Title: GCC: Barriers to Migration
1GCC Barriers to Migration
Critical Point Reached and Species No Longer
suitable Or disturbance and now species is no
longer suitable
- Species dies (disappears) or it moves/migrates
- Migration/ Dispersal determined by fecundity
dispersal mechanisms - Barriers Examine changes horizontally
vertically. - Original Yellowstone story
2GCC Barriers to Migration
3GCC Barriers to Migration
- Example with American Beech showing its current
range and its predicted range given two different
model predictions.
4GCC Key Summary Elements
- Certainty - Uncertainty in predictions
- Response of Forest species/disturbance regimes
- Migration, barriers, other factors
- Ephemeral association of species
- Change is the norm, biological systems are
largely designed to handle change - Human systems may not be designed to handle
changes. - Bottom line warming rate is predicted to be 40x
that previously experienced - 2oC warmest in last 100,000 years, 4oC
warmest in last 40,000,000!
5Water as an issue Plants, Animals, People
Monday, February 10, 2003 Snow is drier,
research shows Measurements reveal 'disturbing'
decline in snowpack's moisture
6Water Precipitation, Storage, Runoff and
7Temperature to Present
8Model Evaluation latest
9Modeled Temperature Future
10Implications on Water Lettenmaier Model
Reservoir Operating Policies
Reservoir Storage Regulated Streamflow Flood
Control Energy Production Irrigation
Consumption Streamflow Augmentation
Physical System of Dams and Reservoirs
Consequences Changes in distribution of flows -
greater percentage of lower than current average
Streamflow Time Series
11GCC Mitigation
- Conservation
- Alternative fuels
- Carbon management and accounting
- Carbon management associated with forestry and
Three rules Uncertainty Tradeoffs
12GCC Mitigation Plant Soil
- Focus on modifications to losses and gains from
plants and the soil
13GCC Mitigation Soil
- Where is the carbon in the soil?
- What are the losses (erosion, respiration,
leaching), what are the gains (biomass returned)? - Negatives
- Deforestation
- Biomass burning
- Plowing
- Fertilizer/manure
- Drainage
14GCC Mitigation Soil
- Human activities leading to C sequestration in
soil - Soil restoration
- Conservation tillage
- Residue/biomass mulching
- Increased nutrient management
- Soil conservation
- Irrigation water conservation
- Agricultural intensification
- Agroforestry
15GCC Mitigation Forest
- Reforestation
- Afforestation
- Agroforestry
- Forest Management
- Offset Strategies Carbon tax concept.
- Land use planning
- Tradeoffs (other land uses, grasslands,
croplands) - Destination of forest products
- Substitutes
16GCC Mitigation Forest Management
- Site Preparation
- Planting material
- Intermediate operations
- Harvest
- Roads
- Short rotation culture
- Conservation, preservation, utilization
- Secondary forest products
- Other values
17GCC Mitigation Forest Management
18GCC Mitigation Forest