Title: Quantum Numbers QN
1Quantum Numbers (QN)
21. Principal QN (n)
- Gives information about the size of the electron
cloud. - Known as shells or energy levels
- As n increases, orbital is larger
- As n increases, the electron has more energy
- n 1, 2, 3, 4
- K, L, M, N
- The closer to the nucleus, the lower n
31. Principal QN (n)
- 2n2 maximum number of electrons on that shell
- On the K-shell, n 1, 2n2 2
- On the L-shell, n 2, 2n2 8
- On the M-shell, n 3, 2n2 18
- On the N-shell, n 4, 2n2 32
- On the O-shell, n 5, 2n2 50
- Etc., etc., etc
42. Angular Momentum QN (l)
- Also known as secondary QN, subshell QN or
azimuthal QN - l 0 (n-1)
- Corresponds to the shape of the orbital
52. Angular Momentum QN (l)
- If l 0, then s-shape
- If l 1, then p-shape
- If l 2, then d-shape
- If l 3, then f-shape
62. Angular Momentum QN (l)
What do the shapes look like? http//jchemed.chem.
73. Magnetic Quantum Number (ml)
- ml l -l
- Gives information about the orientation
(direction) in space
83. Magnetic Quantum Number (ml)
- If l 2, then ml -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
- If l 3, then ml -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3
93. Magnetic Quantum Number (ml)
- An orbital is a place where 1 pair of electrons
may be found.
- If l 0 an s-shape holds 1 pair of e-s
- If l 1 a p-shape holds 3 pairs of e-s
- If l 2 a d-shape holds 3 pairs of e-s
- If l 3 an f-shape holds 5 pairs of e-s
104. Electron Spin QN (ms)
- Indicates the electron spin
- ms ½ or ½
- Corresponds to clockwise or counterclockwise
11Pauli Exclusion Principle
- 2 electrons in the same atom cannot have the same
set of 4 quantum numbers.
13HW Problems
Pages 340 342 16, 20, 21, 22, 26, 28, 37, 38,
42, 45, 50, 52, 53, 60, 61, 62, 65, 68, 77, 78
Due Wednesday