Title: Support Solutions Envelope
1- Support Solutions Envelope
- and the
- SSE Compliance Process
- Tailored, evidence based, risk focused
2Presentation Objectives
- To enable a user to
- Understand that an assessment of SSE Compliance
is a CDM requirement, and how this will support D
JSC Assurance - Understand the Support Solutions Envelope (SSE)
- Understand the SSE Compliance Process (how to use
the SSE) - Understand that the SSE Compliance Process will
assist with Support Solution Development - Identify the Through Life Support (TLS) Support
Improvement Team (SIT)
3SSE Team Organisation
SSE Manager (KSA 2 4) Mr Dennis Martin ABW 32428
SSE Manager (KSA 1 3) Lt Cdr Heather Fraser ABW
Website Compliance Tool (Mr Dennis Martin)
4Importance of SSE
- SSE ensures that support proposals
- Are effective in meeting user requirement
- Are coherent with other support solutions across
Defence - Provide value for money
- Do not create unacceptable operational risk.
- Assessment of SSE Compliance is required by
- DES Standing Instructions (SI) 9, 10, 11 and 21
- SI provide PT Leaders with policy and instruction
on the appropriate discharge of their delegations
and responsibilities from Chief of Defence
Materiel (CDM). - Acquisition Operating Framework (AOF)
- The Operational layer of the AOF confirms that
the use of the SSE by PT is required by CDM. - Smart Approvals Guidance Version 10.0
5 6SSE Purpose
- The SSE identifies the support policies that are
deemed so critical to Defence that a Project Team
(PT) must consider them when developing a support
solution for an equipment or capability - The SSE is a business tool
- Which project teams use to record evidence of
compliance with applicable support policies. - That provides the primary mechanism by which the
Through Life Support, Support Improvement Team
(TLS SIT) delivers its advice and guidance
outputs. - That will assist DES governance of projects in
identifying risk to the delivery of the support
solution via the assurance process particularly
at Initial Gate (IG) and Main Gate (MG), and will
assist customer acceptance of In-Service
7Snapshot of SSE in the AOF
8Functions of SSE
- Signposts critical support policy
- Allows a PT to provide assessment of compliance
against only the tailored GPs - Identifies support SME / POC
- Provides a framework for a PT to develop
support proposals / solutions - Provides a process to gain progressive
confidence in support solutions as they develop,
and are ultimately delivered - Supports DES Governance of Project approvals
and Business Case submissions - Is applicable to all equipment and Information
System (IS) (Service Management) projects
9SSE Content
- Governing Policies (GP)
- Set of GP for each of the 4 Key Support Areas.
- Compliance Tools
- Separate tools for each of the 4 stages of the
Acquisition process. - One for Urgent Operational Requirement use.
10Anatomy of a Governing Policy
- Scope
- The requirement for the policy, including the
benefits it brings to the MOD and PT - Applicability
- A single paragraph outlining to which types of
project the GP will apply - Underpinning Policy
- The title of the documents that underpin the
compliance tests within the GP - Compliance Tool - Evidence Requirements
- Evidence requirements (that must stem directly
from the underlying policy document) are
contained within the SSE Compliance Tool and must
be measurable, consistent objective - Supporting Information
- Hyperlinks to relevant references and supporting
information that will assist projects in
achieving compliance - Sponsoring Authority
- Title and contact details of the sponsor of the
GP - Subject Matter Experts (SME)
- A list of those nominated personnel who are
qualified, responsible and resourced for
providing authoritative advice and guidance for
Ensurance and Assurance activity to the PT, KSA
Owners and SIT.
11Ensurance / Assurance GPs
- GPs are categorised as either Assurance or
Ensurance - ASSURANCE
- The independent analysis of the Evidence
Requirement Matrix to either confirm that the
support solution is compliant with extant policy,
or quantify the risk of non-compliance in terms
of the impact on operational effectiveness and /
or whole life cost. -
- The Project Leader or his delegated officer
confirm that the support solution is compliant
with applicable extant SSE GPs.
12Key Support Areas
- GPs are grouped into 4 Key Support Areas (KSA)
- KSA 1 Logistic Support and Sustainability
- Owner Head Through Life Support
- Owners representative Log Ops-PolPol Support
SO1. - KSA 2 Supportability Engineering
- Owner Head Through Life Support
- Owners representative DES JSC TLS-Pol-PC.
- KSA 3 Supply Chain Management
- Owner Head Supply Chain Management
- Owners representative DES SCM-PolComp-PolDevSO1
- KSA 4 Logistic Information
- Owner Hd Log NEC Programme
- Owners representative Log NEC Progs-SO1 Reqts
and Process .
13KSA 1 Logistics Support Sustainability
- GP 1.1 Logistics Support and Sustainability
Requirements - GP 1.2 Contractors on Deployed Operations (CONDO)
- GP 1.3 Support Continuity
14KSA 2 Supportability Engineering
- GP 2.1 ILS Process and Support Solution
Development - GP 2.2 Reliability Encompassing ARM and RCM
- GP 2.3 Obsolescence Management
- GP 2.4 Automatic Test Systems and Test and
Measurement Equipment - GP 2.5 Configuration Management of Defence
Material - GP 2.6 Technical Information and Data
- GP 2.7 Disposal
- GP 2.8 Training and Training Equipment
- GP 2.9 Manpower and Human Factors Integration
15KSA 3 Supply Chain Management
- GP 3.1 Supply Chain Management
- GP 3.2 Codification and Item Ownership
- GP 3.3 Inventory Planning
- GP 3.4 Packaging and Labelling
- GP 3.5 Material and Financial Accounting
- GP 3.6 Fuels, Lubricants and Industrial Gases
- GP 3.7 Equipment Air Portability
16KSA 4 Logistic Information
- GP 4.1 Logistics Information Requirements
Planning - GP 4.2 Information Systems and Services
Requirements Planning
17 18Compliance Tool Summary Page
19Compliance Tool Example
20SSE Summary
3 GPs
9 GPs
7 GPs
2 GPs
Click on Boxes for more detail
Requirement for SSE Compliance identified
Assurance is a through life activity
PT present Assurance Statement to DESIB
Assurance Plan Update
Assurance Plan Agreed
SSO Assigned
Support Solution Statement
Initial briefing
SSE Tailoring
Support Assurance Review (SAR)
Compliance Assessment
SSO Review
Update SSE Compliance Tool
Baseline SSE Compliance Tool
Final SSE Compliance Tool
Support Solution Report
Establish the Compliance Requirement
Project Team (PT) Develops Support Solution
(producing agreed SSE evidence)
SME Advice Guidance
Assurance Plan
23- Support to Assurance Activities.
24Support Solution Report Process
Assurance Plan
PT Deliverable
DESIB 6/8 Months
MG Ver 1.0
- - SSE Tailored
- Baseline Evidence requirements agreed
- SAR Target date set
25Support Solutions Report
Risk and Mitigation
26SAR Outputs
- Support Solution Statement
- Risks identified and agreed between IPT
Functional Assuror - Mitigation agreed and work required for next
phase - Assurance Plan updated
- Aim to assist IPT gain Functional Assurors sign
27- Support Improvement Team
- (SIT).
28Support Improvement Team Organisation
29Support Improvement Team
- The primary purpose of the Support Improvement
Team (SIT) is to provide authoritative, timely,
high-quality and appropriate policy, advice and
guidance to Operating Centres on the development
and improvement of their coherent and effective
support solutions. - The SIT is part of Joint Support Chain (JSC),
Through Life Support (TLS) and consists of - Operating Centre facing teams that provide advise
and guidance, - An OF4 lead Support Process Development (SPD)
team that will provide a focal point for SIT ways
of working and process development including the
SSE. - SIT Leads (OF4 / B2s) head Operating Centre
facing sub-teams and provide a point of contact
and focus for Operating Centres on support
solution issues. - The sub-teams are staffed by Support Solutions
Officers (SSO) who are allocated to specific
projects as their principal TLS focus and provide
a single point of contact (POC) for through-life
support advice and guidance throughout the
Acquisition Lifecycle.
30 31How Does SSE Relate to ILS?
- The SSE provides PT with framework showing all
the critical elements of a support solution that
an PT should consider when drafting its ILS Plan - GP2.1 captures the need for a PT to effectively
manage the development of support solutions
through a tailored ILS programme - The SSE contains the contact details for ILS
Subject Matter Experts - The SIT provide advice and guidance to PT on the
tailored application of ILS - For CIS projects this will include the
application of ILS in a Service Management
environment (support ITIL approach) - The SIT will help to co-ordinate SSE Compliance
- Contact the SSE Team
Note SSE Compliance supports Assurance activity
Acceptance Into Service
In Service Review
Assurance Plan
Assurance Plan Update
Business Case
Business Case
Assurance Plan Update
Assurance Plan Update
JSC Assurance
JSC Assurance
JSC Assurance
JSC Assurance
Support Solution Statement
Support Solution Statement
Support Solution Statement
Support Solution Statement
Project Team Update SSE Compliance Matrix
SSE Compliance
SSE Compliance
Project Team Develop, deliver, manage the
Support Solution
SIT and SMEs Engage with PT to deliver advice
and guidance
- DES Standing Instructions (SIs)
- SIs provide project team leaders with policy and
instruction on the appropriate discharge of their
delegations and responsibilities from Chief of
Defence Materiel (CDM). - Policy on project team leader responsibilities
applies to all Basic Level Budget Holders (BLBH)
unless they hold a specific exemption in their
personal Letter of Delegation from CDM. - SIs act to clarify Letters of Delegation and the
AOF. - SI-10 Support Solutions Management
- Mandates the project team to assess compliance of
Support Solutions through life with policies
articulated through the SSE framework. - SI-11 Supply Chain
- Mandates the use of SSE compliance to assess
Support Solutions against KSA3 Policies. - SI-9 Logistic Information Management
- Mandates the use of SSE compliance to assess
Support Solutions against KSA4 Policies. - SI-21 Through Life Investment Assurance Framework
- Clarifies the role of Assurance in Support of
DES Investment proposals - SE Assurance Policy mandates tailored SSE
Compliance as an activity that will support SE
Assurance for all programmes, and as such must be
captured in project team Assurance Plans. - Acquisition Operating Framework (AOF)
- The Operational layer of the AOF confirms that
the use of the SSE by project teams is mandated
by CDM. - AOF location AOF/AOF Operational
Layer/Logistics/Key Policies and Processes.
35Through Life Investment Assurance Plan
Project Assurance
JSC Assurance
Support Solution Statement
SSE compliance tool
SSE Compliance
Support Solution Statement (based on SSE
Compliance Assessment, using SSE Compliance tool)
is a mandated component of the JSC element of
Project Assurance Plans, and subsequent JSC
Assurance Statement.
36Requirement for SSE Compliance identified
- DES Standing Instruction 10 (SI-10) mandates that
project teams must undertake SSE Compliance
assessment through Life. - SSE Compliance assessment is a through life
process, providing most benefit to project teams
when applied early with the involvement of SMEs
who can assist development of a projects support
solution. - The Support Improvement Team (SIT) act as a focal
point for projects assisting them through the
process - Initial Point of Contact for projects.
- Facilitating the involvement of SMEs.
- Conducting Support Assurance Reviews (SARs) to
assist projects. - Supporting the provision of JSC Assurance.
- Throughout, the aim will be to assure that the
resultant support solution is effective (meets
user requirements), and is coherent with MoD
corporate policy (other support solutions). - The projects Through Life Investment Assurance
Plan (TLIAP) must be used to identify that SSE
Compliance will underpin JSC Assurance. - The nominated SIT Support Solutions Officer (SSO)
acts as JSC Point of contact for this activity.
37SSO Assigned
- SSE Compliance relies on project contact with a
wide range of SMEs. - The Support Improvement Team (SIT) act the
projects primary point of contact to facilitate
SME contact. - Projects should initiate contact with SIT through
their SIT Operating Centre Lead (OC Ld). - Alternatively a projects existing relationships
with SIT staff may be used. - SSE Compliance must be identified in the
projects Assurance Plan as the single component
of JSC Assurance. - For new projects, SIT will agree priority and
ownership by a nominated Support Solutions
Officer (SSO) based on the demand plan, business
need, and available resources to act as the
projects main contact. - The SSO will identify themself to the Project
38Initial briefing
- A standardised letter to introduce SSE Compliance
can be issued by the SSO prior to an initial
meeting. - Particularly for project teams new to SSE
compliance, the SSO will conduct an initial
briefing to introduce the project teams to the
process. - The briefing should be aimed at the specific
needs of the project team, and can cover the
following types of concern - A general overview of SSE Compliance.
- Benefits of SSE compliance.
- Who is involved.
- Tailoring overview.
- How to engage with SMEs.
- The link between SSE compliance and Assurance.
- Project teams familiar with SSE compliance may
not require a detailed briefing, however it is
important that all parties understand the
39Establish the Compliance Requirement
- A benefits review is undertaken to agree GP
tailoring, agree the evidence requirement, and
set some priorities. - The project team should assemble relevant support
documentation that will provide an overview of
the current support picture. - A meeting will usually be held where the SSO and
project team will discuss the SSE compliance
requirement - The Projects current SSE compliance assessment
may be reviewed. - The SSO will advise on the resourcing of the
Projects ILS activities, and where necessary
will assist the project team to obtain suitably
qualified resources - Internal MoD Licensed ILS Staff.
- External assistance through the FATS Contract.
- The SSO will provide initial guidance on which GP
are not applicable and therefore can be tailored
out (SSO Tailoring). - The SSO will engage with Policy leads to confirm
relevant GPs, and then provide the project team
with guidance on priorities for engaging with
SMEs. - The project team will engage with SMEs to confirm
the GP evidence requirement and the SME role in
supporting the Projects development of their
support solution.
40SSE Tailoring
- The SSO will facilitate the SSE Tailoring process
through the following steps (click on each box
for further detail) - The objective of SSE Tailoring is to reach formal
agreement between the project team and SSO on
relevant GPs. - The SSOs view of relevant GPs and priorities
will be communicated to project teams through a
Compliance Requirement Letter issued by the SSO.
SSO Tailoring
KSA Owner Tailoring
41SSO Tailoring
- SSO and project team use the SSE Tailoring Tool
to identify which GPs may be tailored out. - SSO in conjunction with project team populates
the Compliance Tool with conclusions from SSO
tailoring - Tailored out GPs identified (Compliance Tool
colour coding adjusted accordingly to white) and
comments added to show why GPs have been tailored
out. - At this stage there is no requirement to comment
on the remaining (relevant) GPs within the
Compliance Tool.
42KSA Owner Tailoring
- SSO engages with KSA owners to confirm relevant
GPs. - SSO sends a copy of the Compliance Tool to KSA
owners asking for concurrence (or otherwise) of
decisions made at the SSO Tailoring stage. - KSA owners will confirm which GPs are not
required, updating the Compliance Tool with
applicable comments and return it to the SSO. - KSA owners are required to ensure that up to date
SME points of contact for GPs are maintained
through the SSE Framework. - For KSA 1 and 4 (where there is often a single
SME for each GP) the SSE Framework will identify
relevant GP Points of contact. - For KSA 2 and KSA 3 (where there are often a
large number of SMEs for each GP) relevant SME
contact details will be confirmed by the KSA
Owner, and SMEs will be informed that the project
team will soon seek to engage with them.
43Baseline - SSE Compliance Tool
- The Evidence requirement for the relevant GPs
will be agreed. - SSO sends updated Compliance Tool to the project
team along with a Compliance Requirement Letter
to articulate priorities and guidance on how to
engage with SMEs. - Project team engages with SMEs to agree evidence
requirement for GPs that have been tailored in. - The project team should baseline the SSE
compliance tool and confirm that that SMEs are
content. - Project team updates Compliance Tool to show what
evidence the ILS programme will produce for
agreed GPs. - Project team issues baseline Compliance Tool to
all SMEs. - Where SSE compliance is to underpin Investment
Assurance, the Project must ensure that the
baseline version number of the SSE compliance
tool is identified within their Assurance Plan.
44Assurance Plan Agreed
- Where SSE compliance has been identified as an
Assurance activity, the project teams lead for
support (usually ILSM) must ensure that - Project Investment Assurance Plan reflects that
SSE compliance will underpin JSC Assurance. - Project Assurance Plan reflects that criteria for
SSE compliance has been agreed through a
Baselined SSE Compliance tool.
45Project Develops Support Solution
- Project team develops support solution with
assistance from SMEs. - Project team will benefit from regular contact
with the nominated SSO who can assist support
solution development through the use of Support
Assurance Reviews - Use of the SSE compliance tool is encouraged as
it will assist project teams in reviewing
progress and prioritising work. - Effective support solution development activity
will start to produce the agreed SSE evidence
requirement. - When the evidence matures and is complete it
should be reviewed. - Assurance GPs Review of evidence and endorsement
of compliance by identified SME - Ensurance GPs Review of evidence and self
endorsement of compliance by the project team
subject lead (with advice from SME where
46SME Advice Guidance
- SMEs will assist the project team to develop the
support solution, providing advice and guidance
to assist with support development activity. - Whilst project teams are encouraged to liaise
directly with SMEs for specialist advice, the SSO
will act as the primary point of contact for
general issues.
47SSO Review
- As work progresses the project team should engage
regularly with their nominated SSO who will
provide advice and guidance to maintain the SSE
Compliance programme. - Ongoing engagement with the SSO may identify the
need for a Support Assurance Review to examine
the support solution . - e.g. Where stakeholders external to the SSE
compliance process need to be briefed on
compliance risks (OC Directors, Team Leaders,
Programme Support Leads, Assurors etc).
48Update SSE Compliance Tool
- As work progresses the project team should engage
regularly with their nominated SSO updating the
SSE Compliance tool with - Agreed changes to the range of compliance GPs as
a result of support solution development - Additional GP that are now relevant.
- Removal of GP that are found to be not relevant.
- Changes to the Evidence requirement.
- Production of agreed support solution evidence.
- Endorsement of Assurance GPs by SMEs.
- Self Endorsement of Ensurance GPs.
- Ongoing engagement with the SSO may identify the
need for a Support Assurance Review to examine
the support solution . - e.g. Where stakeholders external to the SSE
compliance process need to be briefed on
compliance risks (OC Directors, Team Leaders,
Programme Support Leads, Assurors etc).
49Support Solution Report
- Support Assurance Reviews (SARs) will enable
project teams to scope SSE compliance risks and
update planned support solution development
activity. - Where a formal output from review activity is
identified, the SSO can produce a Support
Solution Report to provide the project team with
an assessment of SSE Compliance activity - Support risks and issues.
- Compliance.
- Recommendations for further work required
(Priorities). - Opportunities.
- The Support Solution Report will tend to focus on
recommendations on how the project team should
address compliance risks. - The Support Solution Report may identify the need
for an update of the Compliance Tool.
50Support Assurance Review (SAR)
- Regular review of the compliance programme should
be undertaken between the project team and SSO,
and where necessary this can involve a range of
Support Stakeholders and SMEs. - Formal support evaluation reviews, in the form of
SARs, can be requested by project teams. Their
scope will be tailored to the needs of the
project, however as a minimum it is recommended
that project teams consider requesting SARs at
the following times - The first before the pre IG Early Engagement
DESIB and the second before the pre-MG Early
Engagement DESIB. These SARs will provide the
project team with an assessment of confidence in
the support element of the investment proposal by
clarifying remaining evidence requirements before
Business Case submission. - The third prior to Logistic Support Date (design
freeze or the Critical Design Review) will
provide stakeholders with an assessment of
confidence that an effective support solution
will be delivered, and clarify remaining evidence
requirements that will underpin acceptance into
service. - The last when the capability is in service and it
is appropriate to review the support solution in
order to gain operational and efficiency
improvements. - SAR outputs can be produced by the SSO in the
form of a Support Solution Report
51Assurance Plan Updated
- Following on from a Support Assurance Review
(SAR), the project team lead for support (usually
ILSM) must ensure that - Project Investment Assurance Plan is updated to
reflect the SAR outputs. - Project Investment Assurance Plan is updated to
reflect that criteria for SSE compliance has been
reviewed and where it has changed, is recorded
through a revised version of the SSE Compliance
52Compliance Assessment
- The SSO will run a compliance assessment, to
formalise the support picture at the end of the
project phase. - The SSO will produce a Support Solution Statement
to report on their findings. - SSO will use the final version as a basis for
producing a Support Solution Statement.
53Finalise SSE Compliance Tool
- The project team will produce a final version of
the SSE Compliance tool at the end of each
Project phase. - The tool must indicate
- SME endorsement of support evidence
- SME endorsement of Assurance GPs
- Self endorsement of Ensurance GPs
- SSO will use the final version as a basis for
producing a Support Solution Statement. - To allow time for staffing, the final version of
the SSE Compliance tool should be submitted to
the SSO within agreed timescales.
54Support Solution Statement
- The SSO will draft a Support Solution Statement
(SSS) indicating Full, Limited or Non Assurance,
the SSS will address risks to the support
solution derived from SSE compliance. - The SSS will draw on key areas of Non-compliance,
and will be approved and issued to the project
team by the JSC Assuror. - The SSS will also be made available to D JSC (or
nominated representative) to attend DESIB events.
55Assurance Statement to DESIB
- The project team will use the SSS, alongside
statements from other functional assurance
pillars, to prepare its DESIB submission
addressing the risks identified. - The risks identified in the SSS must be addressed
as part of the projects DESIB approval.