Title: WJTSC Master Issue Deck
1WJTSCMaster Issue Deck
Post WJTSC 08-2 as of 29 Sep 08
- To streamline review, discussion, and resolution
of issues, all open issues have been binned to
one of five categories - 1. Exercise issues
- 2. Joint Training Requirements issues
- 3. Joint Individual and Staff Training issues
- 4. Joint Training Assessment and Readiness
issues - 5. Interagency issues
- While not all issues are a perfect fit, issues
were placed in the bin that represented the best
fit as of the close of the previous WJTSC.
Issues may be re-binned by the Council of
Colonels as appropriate.
3Exercise Related
- DOD Participation Challenges in the NEP
- Use of Joint Live Virtual Constructive
Federation - Missile Warning / Defense Systems Training
Capability - Experimentation Testing (ET) in Joint
Training - National Training Transition Plan
- Prioritization and Deconfliction of Combatant
Command Exercises
4DOD Participation Challenges in the National
Exercise Program
- Issue 08-003 DOD Participation Challenges in the
National Exercise Program (NEP) - Discussion
- a. Combatant command NEP participation
challenges Combatant command objectives often
cant be met or are compromised (in Tier I, CJCS
will provide his objectives and the recommended
level of combatant command play) lack of
synchronization across federal spectrum no
formal DoD process for combatant commands to
nominate command exercises for the 5-year NEP
exercise schedule (To be published in the revised
CEP CJCSI). JS will provide combatant commands
results of sub-PCC meetings (DONE). - b. 5-Year scheduling challenges in the NEP No
fidelity in future years for Tier I, II, or III
exercises info on state(s) and dates prohibits
future planning for required funding, resources
and forces (Jan 31, 2008 NEX scheduling
conference provided Tier I, II calendar for the
next two years, but lack specific dates) (Request
made to DHS for schedule fidelity. Request was
favorably received) - Endstate Improved joint training effectiveness
and efficiency as directed by Chairmans Joint
Training Guidance. Supported / supporting roles
IAW Plans / UCP. Staffs build relationships,
conduct realistic rehearsal with actual
counterparts. - POAM
- - Use WJTSC, deconfliction and combatant command
annual exercise conferences to link multiple
exercises, taking advantage of NEP to link
exercises / integrate mission areas to ensure
regional / mission area coverage (Formal DOD
exercise calendar input will be outlined in the
revised CSEP CJCSI) - - Formal process for DoD submissions to NEP was
briefed agreed upon by the working group.
However, still need more fidelity on future years
exercises regarding dates and themes. - OPR JS J7 JETD OCRs DHS, USNORTHCOM
SEP 08 JUN 09
MAR 08
APR 08
SEP 08
SEP 08
NEXS Conf and 5-year schedule to DC and approved
DOD Process Completed
Combatant commands involved In 5-yr NEP calendar
NLE TIER I Details approved FY09-13
Brief Issue WJTSC 08-01
5Use of Joint Live Virtual Constructive (JLVC)
- Issue 07-014 The Joint Live Virtual Constructive
(JLVC) Federation provides the most realistic
environment to align joint training with
combatant commander assigned missions,
requirements and constraints. The JLVC federation
is comprised of both Joint and Service
simulations and tools. - Discussion Current funding provides Joint
Theater Level Simulation (JTLS) as the standard
suite to support the Combatant Command Joint
Exercise Program (JEP), however, JTLS lacks the
capability to model high fidelity strategic to
tactical operations. This training shortfall was
noted in the Joint Staffs Training Capabilities
Analysis of Alternatives (TC AoA) Gaps 1-22.
JLVC addresses these gaps. Using the JLVC
federation is an option contingent upon
additional Combatant Commander funding for event
integration (CE2) as well as additional USJFCOM
Training Transformation (T2) funding for JLVC
development. Recent cuts to T2 RDTE need to be
addressed to provide sustained integration and
development funding streams. - Endstate Tailored / packaged use of JLVC in
combatant command exercises to meet specific
training objectives. Single standardized JLVC
federation. - POAM Combatant Commands provide details on
which exercise(s) are most enhanced with the use
of JLVC. CE2 SLT allocates funding for JWFC
support (including JLVC) in accordance with CE2
business rules/processes. CE2 addresses only JLVC
integration/support for combatant command events
but not development of JLVC technical
enhancements in demand by combatant command
stakeholders. USJFCOM efforts to reduce JLVC
costs. Investigate JLVC cross-domain solutions.
SEP 07
MAR 08
APR 08
NOV 07
SEP 08
CE2 SLT discuss requirement
USTRANSCOM FY09/10 CE2 PRD emphasizes requirement.
JTLS / JLVC transition decision
JLVC reqts discussed at WJTSC working groups
CE2 FY09 PBRs submitted, adjudicated
Update at WJTSC 08-2
6Missile Warning / Defense Systems Training
Issue 07-017 CCDRs require a distributed,
integrated, synthetic Missile Warning (MW) and
Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) training and
exercise modeling and simulation (MS) capability
that stimulates real world systems that is
dynamic, portable, scalable and
affordable. Discussion a. Current capability
requires multiple simulation development teams
and does not provide synergistic training
capability. b. There is a requirement for a
consolidated/integrated/federated missile
simulation inputs via a single source injection
point to stimulate all operational missile
awareness systems to meet all stakeholders
missile warning and integrated air and missile
defense simulation requirements. Endstate
Consolidated/integrated/federated missile
simulation inputs via a single source injection
point to stimulate all operational missile
awareness systems to meet all stakeholders
missile warning and integrated air and missile
defense simulation requirements. POAM SHORT
TERM Augment the current missile warning
modeling and simulation suite with the dynamic
missile defense Embedded Trainer (ET) capability
a dynamic missile warning MS capability and have
in place and integrated with ET in the next 9
months for training tiers 1 2.
LONG TERM Integrate/federate MS capabilities
from tiers 3-5 into a complete end to end MW/IAMD
MS capability 3-5 years. OPRs
MDA, Combatant Commands and Services
MAR 08
APR 08
SEP 08
AUG 08
SEP 08
TBD 09
Embedded trainer test
Update at WJTSC 08-2
Tier 1 and 2 capability
End to end capability
USSTRATCOM provide update at WJTSC 08-1
ITWG meets _at_CO Springs
ITWG meets _at_ CO Springs
7Experimentation Testing (ET) in Joint Training
Issue 04-003 Lack of common DoD-wide process for
incorporation of ET into joint training.
Discussion DOTE engages multiple combatant
commands to search for venues. Short-notice
insertions disruptive to exercise planning. OSD
seeking to more effectively enable test activity
with joint context and reduce possible impact to
training audience. USJFCOM requires training
environment to assess capabilities such as DJC2,
SJFHQ. Joint context and resource limitations
require test and prototyping activity in
training. USJFCOM developed a manual for
integrating ET into USJFCOM sponsored and
supported training. Endstate Common policy and
supporting tools for incorporating ET activity
in training POAM Initial effort to develop
CJCSM 3500-series publication suspended.
OSD(PR) will develop a DoD publication to fill
this void. OPRs OSD (PR) and USJFCOM J7
USJFCOM J9, Combatant Commands, CSAs, Services
SEP 08
OSD update at WJTSC 08-2 Cease efforts on CJCSM
Draft and staff new DODI
New DODI published
8National Transition Training Plan
Issue 08- 011 The National Exercise Program
(NEP) establishes a Transition Training Program
which implements key elements in the Federal
Interagency Heightened Alert Concept Plan
associated with a Period of Heightened Alert
(POHA) Discussion The Transition Training
Program is a quadrennial Presidential election
year cycle of NEP events designed to introduce
new and transitioning Principals of departments
and agencies and other key officials to existing
policies, plans, and capabilities, as well as
possible to identify potential shortfalls, based
on strategic estimates of threat and risk. It is
a series of briefings, seminars and exercises for
transitioning senior officials on USG policies
plans and capabilities for incident management
and crisis coordination. One goal of the
Transition Training Program is to motivate
intense, early interaction between principals of
departments and agencies and their emergency
program staffs (i.e. Ops Centers) that provide
them support within their organizations. The
Federal Interagency POHA Concept Plan is in final
coordination and represents a Federal Strategic
Plan for maintaining operational continuity
during the upcoming 2008-2009 Transition period.
The NEP Transition Training Program supports this
Concept Plan. No additional funding requirements
are expected other than those associated with
CEP/JEP exercises Endstate The culmination of
the NEP Transition Training Program is a capstone
NEP Tier I Exercise in July 2009 which will serve
as an immersive experience for the senior
officials. An expected outcome of the program is
senior-level questioning of both internal and
interagency processes. POAM As outlined
below. OPRs DHS-FEMA-National Exercise
Division Federal Departments Agencies JS/J7
APR - JUN 09
AUG 08
JAN 09
AUG 08
JUL 09
SEP 08
DRG Publish Strategic Exercise Guidance POHA
DHS-FEMA-NED National Level Exercise (NLE 09)
Concept Objectives Conference
Principal Level Exercises (PLEs)
POHA Ends NLE 09 Execution
D/A ensures training on Roles Responsibilities
Key Decision Criteria
Inauguration New Administration Nominations
Discuss at WJTSC
9Prioritization/De-confliction of Combatant
Command Exercises
Issue 08-014 Scheduling resources to support
combatant command events is challenging given
daily OPSTEMPO, personnel, fiscal, and time
constraints and multiple events executing during
the same period. Need overall de-confliction
resolution process for Combatant Command
Exercises. Discussion Limited service resources
(forces, equipment, exercise support) preclude
the ability to support competing combatant
command exercises requiring USAF resources.
Authority has been given to JFCOM to
synchronize/de-conflict combatant command
exercises. However, de-confliction issues remain
and scheduled de-confliction conferences have
been focused more on Service rather than
combatant command exercises. Without a refocused
de-confliction resolution process, the Services
will be forced to prioritize/reduce their support
for competing combatant command exercises.
Current exercise forecast have scheduled major
combatant command exercises (Talisman Saber,
Ardent Sentry, Austere Challenge, etc.) back to
back or overlapping, limiting the services
ability to support. In the future, exercises
must be more evenly distributed across the fiscal
year, or Service support must be scaled back or
possibly cancelled. Endstate Robust
resolution process run by USJFCOM involving all
stakeholders that effectively de-conflicts
combatant command exercises (recommend at least
one working group at each WJTSC). Conflicting
resolution issues to be resolved by the CE2 SLT
at each WJTSC. POAM USJFCOM re-energize/refocus
their exercise scheduling conferences with
stakeholder representation (combatant commands,
Services). OPRs Combatant Commands OCRs
USJFCOM, Services
Jan/Feb 09
Aug 08
Sep 08
Dec 08
Mar 09
Presented at CE2 SLT for review
CE2 SLT discuss and provide recommendation.
Resolve issues on FY09-11
JFCOM-sponsored Stakeholder Scheduling Meeting
JFCOM update CE2 SLT On Process
WJTSC Sched WG CE2 SLT resolve conflicts
10Joint Training Requirements
- USJFCOM Development of JTF Training Programs,
Standards, and JMETL - Combatant Commander Requires Joint Evaluation
Team - Joint Training Enterprise RTDE Cuts
- Use of Joint Live Virtual Constructive (JLVC)
Federation - GEF Driven Analysis of CE2 Requirements
- Integration of ABCA Partners into Joint
Training Enterprise - CSA JTSS Funding
11USJFCOM Development of JTF HQ Training Programs,
Standards, and JMETL
Issue 07-016 Update on status and milestones
for USJFCOM efforts to lead the collaborative
efforts for developing JTF HQ training programs /
standards and JMETL conditions and
standards. Discussion CJCSI 3500.1E, Joint
Staff Joint Training Policy and Guidance (JTPG),
dated 31 May 2008 tasks USJFCOM to lead
collaborative development of joint training
programs, processes, and standards and baseline
JMETL conditions and standards for JTF HQ.
(CJCSI 3500.1E ENCL E, para 6.j) Endstate
USJFCOM provide update of progress to date and
future milestones. POAM USJFCOM provide
update of progress to date and future milestones.
TBD 08
OCT 08
JTF HQ CONOPS published. Currently pending
adjudication of critical comments
Pre-tank CONOPS conference
12CCDR Joint Evaluation Team
- Issue 07-015 Combatant Commander desires a joint
evaluation team that can measure Joint Task Force
(JTF) performance to standard - Discussion
- Combatant Commanders (CCDRs) are responsible
for certifying the readiness of HQ staffs to
serve as JTF-capable HQ. A key element of this
task is to measure the capability of the HQ staff
(during a culminating exercise) relative to
standards. The culminating exercise comes at the
conclusion of a detailed joint and multinational
training regimen for the JTF. - USPACOM requires a qualified team to observe
and evaluate to standard, provide feedback both
to the JTF Commander and CCDR, and to provide
documentation on JTF performance to assist
individual JTF and theater program improvements. - Joint Training System (JTS) philosophy and
execution have matured to where training
audiences need critical insight and clearly
documented feedback of what they did right and
what areas require improvement. - USJFCOM JWFC DTT states these requirements are
outside their charter. - Endstate Qualified joint evaluation team
available to assist in JTF Certification. - POAM
- Develop USJFCOM Joint Enabling Capability
Command ability to support formation of JTF - Provide CCDRs with the resources to establish
and maintain this evaluation capability within
SEP 07
SEP 08
SEP 08
SEP - DEC 08
CE2 SLT discussed requirement
If supported, consider tradeoffs for funding
within CE2
CE2 SLT discussed requirement
CE2 SLT Provide feedback on support for this
13Joint Training EnterpriseRDTE Cuts
- Issue 08-013 The Joint Training Enterprise must
cut 11.8M from specific FY08 programs to meet
approved POM 10 funding levels. - Discussion The directed 31 cut in RDTE
(11.8M) from FY08 to FY10 will have a major
impact on the Joint Training Enterprise
Increased costs to Services and combatant
commands to execute training Reduction in
critical capability to support Irregular Warfare
research and development and, Reduction in
training capability. - Endstate Training risk to the Force minimized,
no mission essential tasks eliminated, schedule
flexibility optimized, and cost/benefit to the
Joint Training Enterprise evaluated. - POAM USJFCOM identify targeted cuts.
Combatant Commands evaluate impact and develop
contingency plans, as required. - Status Following discussion at WJTSC 08-2,
USJFCOM will reconsider proposed targeted cuts to
minimize impacts to the Joint Training Enterprise
and vet new proposal with stakeholders. - OPRs OSD, USJFCOM OCRs Combatant Commands
15/16 APR 08
24 APR 08
28 APR 08
5 JUN 08
SEP 08
SAG Recommended POM 10 Funding Released
RDTE Budget Cut Impact Brief to MG Kamiya, J7
J7 USJFCOM Briefs OSD on RDTE Funding Importance
RDTE Budget Cut Impact Brief to WJTSC 08-2
Re-look targeted cut strategy
RDTE Budget Cuts Finalized
14GEF-Driven Analysis of CE2 Requirements
Issue 08-015 GEF-Driven (CCDR Theater Campaign
Plan) Analysis of CE2 Funding Requirements Discuss
ion The "buying power" of CE2T2 POM funding is
eroding based on prevailing economic trends for
the costs of fuel, directly influencing strategic
lift (air, sea, surface) and commercial
ticketing. With OSD guidance to stay within
CE2T2 and not seek additional resources, the POM
forecast presents a relatively "flat" picture
considering the stand-up of USAFRICOM only
provided an additional 4.5M/year to CE2
(combatant command HQ support). Guided by the
GEF, CCDRs must determine what is the baseline
level of performance against their Theater
Campaign/Engagement Plans as reflected in their
Joint Training Plans and overall exercise and
training programs. CE2T2 funds are allocated
based on historical funding rates, versus a
bottom-up review of baseline requirements. Under
zero-growth, stakeholders are reluctant to
prioritize their requirements across the
enterprise (all stakeholders), as any increase
will result in another command's
decrease. Endstate Enterprise bottom-up review
of combatant command baseline requirements for
JETP, SIF, combatant command HQ Support, JWFC
Support, and JTF/FC HQ Certification, resulting
in a more accurate assessment of CCDRs' ability
to execute their programs. Results of analysis
could be used to rebalance CE2 allocations in
accordance with the GEF. POAM CE2 SLT conduct
baseline review and develop recommendations to
the T2 SAG. OPR JS J-7 JETD OCRs Combatant
Commands, Services, OSD(PR)
SEP 08
DEC 08
TBD 09
AUG 08
Joint Training Plans reflect GEF/TCP priorities
by exercise/activity
Use results to guide FY10 program
Issue presented at WJTSC 08-2
IPR at CE2 SLT quarterly meeting
Issue and data call initiated
15Integration of ABCA PartnersInto the Joint
Training Enterprise
- Issue 08-018 Coordination and synchronization of
JTEN services and LVC training enhancements for
exercises conducted by ABCA partner nations and
combatant commands/Services. - Discussion JTEN currently has temporary
connections to like networks in Australia and the
United Kingdom, with a connection to Canada on
the horizon. No formal procedure exists for
scheduling the use of the JTEN by ABCA partners
or combatant commands/Services for the scheduling
and provisioning of distributed training assets
(i.e. Virtual and Constructive training
enablers). - Endstate Development of a formal coordination
process, business rules and/or other documents as
necessary for ABCA partners and combatant
commands/Services that outlines the process for
scheduling and coordinating JTEN utilization and
LVC training enhancements for ABCA/combatant
commands/Services pre-deployment training for
OIF/OEF. - POAM JWFC to be given the lead for
- Development of a catalog of available ABCA
virtual and constructive training capabilities - Establishment of a scheduling process for the
JTEN and VC assets - Develop business rules formalizing this process
MAR 10
Develop scheduling process draft business
rules. Brief JTCC.
Convene WJTSC WG
Deliver VC Capabilities Catalog.
Formal acceptance by all partners of Business
Finalize Business Rules begin vetting process
16Continued Implementation of JTSS Program for the
Combat Support Agencies
Issue 08-019 Continued implementation of JTSS
Program for the Combat Support Agencies
Discussion The Joint Training System Specialist
(JTSS) program is vital to Combat Support Agency
(CSA) implementation and sustainment of the Joint
Training System (JTS) in support of the combatant
commands. Agencies with a JTSS have achieved
greater success in accomplishing JTS
requirements i.e. AMETL, ATP, and Exercise
integration. While the CSAs continue to make
notable investments to comply with JTS program
requirements, these resources are limited.
On-site JTSS fielding is a force multiplier and a
vital element in sustaining CSA participation in
the JTS program. Currently, there are two CSAs
(NSA and DISA) who do not have a JTSS. Endstate
Complete the implementation of JTSS to NSA and
DISA. Ensure continued JTSS fielding to each
CSA. POAM TBD, pending results of the Blue
Ribbon study and CE2T2 programmatic decisions.
OPR Joint Staff J7 OCRs CSAs
Fall 08
Blue Ribbon Panel results released
17Joint Individual and Staff Training
- Immersive Learning Environments (ILES)
- JC2 Management
- Joint Staff Officer Course
18Immersive Learning Environments (ILES)
- Issue 06-021 Requirement for Large Scale Use of
Online and On Demand Individual and Group
Training, Mission Planning and Rehearsal
Capabilities. - DiscussionILES meets this shortfall by providing
an education, training, and mission rehearsal
capability that supports both DOD and Interagency
partners in meeting our homeland defense
requirements. ILES is a flexible, on-line, and
distributed training and mission rehearsal
capability that covers the training life cycle
from beginning to end. USJFCOM and USNORTHCOM
conducted tests showing ILES can significantly
shorten the JELC while improving
knowledge/capability. USNORTHCOM and JFCOM are
collaborating on the development of an ILES
prototype this ILES system evolution facilitates
Joint and Interagency training, mission planning,
rehearsal, and COA analysis. - Endstate ILES established as a Joint Program of
Record (POR) to achieve unity of effort in
individual/small group training across combatant
commands, Services, Combat Support Agencies and
Interagency partners. JKDDC leverages training
transformation funds to provide a centrally
managed/decentralized and interdependent executed
ILES capability, in which ILES may be configured
by the combatant commands to meet their training
needs. This approach enables content sharing
across organizational boundaries and rapidly
supports and optimizes evolving changes to
organizational structures, people, processes and
technologies. JKDDC JMO takes responsibility for
the JKO web enabled ILES capability, providing
integration with the JKO Portal to provide a
generalized small group training capability. - POAM OSD contract ends Jun 08. JKDDC JMO takes
responsibility for the JKO web enabled ILES
capability. Leveraging TC AoA Alt 5 funding,
webify ILES focusing on NORTHCOMs training
SEPT 07 JUN 08
JUL 08
FEB 07
MAY 07
NOV 06
AUG 07
MAY 09
JAN 08
JAN 07
FEB 08
Web enabled ILES supports USNORTHCOMs N2C2
Training Event
Testing of ILES in USJFCOM IA Training
Web enabled ILEs contract awarded
N-NC NIPRNet Install
N-NC Spiral 67 Exercises Train the Trainer
Program USJFCOM Spiral 67 Exercises
Functional Testing of ILES in USJFCOM IA Training
ILES Phase IV PMP Approved
N-NC SIPRNet Install
N-NC Spiral 5 Exercise Validation
Functional Testing of ILES in N-NC CMD CTR
19Joint Command and Control Training Management
Issue 08-005 Effective and efficient Combatant
Commander, Joint Task Force, and Component staff
individual functional and operational training.
No joint organization assigned responsibility for
managing Net-enabled Command Capability (NECC)
training provided by NECC material developers
beyond initial fielding of new capabilities.
Related issue 06-001, Joint Staff Officer
Training. Discussion Transition from GCCS-J and
Family of Systems to NECC offers opportunity for
effective and efficient training delivery to
individual warfighters worldwide and enforcement
of a joint standards-based foundation to service
and joint school house curricula. NECC provides a
single, joint architecture to establish a common
environment for warfighters at all levels of C2
in which both systems and functional training
curricula can be re-used and tailored to
JS/CC/S/A needs. NECC material developers will
provide appropriate, SCORM-conformant individual
functional training packages for each NECC
capability module produced. Current GCCS-J
Single Service Training Manager model doesnt
provide authority and resources to ensure
NECC-related training packages are effective,
standardized, entered into extant joint
curricula, and distributed to Services and
Agencies for re-use. Endstate A joint command
and control training management organization with
the necessary authority and resources codified by
a CJCSI, in-place and functioning. POAM
Standup a stakeholders forum to research and
assess need, responsibility, authorities, and
resourcing. Provide a POAM. Revise CJCSI
6721.02B for staffing (OPR shift from JS J6 to JS
J3, CJCSI 3265.02 will supersede 6721.02B). Lead
warfighter engagement at Global Command and
Control (GCC) Training Working Group (TWG)
quarterly meetings. OPR USJFCOM J8 OCRs
JS J7, JS J3
AUG 08
SEP 08
JUL 08
JUN 08
JAN 09
Informal CJCSI staffing process begun
Brief WJTSC 2008-2
Begin Formal CJCSI Staffing Process
TM Org established
20Joint Staff Officer Proficiency
Issue 08-017 The ramp up time to achieve desired
proficiency for officers reporting for joint
assignment at combatant commands is too
long. Discussion The results of the Joint Staff
Officer Study included the desired 15 core
competencies for Joint Staff Officers identified
by combatant command senior leadership. Lack of
competency in identified areas were found to
result in extended ramp up time for officers to
achieve desired proficiency levels in joint staff
officer tasks. Combatant commands expressed
interest in the Joint Staff J7 leading the
development of a Joint Staff Officer Course as a
baseline training course to close the identified
proficiency gap. Endstate CJCS policy and
supporting program of instruction that leads to
the reduction in time for officers to become
proficient in joint staff officer duties. POAM
Complete formal staffing of the Joint Staff
Officer Study. Joint Staff J7 indentify existing
resources and content to develop program of
instruction addressing the 15 core competencies
identified in the Joint Staff Officer Study.
Joint Staff J7 in coordination with combatant
commands develops joint staff officer training
course. Combatant commands staff and assess draft
course and provide input to JS J7. JS J7 modifies
draft course as required and combatant commands
implement Joint Staff Officer Course in
orientation/training programs. OPR JS J7
JETD OCRs Combatant Commands
DEC 08
FEB 09
MAR 09
NOV 08
JUN 09
Complete formal staffing of JSO study
JSO Course implemented at combatant commands
Draft course developed
Identify existing resources and content
Draft course staffed assessed
21Joint Training Assessment and Readiness
- Monthly Training Assessment Update Requirement
- Joint Training Trends and Assessment
- JTIMS Force Requests Units and Individuals
- GFMB Process for Joint Exercises
- Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS)
22Monthly Training Assessment Update Requirement
Issue 07-019 Inconsistent updates of training
assessments in the Joint Training Information
Management System (JTIMS) Discussion JTIMS is
an integral part of a larger system, including
DRRS, that will identify readiness deficiencies
and help develop solutions. Yet JTIMS data update
requirements do not support timely identification
of deficiencies and issues. Joint training
readiness has been identified as a priority
issue by T2 leadership, and use of JTIMS is being
reviewed as part of the 2007 T2 Block Assessment.
Policy (JTM) states the commanders assessment
will be published as part of the annual JTP. A
recent review indicated that 60 of combatant
command JMET assessments are not published in
JTIMS. Policy also states it is critical to
have a linkage between Joint readiness and
training. Part of the T2 Block Assessment is
examining the linkage between DRRS and JTIMS.
DRRS requires assessments every 30 days whereas
JTIMS doesnt have the same rigor. Therefore it
appears there is a disconnect between training
and overall readiness assessments. The linkage
that will send TPAs and MTAs from JTIMS to DRRS
is the technical part of the solution. WJTSC
08-2 Update JTIMS currently provides the
capabilities to enter and approve assessments.
DRRS currently displays TPAs and will, in the
future, display MTAs. CJCSI 3500.01E, Joint
Training Policy and Guidance, updated 31 May 08
to include the requirement to provide monthly
Task Proficiency Assessments (TPAs). Endstate
JTIMS assessments will be synchronized with DRRS
requirements to provide a reliable, timely, and
consistent element of the system. POAM
JTIMS v3.1 (March 09) will include the
capability to assess each task individually.
Recommend retaining this Issue until WJTSC 09-1
when users can validate v3.1 capabilities.
Monitor compliance with monthly assessment
requirement by Combatant Commands. OPR Joint
Staff J7 JETD OCR OSD (Readiness and
Training) / RTPP
MAY 08
SEP 08
MAR 09
OCT 08 - FEB 09
NOV 07
Monitor compliance with policy
JS/J-7 provided proposed policy update to JTIMS
UAG for review
JTIMS V3.1 release Updateat WJTSC 09-1
JTPG Updated
Briefed future JTIMS v3.1 capabilities
23Joint Training Trends and Assessment
- Issue 06-007 Consensus has not been achieved in
the joint training community regarding how joint
training trends and joint training assessment
taskers will be achieved. - Discussion. The JTPG (CJCSI 3500.01C) stated
USJFCOM is responsible for annually assessing
the effectiveness of joint training, to include
describing emerging training trends in the joint
community briefing training trends at the
September WJTSC and reporting results of the
training assessment to the Chairman. Combatant
Commands/CSAs will annually provide USJFCOM with
their joint training trends by 30 June for
integration into USJFCOMs annual training trends
brief presented at the September WJTSC. CJCSI
3500.01D was updated to state JS J7 will develop
annual assessment of Joint Training to brief
trends at the WJTSC. CJCSI 3500.01E was updated
to specify monthly TPA reporting requirement. - Endstate Joint training trends are identified
and briefed annually. - POAM JTIMS v2.4 currently provides Training
Trends Reporting Capabilities and this
requirement will be analyzed and reviewed for
additional enhancements semi-annually. JS J-7
to brief first Trend Analysis reports during
WJTSC 08-2. JTIMS v3.1 will provide additional
filters to select the assessment timeframe
(rather than by FY only), as well as the monthly
individual task training proficiency assessments
to provide additional fidelity. - OPR JS J-7 JETD
OCT 07
MAY 07
APR 08
MAR 08
SEP 08
MAY 08
SEP 09
Training Trend responsibility changes published
in JTPG version 3500.01D
Ttrend data collected and analyzed after JTIMS
v3.1 release
JTIMS v2.3 upgrade includes Training Trend
capability. Mockups briefed at WJTSC 07-2
Deploy JTIMS v2.4
First trend brief at WJTSC 08-2
Brief v2.4 enhanced Trend Report mockups at WJTSC
Ttrends briefed at WJTSC 09-2 issues linked to
CJCSI 3500.01E Published with monthly update
24JTIMS Force Requests Units and Individuals
Issue 07-013 A business rule (process) is
needed to enable sourcing of all exercise force
requirements via Joint Training Information
Management System (JTIMS). Discussion USJFCOM
J3 receives and processes force requirements that
sponsoring GCCs are unable to source. Presently,
only units may be inserted and resourced via
JTIMS. Many exercises require specialty skills
(or partial staffs) that cannot be defined as a
unit. These will be referred to as Below UIC
(BUIC) level requirements. Though the current JTM
states that these requirements should be filled
via Service channels, a change has been submitted
to reflect that USJFCOM J3 will assist in
sourcing BUICs. As articulated in the Joint
Training, Policy and Guidance (CJCSI 3500.01D),
Joint Training Manual (CJCSM 3500.03B) and on JS
J7 issue slide 07-006, JTIMS is the system of
record for requesting forces. Multiple GCCs
believe that a business rule (process) should be
established to avoid using disparate systems when
JTIMS can and should serve as the single system
of record for force requests. Endstate
USJFCOM J3 work with stakeholders to establish
straight-forward business rules (process) that
enables all force requirements (unit and BUIC)
via JTIMS. Additionally, USJFCOM J3 develop
JTIMS enhancements to support new process. POAM
USJFCOM validate draft business rules and JS J7
update policy to reflect new exercise individual
force requests. JTIMS v3.1 (FY09, Q1) deployment
will provide enhanced Individual Exercise Force
Request/Sourcing capabilities. Issue remains
open until enhanced capabilities are deployed and
assessed. Demonstrate capabilities during WJTSC
MAR 08
DEC 07
SEP 08
Brief update to JTIMS UAG during WJTSC 08-1.
Discuss future JTIMS requirements / business rules
JFCOM Submitted change to Joint Training Manual
that enables JTIMS users to request below UIC
support via JTIMS
Brief update to JTIMS UAG during WJTSC 08-2.
Finalize/submit JTIMS requirements / business
25Global Force Management Board (GFMB) Process for
Joint Exercises
- Issue 08-012 Out-year fidelity of GFMB exercise
data exported from JTIMS is less than GFMB tool
calls for. - Discussion The GFMB process specifies that force
management data for joint exercises be entered in
JTIMS and then migrated to the GFMB tool until
database sharing is functional. However, the
out-year information available for exercises
beyond the current Fiscal/Calendar year is, at
best, only a rough order of magnitude
representation of what will be needed/deployed
for a given long-range exercise. - Planning Endstate GFMB process accounts for
normal uncertainty in long-range exercise
calendars. - POAM
- combatant commands ensure JTIMS is as fully
populated as practicable to match the GFMB
planning horizon - JTIMS exercise data currently exported to JCRM.
V3.1 will provide an enhanced web service
capability for near real time data integration. - GFMB processes are applied to combatant command
Joint exercise data - GFMB steady-state planning cycle supports force
management requirements for joint exercises - OPR JS GFMB OCR JS J7 JETD
JUN 08
MAR 09
SEP 08
APR 08
SEP 09
combatant command GFMB Training
JTIMS populated with Joint Exercise data
Brief Issue at WJTSC 08-2
Enhanced JTIMS/JCRM Data Integration
Update WJTSC 09-2
26Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS)
- Issue 06-010 The Joint community lacks a single
automated support system to discover, apply,
share and research joint lessons. - Discussion The DoD Lessons Learned Community
lacks a repository capability as well as the
input support tools vital to effective knowledge
management. - POMd for FY09-FY13.
- CJCSN 3150.25, 22 Jan 08 codified JLLIS as the
DoD System of Record for the Joint Lessons
Learned Program. - Foreign Disclosure policy is unclear and lacks
standardized implementation across DoD. Varied
interpretation of policy is a barrier to sharing
of data across DoD, the Interagency and with
Foreign Nationals. This is a DOD and USG issue. - JLLIS baseline implementation started in Aug 07
and is IOC as of Sep 08. - The following have the JLLIS combatant commands
All Services to include the NGB but not the USCG
most of the CSAs the DOS, USAID and USDA and
others like the JPME community are TBD. - Endstate Enterprise, web based, Global
Information Grid (GIG) compliant JLLIS with input
and management tool, with a federated/distributed
database for all JLLIS stakeholders. - POAM JLLIS capability using an open
architecture is being fielded to Combatant
Commands and requesting Services, CSAs,
Interagency, and other organizations JLLIS is
GIG-compliant, net-centric, web-services enabled
and will be linked to other DOD systems as JTIMS,
JDEIS, and DRRS. - OPRs JS J-7 JETD, JS J-5, OSD Policy, MCCLL
APR 07
SEP 09
OCT 08
AUG 07
SEP 07
MAR 08
JAN 08
Mar 09
POM funding begins FY09
FY07 CCIF funding approved
DoD System of Record
- Integration of Interagency Partners
- Integrated Operations Training
- Integrated Operations Education
28Integration of Interagency Partners
Issue 07-001 Inadequate unified action partner
representation/environmental emulation in
Combatant Command and Service training,
education, exercises, and experimentation (TEEE)
degrades the quality of these events. Discussion
DoD recognizes the value of interagency partners
as role players, senior mentors, and/or
simulation cells to provide authoritative and
realistic interagency input and support to DoD
TEEE events. Demand and funding of this
expertise has been ad hoc and uncoordinated.
Endstate Increase participation in DOD events
to improve the whole of government context and to
provide realism that accurately reflects the
complexity of integrated planning and operations.
POAM To enhance TEEE 1. OSD/PR develops a
strategy and process for resourcing,
prioritizing, requesting, and scheduling
interagency integration into Combatant Command
and Service TEEE at the front end of the planning
cycle. 2. OSD PR implement mechanisms to source
vetted and validated agency personnel or
contractors for DOD TEEE. 3. Explore expansion
of solutions for IA support to the larger
integrated operations requirement. OPRs
OSD/PR, OSD/HD, JS J-7 JETD OCRs Combatant
Commands, Services, CSAs, and NGB
MAR 08
NOV 07
FY 09
SEP 08
AUG 08
MAR 09
DUSD(R) designated J-7 as Interagency RS
Implementation and interagency partner
integration process briefed at WJTSC 08-1
Implement the process for FY 10/11
DOD Business rules approved by VCJCS
Implementation interagency integration process
codified at WJTSC 08-2
Implementation update at WJTSC 09-1
29Unified Action Training
Issue 06-002 Individuals assigned to combatant
command staffs are not formally trained on
doctrinal interagency coordination tasks and
continue to execute unified actions in an ad hoc
fashion. Discussion National strategic guidance
requires USG personnel to plan, coordinate and
implement unified actions. There is a need to
develop and implement an integrated DOD-wide
interagency training program, to provide
personnel unified action training to accomplish
missions. Endstate An integrated DoD-wide
interagency coordination training program
supports combatant command unified actions
requirements and incorporates both content as
well as throughput requirements and tracking for
personnel. Deployment systems ensure personnel
deployment/assignment orders contain
assignment-appropriate pre-deployment training
for unified actions and provide adequate lead
time to accomplish such training. OSD and JS
provide combatant commands with trained senior
leadership and staff officers prepared to
accomplish interagency coordination. POAM
OSD/PR develop a long-term unified action
training strategy, building on its short-term PRT
work. JKDDC enterprise portal services and
courses available for stakeholder requirements.
JS J7 operationalizes the Learning Continuum with
JKDDC support. JTFS leverage existing and
emerging training resources, e.g. JKO, Consortium
for Complex Operations, and National Security
Professional Development Program. OPRs JS J7
JETD, OSD (PR) OCRs Combatant commands, JS
J1, Services
MAR 07
SEP 07
JAN 07
APR 07
MAR 08
SEP 08
JKDDC update course development plans. LMS
Implementation update.
Combatant commands provided feedback to JSAP
OSD Strategy Concept brief to SLRT.
JKDDC deploys interagency training via LMS
NSPD I-Plan tasks USG agencies to develop 101
Joint staff officer task analysis (phase 2 survey)
Additional courseware developed and fielded
CCO study complete
30Unified Action Education
- Issue 06-003 Personnel assigned to combatant
commands not formally educated or trained to
accomplish doctrinal interagency coordination
tasks staffs execute unified actions ad hoc. - Discussion National strategic guidance requires
USG personnel to plan, coordinate and implement
interagency operations. There is a need to
develop and implement an integrated DOD-wide
interagency learning program, to provide
personnel doctrinal orientation to accomplish
missions. - Endstate An integrated DoD-wide learning program
based on doctrinal guidance in JP3-08 supports
combatant command interagency coordination
requirements and incorporates both content as
well as throughput requirements and tracking of
personnel. Deployment systems ensure personnel
deployment/assignment orders contain
assignmentappropriate pre-deployment learning
for unified actions and provide adequate lead
time to accomplish such learning prior to
arrival at joint assignments. JS and combatant
commands staffed with trained and educated senior
leaders and staff officers who can accomplish
interagency coordination/unified action. - POAM
- Service/Joint JPME schools continue to support
doctrine-based learning in Unified Action. - USD/PR and JS J1 develop personnel management
processes that support enhanced throughput,
assignment, tracking, incentives, and appropriate
learning prior to arrival to any joint
assignment. - JKDDC expand, in near-term, Interagency 101
(Interagency Cultural Differences and Awareness)
courseware modules in development as part of NSPD
44 mandate for training and education in support
of reconstruction and stabilization operations.
Far-term, modify existing JKDDC interagency
courses (Interagency process, JIACG et al) based
on JS guidance from the mandated USG-wide
Interagency Management System (IMS) and JP 3-08
doctrinal revision process - OPRs USD(PR), USD(P), JS J1 OCRs Combatant
commands, Services, JS J7
MAR 07
NOV 06
JUL 07
DEC 06
JAN 07
OCT 07
JAN 09
MECC Working Group
JSJ7 JSAP 00329-06 for inputs
Suspense for inputs
JFEC / SAE introduced.
JQS DoDI and CJCSI final staffing
JKDDC developed NSPD 44-directed DoD 101, State
101 and USAID 101 courses
Commence JKDDC Course Mods for Interagency
Courses based on JP 3-08 Revision Guidance
JP 3-08 and IMS Training via JKO