Title: BSBEBUS401A Conduct online research BSBEBUS404A Trade online
1BSBEBUS401A Conduct online research /BSBEBUS404A
Trade online
- WEEK 3
- 401A-1 Research brief and planning.
- Search engines and databases
- Supplier issues
2What we will be doing today
3Task 1 Opportunity idea generation and
exploration 10 Due this week Prepare an
information gathering plan to get the information
you will need to decide which business idea to
develop. Your plan should combine online research
and non-electronic sources of information.
Relevant Search engines and databases should be
identified. Your plan should include a table
showing each information item you want to get,
where you think you can get it, the group member
who will get it and how it will help you make
your decision. Submit your list of ideas and
information gathering plan for grading.
Approximately 2 typed pages.
4Pair share exercise Supplier issues
- What are the three main things that you think we
should look for when evaluating a potential
supplier for the online shop?
5What industry wants from suppliers
- Meets our specifications every time
- Reliable source of supply
- Good service
- Reciprocity
- Financial
- etc
6Sources of information about companies
- Stock exchange
- Credit reporting agencies
- Industry associations
- etc
7Paying suppliers
- Discounts and credit terms
- Establishing an account
- Virtual payments
8What happens if suppliers do not perform
well?What can we do to ensure that suppliers
perform as required?
9ALL in class tasks done today to be handed up