Title: D0 Trigger Status
1D0 Trigger Status
7 MHz input rate
Data Log
L2 100ms
L1 4.2 ms
L3 48 ms
50 Hz
5-10 kHz
1000 Hz
48 nodes
256 terms 128 bits
128 bits
- Status reports
- March and Beyond
2Detector/L1/L2 Components
Global L2
L2 Muon
L1 Muon
L2FWCombined objects (e, m, j)
L1FW towers, tracks, correlations
3Luminosity Monitor March 1
- Electronics
- TDC preprod boards expected this week
- 9 production boards arrive in March
- Vertex FPGA design nearly complete
- 2 Vertex boards finished in April
- Installation
- Detector mounted for 10 months.
- Cables Installation started, 1-2 wks.
- One day of beam for timing.
- Completion dates for various subsystems
- Expect minbias triggers to be available at first
beam, with Run I electronics. - Expect luminosity will be logged and made
available on ACCNET within 1 week of first beam - Expect all electronics to be in place by the end
of April - Expect multiple interaction triggers, luminosity
database to be completed by the end of the year
March L1 Luminosity Minbias
4L1 CTP/FPS/FPD Analog Status
- AFE 8MCM (CFTax),(Fermilab-D0)
- Have ten prototypes.
- On bench, expect 2 weeks for LHB/RHB noise tests
(lt7 fC roughly 1 P.E.) - Four weeks to build, eights weeks to stuff. RHB
mid/late-April. LHB mid-May. Need at least two
weeks to check. - Earliest installation early May.
- Order enough for entire central tracker.
- Motherboard layout nearly done.
- Daughterboard prototype has been simplified to
reduce power consumption, heat load, and
real-estate. - Corresponding reduction of capability L3 readout
of discriminated bits. - Prototype some time in April.
- In April decide between modified AFE8 or AFE12
5L1 CTP/FPS/FPD Digital Status
- Mixer(Fermilab-CD)
- A half super-sector expected this month. Bare
boards this week (2 of 20 boards.) - Place order in March
- Full Mixer April-May
- Crate/PS on hand
- DFEA/DFES/Broadcasters/ Collecters(Fermi-D0)
- All 120 Motherboards here.
- All 125 Transition modules here.
- 35 of 88 DFEA single-wide daughter boards here.
Complete boards this wk. - Double wide daughter boards here, parts mostly
here. - Crates 4/4 DFE, 1of2 CTT, 2/2 PS
6Firmware Status
- AFE Complete
- Digital Design 90 / Code70 / Implementation
60 / 7 out of 14 units tested in hardware - Simulated/implemented entire DFEFFPSSFPTT
Chain. - DFEACTOCCTTT next few weeks
- Expect CFT occupancy and track trigger April 2.
7L1 CTP/FPS/FPD in March
- Analog
- 5-10 AFE8 prototypes.
- Populate outer layers of upward pointing sector.
Need to coordinate overlap with minimal L1 Muon
configuration - Balance installed May-June
- Digital
- One-half sector mixer available
- Some broadcaster/collector complement available.
- Useful commissioning exercise.
- Hit, track trigger.
March 1 Some capability, mostly
8L1 CAL Component Status
- 10000 first stage adders(SUSB)
- One for each electromagnetic and hadronic tower
- Printed circuit boards complement mid-February
- Require surface mounted resistors. Values
recently determined imminently. Delivery late
March. - Will concentrate on CC
- 2500 Drivers(SUSB)
- 4 calorimeter, 1 trigger tower per driver
- Hybrid prototypes, 2 week turnaround, balance,
six weeks. - Also need resistor values
- Sufficient prototypes for 8-10 trigger towers
- 320 analog pick-offs(MSU)
- Now prototyped. Days.
- Goal 0.8 lt h lt 0.8 by March 15th
- Operating Status
- Powered
- New Control Software running.
- Peparing to replace analog pickoffs.
9L1 Cal in March
- Tower Availability
- March 1st a few (lt10) towers
- March 15th-20th CC
- Depends on availability of adders/drivers/access
- Towers over threshold
- Global terms
- March 30th Start EC
- Detector/Trigger Commissioning.
- Beam data to time in calorimeter towers.
Starting w/ scopes. - Calibrate L1 calorimeter trigger
- Turn to EC
March L1 Calorimeter Commission w/ handful of
towers Increasing capability through month
10L1 MUON Component Status
- Crate Manager(10)
- 4/10 production available reading out
- Still verifying functions
- Motherboard(62)
- Production versions arriving 18/62, remainder
ordered. - Testing in progress, worked out of box!
- Preproduction as backup.
- Trigger Manager Flavor Board(8)
- 8/8 production due soon (lt2weeks).
- Should know soon if ready for March, very similar
to preproduction - Preproduction as backup
- Scintillator Flavor Board(28)
- Submitted for production last week
- Delivery 4 weeks for stuffed boards.
- Preproduction as backup
11L1 MUON Component Status
- PDT Flavor Boards(28)
- 5/28 due soon (lt2weeks)
- Preproduction as backup
- Infrastructure Software
- Cables/PS in progress
- Still need ORC.
- Download in place
- Preproduction versions of all firmware.
- No alarms, monitoring
- MCEN crate manager
- Preprod testing in progress
- Begin fabrication early April
- MCEN Centroid finder
- Production layout in progress
- Begin fabrication early March
- MCEN Physics Boards
- Production starting (lt2weeks)
12L1 Muon Outlook
- March 30
- Central trigger crate with several wire and
scintillator octants (prod) - End trigger crates each with one scintillator
octant (prod) - One MCEN crate readout with a few MCENs
(preprod) - April 30
- Trigger crates fully populated, cards in hand,
depends on testing - July 1
- MCEN crates fully populated, in hand, depends on
March L1 Muon A few central octants to
start Increasing capability through month
13L2 Component Status
- a-processors (MSU,UIC,UVa) (15 minimum)
- Production Status
- Preproduction 2 worked out-of-the-box.
- First production failed 0/25 boards
- Diagnostics _at_ CD,UIC
- Since November Extensive repair program at CD,
UIC - Problems with broken chips, vias, non-standard
design practices. - Three boards work! Two more with minor problems,
Six more promising - Future
- Continuing Effort. Expect 6-11 cards by March
1st. - Examining layout, use remaining parts to make 12
new boards. In progress. May-June? - Complete redesign based on off-the-shelf
hardware, prototype summer (L2BETA)
14L2 Components Cont.
- MBT I/O Cards(U-Maryland) (30)
- All production cards received.
- To be checked by the end of March
- Firmware functionality 90 done, complete
mid-March - FIC L1/L2 Interface(SACLAY, UIC) (12)
- Boards complete
- Some transmission errors noted.
- Modified a single card at Saclay, testing this
week. - SLIC Parallel Proc.(NIU,Columbia)(25)
- Boards complete
- DSP Central algorithm meet speed/efficiency
requirements. Significant work on DSP forward. - Full development of software another 2 months.
- CIC, SFO Muon/L2 Interface (U-Neb)
- 2 CIC preprod 1 passes, 1 has errors
- SFO preprod passes most tests
- Looking for production delivery end of April
15L2 Status Continued
- Operating Software
- C Framework exists
- Various Drivers in place by mid-March to April
- Processor algorithms,fairly well developed
- Global in simulation January
- Cal in simulator January
- Muon March
- Infrastructure
- MCH and test stand racks and crates 95 done.
- Cabling 65, long runs complete, will start final
dressing soon. - Complete in March
16L2 Prospects
- Feb/March
- 6-11 Alphas Test Stand (2), Global (2), Muon or
Cal (2) - Attempt to complete Muon Integration
(CIC/SLIC/SFO/ MBT/ALPHA) - Begin Cal Integration (FIC/MBT/ALPHA)
- April/May
- 6-23 Alphas Test Stand (2), Global (2), Muon
(2-4) or Cal (2-4), CTT/PS (2-5) - Preprocessors to Global
- L3/DAQ
- Start PS/CTT
March L2 Depends on Repair Success, Commissioning
- Currently VRC, SB, ETG emulated w/ capability of
500 kByte/second.
18Implementation December, 2000
- Four unique types of cards
- Event Tag Generator (ETG) (1)
- Event Tag Generator Int. (ETGI) (4)
- VBD Interface (VBDI) (8)
- Serial Interface Board (SIB) (256)
- SIB appeared in almost all components
- Node Motherboard 4 SIB
- SIB design nearly complete but could not be
routed according to design rules. Too ambitious
for form factor.
19Implementation January 2001
- Response
- Simplify designs by building cards with
functionality limited to specific site. - Short term
- Build a SIB1 or SIBling with functionality only
required for VRC (to be used later in ETG) - Supplement this with increased ethernet
capabilities. 100Hz - Long term
- Stage upgrade by building SIB2 and SIB3 which are
more specifically targeted to SB, L3Nodes, ETG
and final VRC. - Current Status
- SIB1
- At vendor, 20 bare boards to be shipped between
Thursday and Tuesday - Assembled, at Brown 2/22
- VBDi
- At vendor today or tomorrow.
- Assembled, at Brown 2/22
- Designs of other cards well along, can be derived
from work with original SIB
20L3/DAQ Schedule
- Stage1 3/22
- 50 Hz
- VBDi/SIB at D0
- Ethernet upgrade
- gt100 Hz
- Still discussing implementation
- Stage 2 6/14
- 200 Hz
- Additional VRC,SB Hardware
- Stage 3 7/19
- 1 kHz
- Final Hardware
- L3 Review Committee (Schamberger, Fuess, Blazey)
reviewing design, schedule weekly
March L3 50 Hz Improving Capability
21 Filtering
- Extensive Operating Experience
- July Participated in SiDet 10 tests.
- Sept unpacking calorimeter, muon
- Nov Demonstrated streaming
- January MarkPass, muon unpacking, TFW
- Currently ported to NT
- Filtering Control L3FMarkandPass, L3Prescale
- Filter tools l3tCalunptool, l3fmuo_unpack
- At First Beam
- Calorimeter MarkandPass, Calunpack, Single Jet,
Missing Et - Muon Scintillator Coincidence
March L3filtering Calorimeter unpacking Muon
scintillator coincidence
- Trigger Database design nearly complete, includes
all three levels. - Contains triggers lists for online running,
trigger simulation, early running. - Production release soon. Hope to go on-line
within a month or two. - Starting to work on user interfaces.
- Production Release p06.00.01 now available
- All L3 levels in ROOT format
- Raw Data and Cal Trigger Tower Chunks
- Default output
- MC information
- L1 Cal towers
- L1FT, PS
- L1 FWK
- L2 Cal jet, mEt, electrons
- L2 global jets, electrons
- L3 Cal mEt, jets, kt jets, electrons, cft, global
tracking, smt, tau - Use d0sim p07.00.01
- P08 Release
- Will have a L1/L2 Trigger Menu
- L1muon, L1ft, L2Global improvements
24March Expectations
- Level 1
- Minbias trigger
- Commissioning Track/Preshower Trigger
- Handful Calorimeter Trigger Towers
- A few Muon Octants
- Level 2
- Not in trigger
- Depends on Alpha Repair
- Integrating Muon first
- Level 3
- Optimistically 50 Hz
- Cal/Muon filtering
March Enough to get started Rapidly Changing
25Long Term Expectations
- Luminosity April
- L1 Tracker (Central) gtMay
- L1 Tracker (Forward) gtJune
- L1 Calorimeter May
- L1 Muon May
- L2 Global/Cal/Muon June
- L3 1kHz July
- Some final comments
- Lots of progress
- People are working very hard.
- Still along way to go
- Preoccupation with hardware has lead to a great
need for help with on-line programming.