Report on the LCG Applications Area - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Report on the LCG Applications Area


Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN LCG Applications Area Manager LHCC Meeting May 22, 2003 Outline Organization and overview Implementing the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Report on the LCG Applications Area

Report on the LCG Applications Area
  • Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN
  • LCG Applications Area Manager
  • http//
  • LHCC Meeting
  • May 22, 2003

  • Organization and overview
  • Implementing the Architecture Blueprint
  • Personnel
  • Schedule and planning
  • Brief project status
  • POOL, SEAL, PI, Simulation, SPI
  • External participation, collaboration
  • Concluding remarks

Applications Area Organisation
applications manager
architects forum
decisions strategy
applications area meeting
Simulation project
PI project
SEAL project
POOL project
SPI project
Management and Communication
  • Architects Forum
  • Attendees architects, project leaders, EP/SFT
  • Good atmosphere, effective, agreement generally
    comes easily. No problems so far.
  • Minutes public after internal circulation
  • Meetings 1-2/month
  • Applications area meeting
  • 25-50 attendees local and remote
  • Project status, release news, activities of
    interest (internal and external), software usage
    and feedback
  • Meetings 2-3/month
  • Many meetings at project and work package level
  • We promote having them in the afternoon with a
    phone connection

Focus on Experiment Need
  • Project structured and managed to ensure a focus
    on real experiment needs
  • SC2/RTAG process to identify, define (need-driven
    requirements), initiate and monitor common
    project activities in a way guided by the
    experiments themselves
  • Architects Forum to involve experiment architects
    in day to day project management and execution
  • Open information flow and decision making
  • Direct participation of experiment developers in
    the projects
  • Tight iterative feedback loop to gather user
    feedback from frequent releases
  • Early deployment and evaluation of LCG software
    in experiment contexts
  • Success defined by experiment adoption and
    production deployment

Substantive evaluation and feedback still to
come, as is (of course) adoption and production
Applications Area Projects
  • Software Process and Infrastructure (SPI)
    (operating A.Aimar)
  • Librarian, QA, testing, developer tools,
    documentation, training,
  • Persistency Framework (POOL)
    (operating D.Duellmann)
  • POOL hybrid ROOT/relational data store
  • Core Tools and Services (SEAL)
    (operating P.Mato)
  • Foundation and utility libraries, basic framework
    services, object dictionary and whiteboard, math
    libraries, (grid enabled services)
  • Physicist Interface (PI)
    (operating V.Innocente)
  • Interfaces and tools by which physicists directly
    use the software. Interactive analysis,
    visualization, (distributed analysis grid
  • Simulation
    (launched T.Wenaus et al)
  • Generic framework, Geant4, FLUKA integration,
    generator services

The set of projects is complete unless/until
a distributed analysis project is opened
Project Relationships
Implementing the Architecture Blueprint
  • Use what exists almost all work leverages
    existing stuff
  • ROOT, Gaudi/Athena components, Iguana components,
    CLHEP, Aida, HepUtilities, SCRAM, Oval, NICOS,
    Savannah, Boost, MySQL, GSL, Minuit, gcc-xml,
  • Component-ware followed, and working e.g.
    rapidity of integration of SEAL components into
  • Object dictionary In place and meeting POOL
    needs application now expanding to interactivity
  • Component bus both Python environment and its
    integration with ROOT/CINT progressing well
  • Object whiteboard Still to come
  • Distributed operation essentially no activity,
    still not in scope
  • ROOT The user/provider relation is working
    good ROOT/POOL cooperation POOL gets needed
    mods, ROOT gets debugging/development input

Domain Decomposition
Products mentioned are examples not a
comprehensive list
Project activity in all expected areas except
grid services
Applications Area Personnel Status
  • Personnel spreadsheets of apps area, EP/SFT and
    LCG merged into a single LCG-managed spreadsheet
  • Consistent and current information on
    contributions, activities
  • LCG apps area hires essentially complete
  • 22 working target in Sep 2001 LCG proposal was
  • Contributions from UK, Spain, Switzerland,
    Germany, Sweden, Israel, Portugal, US, India, and
  • Similar contribution level from CERN (IT and
    EP/SFT people without experiment affiliation)
  • Gathering of people in EP/SFT under John Harvey
    is working very well
  • Similar again from experiments (including EP/SFT
    with expt affiliation)

superseded this week by merged LCG spreadsheet
People FTEs
Total LCG hires 22 21.4
Working directly for apps area projects 17 16.6
ROOT 2 2.0
Grid integration work with experiments 3 2.8
Apps area project contributions from
IT 4 3.3
EP/SFT not experiment specific 18 16.6
EP/SFT experiment specific 8 5.0
Experiments outside EP/SFT 30 13.2
Total directly working on apps area projects 77 54.6
Overall applications area total 82 59.4
Personnel Sources (FTEs)
Current Personnel Distribution
FTEs by Source and Activity
LCG funded personnel 4.70 5.70 1.10 0.50 4.80 2.00 2.80
IT personnel 2.30 1.00
EP/SFT non-expt specific 0.10 2.50 0.50 8.00 0.80 2.00 0.50
Experiments 4.50 1.10 3.50 1.20 1.75 1.00 3.60
Total 11.50 7.90 7.10 2.20 14.55 1.80 7.60 3.30
LCG apps area project activities
Comparing reality with the Blueprint resource plan
LCG funded personnel 3.90 5.70 1.30 0.50 4.80 2.00 2.80
IT personnel 3.10 1.00
EP/SFT non-expt specific 0.10 2.00 0.90 8.00 0.80 2.00 0.50
Experiments 4.50 1.10 3.30 0.80 1.75 1.20 2.20
Total 11.50 7.90 7.10 2.20 14.55 1.80 6.20 3.30
Comparing the plan from the Blueprint RTAG Comparing the plan from the Blueprint RTAG Comparing the plan from the Blueprint RTAG
Blueprint plan - present scope 10 7 7.5 4 15
Blueprint plan full expected scope 11 7 9.5 12 17 ie. 13 more ie. 13 more
i.e. adding condDB -- grid grid, vis DD
Personnel Resources Required and Available
Blue Available and pledged effort
Future estimate based on 20 LCG, 16 CERN, 23
experiments i.e. Present LCGCERN, and reaching
10 ATLAS, 10 CMS, 3 LHCb In addition, ALICE
contributes 4.5 FTEs via ROOT
Messages in this data
  • The apps area is getting the mandated job done
    with the manpower levels estimated as required by
    the blueprint RTAG
  • Manpower is being used efficiently, in the
    mandated places
  • In every project, the manpower external to the
    experiments (LCG, IT, some EP/SFT) exceeds or
    equals that contributed by the experiments
  • Common resources used in common are making these
    projects possible
  • Experiment participation in the projects exceeds
    13 FTEs
  • The experiments are directly invested and
    participating our projects are their projects,
    and often use their software
  • Another 13 FTEs needed to complete the
    anticipated scope
  • With much of it (8 FTEs) grid-related

Contributions to experiment effort
  • In the 9/2001 LCG proposal, 6 FTEs to the
    experiments for integration of experiment
    applications with the grid
  • Present status 5 FTEs identified (3 working,
    2 to be hired)
  • Two full time LCG people in ATLAS and ALICE (2
  • One GDB/ALICE (mostly ALICE) LCG person (.8 FTE)
  • EP/SFT person half-time in CMS (0.5 FTE)
  • Made possible by LCG people filling the hole
  • Two LCG hires in priority list (INFN,Germany) for
    LHCb, CMS (2FTE)
  • Will assign people from the projects to specific
    experiments to help with take-up of LCG software
  • A fraction, not all of their time
  • The person may be an experiment person in some
  • This is in the works now in POOL

/- 90 Day Milestones
L1 Milestones (1)
On target, except with serious evaluation of
releases by the experiments only recently
started, it will take work to make it
Voided by continuing absence from scope
L1 Milestones (2)
Voided by continuing absence from scope
Distributed Analysis Status
  • 14 months after launch, there is (almost) no G
    in the LCG applications area
  • This is disruptive to the project and contrary to
    expectations at launch (estimate then
  • 50 of our L1 LHCC milestones are out the window
  • Personnel idling, thanks to the SC2
  • Have to deflect people interested in
  • POOL needs an understanding of its metadata
    responsibilities will come when this gets
  • The LCG has no involvement in grid-enabled/grid-en
    abling applications.
  • The present starting to develop contingency
    plans situation with middleware highlights the
    fact the LCG should be involved in applications
    the level at which real-world problems are
    exposed and workaround needs are identified and
    can then be acted on
  • The LCG cannot otherwise meet its responsibility
    to ensure LHC computing capability is in place

POOL Schedule Tracking
MS Project Integration POOL Milestones
Apps area planning materials
  • Planning page linked from applications area page
  • Project plans for the various projects
  • WBS, schedule (milestones deliverables)
  • Personnel spreadsheet
  • Merged into overall LCG project spreadsheet
  • Applications area plan document overall project
  • Incomplete draft
  • Applications area plan spreadsheet overall
    project plan
  • High level schedule, personnel resource
  • Risk analysis (new)

Applications Area Risk Analysis
The only current Level 4 risk licensing
  • We must have a GPL-type license for applications
    area software
  • A position I have stated, decisively agreed with
    in strong statements from all four experiments
  • We rely on GPL software such as GSL and MySQL
  • Commercial options on some, such as MySQL, is not
    a defensible option in our community
  • Trends of recent years clearly indicate we should
    not build barriers to using GPL software
  • It is an issue because an agreement with PPARC
    exists that says the LCG will use essentially the
    EDG license, which is non-GPL
  • Should be close to being settled (positively)

Persistency Framework (POOL) Project
  • Dirk Duellmann
  • To deliver the physics data store for ATLAS, CMS,
  • POOL V1.0 released last week
  • Preparatory to the L1 LHCC milestone next month
  • Almost feature complete with respect to June
    needs focus now on debugging, performance,
  • On target to meet the June milestone
  • All functionality asked for by the experiments
    for the June production release should be there
  • Should provide stably supported (1 year) format
    for data files
  • Serious experiment trials and feedback for
    releases has only just started
  • We will surely uncover bugs and surprises we
    hope not major
  • Expect to be ready to deploy on LCG-1 in July
  • Initial users CMS, ATLAS, later LHCb

POOL (2)
  • The next several months of serious trials will
    tell how close or far are we from a truly usable
  • Manpower situation not bad
  • Temporary shortfalls in manpower from experiments
    made up with increased contributions from IT/DB
  • Effort available as data migration of COMPASS et
    al is completed
  • Dirk not asking for new manpower
  • Sent SC2 a proposal to bring common conditions
    database work into project scope (would be a work
    package distinct from POOL)

Core Libraries and Services (SEAL) Project
  • Pere Mato
  • Provide foundation and utility libraries and
    tools, basic framework services, object
    dictionary, component infrastructure
  • Facilitate coherence of LCG software and
    integration with non-LCG software
  • Development uses/builds on existing software from
    experiments (e.g. Gaudi, Iguana elements) and
    C, HEP communities (e.g. Boost)
  • Basically on schedule, and manpower is OK
  • Successfully delivering POOLs needs, the top
  • CLHEP accepted our proposal to host the project
  • Also reflects appeal of SPI-supported services
  • Math library project incorporated into SEAL as
    work package
  • Attention to grid services on hold

SEAL Schedule
Release Date Status Description (goals)
V 0.1.0 14/02/03 internal Establish dependency between POOL and SEAL Dictionary support generation from header files
V 0.2.0 31/03/03 public Essential functionality sufficient for the other existing LCG projects (POOL) Foundation library, system abstraction, etc. Plugin management
V 0.3.0 16/05/03 internal Improve functionality required by POOL Basic framework base classes
V 1.0.0 30/06/03 public Essential functionality sufficient to be adopted by experiments Collection of basic framework services Scripting support
Released 1426/02/03
Released 04/04/03
Physicist Interface (PI) Project
  • Vincenzo Innocente
  • Analysis Services active
  • AIDA and its interfaces to ROOT, POOL, SEAL
  • Improvements to AIDA interface to histograms,
    tuples implemented and offered to users for
  • Evaluation in progress
  • Changes make AIDA more amenable to a ROOT
    implementation, which is proceeding
  • Will be the supported LCG implementation of AIDA
  • Analysis Environment partly on hold by SC2
  • Interactivity, visualization, bridge to/from ROOT
  • Interactivity and ROOT bridge joint work with
  • Pool Grid PI on hold by SC2
  • Event Detector Visualization on hold by SC2

Simulation Project
  • Torre Wenaus et al
  • Activity is ramping up following a work plan
    approved by the SC2 in March
  • Principal development activity will be a generic
    simulation framework
  • Expect to build on existing ALICE work
  • Incorporates CERN/LHC Geant4 work
  • FLUKA team participating for framework
    integration, physics validation
  • Simulation physics validation subproject very
    active already
  • Generator services subproject starting up under
    MC4LHC oversight
  • Shower parameterisation subproject not yet
    fleshed out

Project Organization
Geant4 Project
FLUKA Project
Experiment Validation
Simulation Project Leader
FLUKA integration
Physics Validation
Shower Param
Generator Services
Work packages
Simulation Subprojects
  • Generic simulation framework
  • Subproject leader Andrea DellAcqua
  • Geant4
  • Subproject leader John Apostolakis
  • FLUKA integration
  • Subproject leader Alfredo Ferrari
  • Physics validation
  • Subproject leader Fabiola Gianotti
  • Generator services
  • Subproject leader Paolo Bartalini

Simulation Project High Level Milestones
  • 2003/6 Decide generic framework high level
    design, implementation approach, software to be
  • 2003/6 Generator librarian and alpha version of
    support infrastructure in place
  • 2003/7 Simulation physics requirements revisited
  • 2003/8 Detector description proposal to SC2
  • 2003/9 1st cycle of EM physics validation
  • 2003/12 Generic simulation framework prototype
    available with G4 and FLUKA engines
  • 2004/1 1st cycle of hadronic physics validation
  • 2004/3 Simulation test and benchmark suite
  • 2004/9 First generic simulation framework
    production release
  • 2004/12 Final physics validation document

Software Process and Infrastructure (SPI) Project
  • Alberto Aimar
  • All tools and services in place, most in use,
    some (nightly build system) still being deployed
  • Important contributions from experiments (SCRAM,
    Oval, NICOS, )
  • Policies on code standards and organization,
    testing, documentation almost complete
  • Good QA activity, applied mainly to POOL so far
  • Currently navigating through personnel
  • Planned transitions of personnel to other
  • Generally with a continuing maintenance level
    of SPI participation
  • Two new LCG full timers added in Dec/Jan, another
    expected in June, also two new participants from
  • Manpower level OK, we just have to sustain an
    adequate level
  • Plan and personnel time profile at the end of
    this month
  • Savannah portal a great success with 54 projects,
    275 users at present
  • Used by LCG-App, -GD, -Fabric, 3 experiments,

Documentation and training
  • All projects instrumented with code referencing
    tools (LXR, dOxygen, viewCVS), but work needed on
    written documentation
  • June releases targeted for complete user
  • Documentation requirements being formalized with
    SPI providing guidelines and templates
  • Documentation requirements as prerequisites to a
  • Doing the same with testing
  • Active training program
  • Very successful ROOT course second has now been
  • SCRAM course ready, public course soon
  • POOL, SEAL courses will follow, after the June
    major releases
  • Starting to record courses for web presentation
  • Apps area document registry established

External Participation
  • Examples
  • POOL collections (US)
  • POOL RDBMS data storage back end (India)
  • POOL tests (UK)
  • POOL-driven ROOT I/O development debugging (US)
  • SEAL basic framework services (France)
  • SPI tools Oval, NICOS (France, US)
  • Math libraries (India)
  • Opportunities
  • Throughout the simulation project
  • Several PI work packages
  • Tried to engage an external group in one didnt
  • Unit and integration tests
  • E.g. POOL storage manager, persistency manager,
    data service
  • End-user examples

External Participation
  • Engaging external participation well is hard, but
    we are working at it
  • Problems on both sides
  • Being remote is difficult
  • More than it needs to be e.g. VRVS physical
    facilities issue improving this month, but more
    improvements needed and much too difficult to
  • Remote resources can be harder to control and
    fully leverage, and may be less reliably
  • We work around it and live with it, because we
    must support and encourage remote participation

  • Examples
  • Apart from the obvious (the experiments, ROOT)
  • GD Requirements from apps for LCG-1 Savannah
  • Fabrics POOL and SPI hardware, Savannah-Castor
  • GTA Grid file access,
  • Grid projects EDG-RLS, EDG testbed contribution,
    software packaging/distribution
  • Geant4
  • CLHEP hosting

Take-up in the experiments
  • The real measure of success or failure
  • Experiments now actively engaged in evaluation,
    integration, and planning deployment
  • ATLAS integrating POOL and SEAL into experiment
    framework and infrastructure
  • No significant problems so far, but not yet
    exercising POOL/SEAL functionality strenuously
  • CMS evaluated POOL and decided this month to
    target it for early (July) deployment in
    simulation production (PCP leading up to DC04)
  • LHCb will begin this summer
  • Beginning to define project milestones measuring
    take-up, tied to these experiment programs
  • As mentioned, will assign project people to assist

Coherence and Focus
  • We are developing the coherent, component based
    architecture we are charged to build
  • Coherence evident in cross-project (POOL, SEAL,
    PI) collaboration on defining, developing,
    deploying components
  • Apart from ROOT already does it all arguments,
    apps area development efforts are not redundant
    and duplicative
  • Approach/design is chosen, in some cases after
    short explorations of the options, and set as the
    basis for work
  • Efforts that are divergent, redundant, or under
    consideration are isolated (in contrib) and not
    accounted as project effort (and are few in

Concluding Remarks
  • POOL, SEAL and some PI software is now out there
  • Take-up is starting
  • On target for major June POOL/SEAL releases
  • L1 milestone set a year ago should be met
  • Manpower is appropriate
  • is at the level the experiments themselves
    estimated is required
  • is being used effectively and efficiently for the
    common good
  • is delivering what we are mandated to deliver
  • Apps area is impatient to have grid-related work
    in scope
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