Title: JavaScript: The Good Parts Part Ten: ADsafe
1JavaScript The Good PartsPart Ten ADsafe
- Douglas Crockford
- douglas_at_crockford.com
- A system for safe web advertising.
- http//www.ADsafe.org/
3ADsafe is a safe subset of JavaScript.Static
validation only, no code rewriting.
- No impact on performance.
- JSLint is an ADsafe validator.
- ADsafe is a JavaScript subset that adds
capability discipline by deleting features that
cause capability leakage. - No global variables or functions may be defined.
- No global variables or functions can be accessed
except the ADSAFE object. - Use of the subscript operator is limited.
- These words cannot be used apply arguments call
callee caller constructor eval prototype this
unwatch valueOf watch - Words starting with _ cannot be used.
5Impact on the programming model
- Use of for subscripting is extremely limited.
ADSAFE.get(name) and ADSAFE.set(name, value) may
be used instead. This can be annoying. - this cannot be used because it can be made to
bind to the global object. - JavaScript is still quite useable without this.
6Constructor Recipe
- Make an object.
- Object literal
- new
- Object.create
- call another constructor
7Constructor Recipe
- Make an object.
- Object literal, new, Object.create, call another
constructor - Define some variables and functions.
- These become private members and private methods
of the new object.
8Constructor Recipe
- Make an object.
- Object literal, new, Object.create, call another
constructor - Define some variables and functions.
- These become private members.
- Augment the object with privileged methods.
9Constructor Recipe
- Make an object.
- Object literal, new, Object.create, call another
constructor - Define some variables and functions.
- These become private members.
- Augment the object with privileged methods.
- Return the object.
10Step One
- function myConstructor(x)
- var that otherMaker(x)
11Step Two
- function myConstructor(x)
- var that otherMaker(x)
- var secret f(x)
12Step Three
- function myConstructor(x)
- var that otherMaker(x)
- var secret f(x)
- that.priv function ()
- ... secret x ...
- The methods should use neither this nor that.
13Step Four
- function myConstructor(x)
- var that otherMaker(x)
- var secret f(x)
- that.priv function ()
- ... secret x ...
- return that
14Objects made with this pattern do not need
- Object tampering does not cause confusion.
15ADsafe does not allow access to Date or random
- This is to allow human evaluation of ad content
with confidence that behavior will not change in
the future. This is for ad quality and
contractual compliance, not for security.
16ADsafe DOM Interface
- Light weight.
- Query-based.
- Scope of queries is strictly limited to the
contents of a the widget's ltdivgt. - Guest code cannot get direct access to any DOM
17Widget Template
- ltdiv id"ADSAFEID_"gt
- HTML content goes here.
- ltscriptgt
- "use strict"
- lt/scriptgt
- ltscript src"approvedlibrary.js"gtlt/scriptgt
- ltscriptgt
- "use strict"
- ADSAFE.go("ADSAFEID_", function (dom, lib)
- Application initialization goes here.
- )
- lt/scriptgt
- lt/divgt
18Library Template
- "use strict"
- ADSAFE.lib("libraryname", function ()
- Create that library object
- return that
- )
- The widget accesses the library object with
19ADsafe validation is not destructive, so it can
be performed at any and every point in the ad
delivery pipeline.
- It can even be done after consumer delivery to
test compliance.
20Multiple points of validation provide greater
confidence that bad content will be blocked.
- There may still be undiscovered weaknesses in
ECMAScript and its many implementations. - Those implementations are changing, introducing
new weaknesses. - The wrappers must be flawless.
- We are still subject to XSS attacks.
22What can an attacker do if he gets some script
into your page?
23An attacker can request additional scripts from
any server in the world.
- Once it gets a foothold, it can obtain all of the
scripts it needs.
24An attacker can read the document.
- The attacker can see everything the user sees.
And hidden fields, cookies, referrer, scripts, ...
25An attacker can make requests of your server.
- Your server cannot detect that the request did
not originate with your application.
26An attacker has control over the display and can
request information from the user.
- The user cannot detect that the request did not
originate with your application.
27An attacker can send information to servers
anywhere in the world.
- The Same Origin Policy does not limit the
attacker's ability to transmit stolen information.
28These are just the vulnerabilities that are
required by web standards.
- In addition to these, there are bugs, ActiveX,
Flash, Extensions...
29ltiframegts are not a solution
- ltiframegt also have too much capability.
- An evil ltiframegt can navigate the whole page.
- This can confuse users, exposing them to harm.
- Violation of trust.
30Purchasing of ads is becoming a more cost
effective phishing attack than spam.
31The consequences of a successful attack are
- Harm to customers.
- Loss of trust.
- Legal liabilities.
32This is not a Web 2.0 problem.
- All of these problems came with Netscape 2 in
33We must fix or replace the browser.
- This will take a long time.
- Our problems are immediate.
- Our opportunities are immediate.
34- Deep inside of JavaScript there is a good
programming language.
35A secure subset requires no new browser
- It will work on all current browsers.
- Enable secure applications to run in an insecure
language in an insecure browser on an insecure
operating system.
36Safe JavaScript Subsets
- Security is a not a feature that can be added.
- Instead, we remove insecurity.
- If we remove all of the insecurity from
JavaScript, we are left with a secure programming
language. - Only guest code must conform to the subset.
Trusted code has access to the entire language.
37Object Capabilities
38Two Approaches
- Verification
- ADsafe
- No modifications.
- Disallows definition of public methods.
- Transformation
- Caja
- Inserting runtime checks.
- Allows definition of public methods
- ADsafe
- Validation can be performed at every step in the
pipeline. - Validation can be used to audit the code quality
of delivered ads.
- Caja
- Transformation must be performed exactly once.
- Once transformed, it is difficult to determine if
it was transformed correctly.
- ADsafe is easier to debug because the source is
not modified. - Performance of ADsafe programs is more
predictable. - The ADsafe transformation does not degrade
performance because there is no transformation.
41Prevent Global Access
- A Safe JavaScript Subset prevents direct access
to the global object and global variables. - Global variables are evil.
- Access to the DOM must also be restricted.
42The ADSAFE Object
- The page exposes an ADSAFE object to the guest
code. - It provides a safe API.
- Guest code can execute ADSAFE methods.
- Guest code cannot copy from or modify the ADSAFE
object. - The page can expose other objects, such as a YUI
43Wrapping the DOM
- Guest code must not be allowed direct access to
DOM elements. - Access to any element gives access to every
element and to the network. - No access to document, especially document.write.
- No dynamic ltscriptgt tags.
- Static ltscriptgt tags must fetch from a source
that goes ADsafe verification.
- A JSLint option. http//JSLint.com/
- It defines a safe HTML/JavaScript subset.
- Removes from JavaScript all features that are
unsafe or suspect. - Allows ads and widgets to safely interact.
- Better code quality.
45An ADsafe verifier can be written in 30K of
- Ajax ad delivery is possible.
46ADsafe can also be used to make safe widgets and
- Use module pattern and functional inheritance.
- A safe subset can protect the page from guest
code, but it cannot protect guest code from the
page. - Currently, the browser allows little
technological defense against a page that
practices click fraud and other abuses. - That will require a new browser.
48Safe JavaScript Subsets are at best an Interim
- Meanwhile, we still must fix the browser.
49The JSLint/ADsafe verifier is available now.