
build motivation by helping the climbers notice
and document progress.
22- When the expedition is successful, the climber
will say, I climbed that mountain.
23- Trainers, mentors, and specialists are like
Sherpa Guides for early care and education
professionals. You call on them when you have a
goal to reach.
24Ask for help
256. A Collaborative, Problem- Solving Approach Is
- Collaboration requires teaching skills and
providing repeated practice
267. Address One Child at a Time and Respond to
the Context of the Early Childhood Setting
- Frame inclusion as one child at a time and
within context of a progressive model to make
inclusion feel more doable - Know how to identify each childs strengths,
interests, and needs and to modify experiences
accordingly to build practical competence
278. Professional Development Models Are Most
Cogent When They Can Be Shaped to Meet Unique
Community Needs and State Training Systems
- Offer everything for credit
- Ready training materials are valued/customizing
is a 2nd step - Promote the embedding of inclusion principles,
knowledge, and practices
289. Assess Learning Needs, Use Effective Adult
Learning Practices, Promote Lifelong Learning,
and Provide Follow-up Assistance
- ADA and person first language training is still
needed - USE training feedback to enhance training
practice - Providers know about many community resources
but feel these resources are not easy to access
29- Inclusion brings up many emotional responses for
providers multiple and private opportunities to
reflect may enhance attitude shifts - Family stories are powerful in promoting positive
attitudes - Quotes and ongoing reflection also support
attitude change
3010. Model Processes, Strategies, and Techniques
That Students/participants Are Expected to Use
in Their Practice.
- Relationship is everything
- Mistakes are part of the learning process
- Value each participant as being somewhere on the
inclusion continuum
31- Thank you
- For our
- Lessons learned
32- If every family
- had a child with disabilities,
- there would be
- no controversy
- surrounding inclusion.
- An accommodation
- may not be considered major,
- but it may
- make a major difference.
34- To know my own fears
- in regards to
- accepting a child with a disability
- cannot begin to measure up
- to the fear a parent has
- wondering
- whether their child will be accepted
- or not.
35- Sandra Morris
- sandra.morris_at_ruralinstitute.umt.edu
- Susan Harper-Whalen
- susan.harper-whalen_at_ruralinstitute.umt.edu
- 634 Eddy Avenue
- The University of Montana, Child Care plus
- Missoula, MT 59812-6696
- 1-800-235-4122 www.ccplus.org