Title: 20072010 Local Plan for Gifted Education
12007-2010 Local Plan for Gifted Education
- AIG Advisory Team
- May 10, 2007
2Mission Statement (essential) and Purpose
- Mission Statement(s) (essential)
- Mission statements include a conceptual
definition of gifted. (If the North Carolina
state definition is expanded to include other
areas of giftedness, these should be noted.) - Mission statements articulate how giftedness
develops. - Mission statements have a concise statement on
justification or rationale for providing
educational services for gifted children. - Mission statements are written free of
educational jargon so that readers understand the
intent of the academically or intellectually
gifted plan. - Purpose (required)
- An overall clear articulation of program
components as defined by Article 9B is present
that defines how the school district addresses
gifted education. - ISS Local Plan
- The new mission statement and purpose are now
aligned with the districts mission. We have also
included the triangle as a reference.
3Goals (essential) and Objectives (required)
- Goals (essential) /Objectives (required)
- Plan has clearly articulated goals with
measurable objectives that are aligned with the
stated goals. - The goals are comprehensive and align with the
mission statement(s), definition of giftedness,
purpose, screening, identification and placement
procedures, service delivery options, evaluation
plan and other components outlined within the
local board approved document. - Clearly stated goals and measurable objectives
reflect a commitment to equity or excellence in
teaching and learning for gifted students
including those from traditionally
under-represented populations. - ISS Local Plan
- - Rather than giving a list of goals and
objectives for the program, we have aligned our
goals and objectives strategically with the
department improvement plan template.
4Screening, Identification, and Placement
(required, required, required)
- Screening (required)
- Multiple research-based screening instruments
(i.e. parent teacher inventories, interest and
attitudes inventories and learning styles) are
utilized. - Plan outlines specific procedures to ensure
screening is on-going and occurs at all grade
levels with multiple points-of entry during the
academic year. - Plan clearly communicates nominations are
accepted by school personnel, parents/guardians,
students (self-nominations) and/or community
members with academic knowledge of students. - Detailed procedures regarding how nomination and
screening processes will be communicated to the
community at large and how such information will
be made available in other languages that reflect
the demographics of the community are articulated
in the plan. - The screening processes detailed in the plan will
establish a broad based pool of students for
identification. - Articulation of how inter-rater reliability
(check and balance process) will be ensured in
the screening process exists across schools in
the district (a child in School A screened would
also be included in the pool for possible
identification as gifted using the same criteria
in School B).
5- Identification (required)
- The identification process is clear and
comprehensive. - Identification process is defensible as evidenced
by most current research and recommendations in
the field of gifted education. - Assessments in the area of intellectual and
academic fields, K-12, use a minimum of three (3)
appropriate criteria that include both
qualitative and quantitative measures with
adequate reliability and validity. - Assessment instruments for identification reflect
sensitivity to economic conditions, gender,
developmental differences, learning difference
and diversity of students so that equal
opportunity for consideration is provided to all
students. - When appropriate, professional personnel
administer individualized assessments in the
language in which the student is most fluent. - When appropriate individual assessments are
designated to assess strength-based areas of
gifted students and are administered by
professional personnel. - An inter-rater reliability process is clearly
articulated that ensures a child in School A
identified as gifted using a minimum of three (3)
appropriate criteria that include both
qualitative and quantitative measures with
adequate reliability and validity would also be
identified as gifted using the same criteria in
School B. - Identification process is designed to organize
multiple kinds of data free of weighing and
cut-off scores.
6- Placement (required)
- Assessment instruments selected are deemed to be
of equal importance in making placement
decisions. - Understandable procedures for developing
Differentiated Education Plan (DEP) and
Individual Differentiated Education Plans (IDEP)
are articulated and in place for all K-12
identified gifted students. - Processes are articulated and in placed to assure
that K-12 DEPs and IDEPs are accessible to
students, parents, administrators, classroom
teachers and teachers of gifted students. - Clearly articulated procedures exist in the plan
for instructional placement of identified gifted
students who may need changes in their K-12 DEPs
or IDEPs to address possible furloughs,
transfers (inside or outside school district) or
other possible instructional changes in gifted
services. - Procedures are clearly communicated for annual
and midterm reviews of K-12 DEPs and/or IDEPs
that reflect data-driven decisions specific to
the unique needs of gifted students.
7Screening, Identification, and Placement
(required, required, required)
- ISS Local Plan
- All three large components of the rubric have
been summarized into a flow chart with more
details clarified than ever before. In the past,
these sections were simply narrative. - The TF spent a GREAT deal of time here.
8Program Service Options (required)
- Program Service Options (required)
- A range of Program Service Options to address the
unique needs of identified gifted students is
presented. - Program Service Options exist for K-5, 6-8, 9-12
identified gifted students. - Program Service Options are described K-5
(primary/elementary). - Program Service Options are described for 6-8
(middle school). - Program Service Options descriptions are
described for 9-12 (high school). - ISS Local Plan
- These basically look the same, but some details
have been changed and there is more consistency
throughout all the levels. - K-2 is now its own separate piece rather than
being with K-5. We chose to do this because the
difference between group identification and
individual identification. - 3-5 and 6-8 services are now all the same (before
the math achievement component was different). - High school now has service options and
identification criteria. The learning environment
options have also been updated to reflect what
our local high schools are attempting. - An additional column has been added to all
levels support services available at each
9Personnel and Professional Development (required)
- Personnel and Professional Development (required)
- The plan specifies the roles and responsibilities
of personnel who are responsible for the delivery
of gifted program services (teachers,
administrators and support services) with a
statement of the necessary preparation for each
position. - Specified qualifications indicate that all
teachers of the gifted and administrators of
gifted programs must have either licensure or
degrees in gifted education. - A well-defined, research-based staff development
and implementation plan exists that is aligned
with the three-year service delivery plan and
prepares teachers to address the academic, social
and emotional needs of the gifted, including
those special populations. - Plan articulates how partnerships with
colleges/universities gifted licensure training
programs support newly gifted licensure teachers. - Training for personnel and faculty in gifted
education emphasizes study groups, inquiry teams
and action research processes and is structured
to emphasize participants depth in
understanding rather than just knowing and
doing. - Plan articulates how value-added is determined
for professional development experiences
especially with their effects on student
achievement, staff performance and organizational
ability. - Gifted teacher induction program represents a
commitment to assure that new teachers receive
the support and resources required for success.
10Personnel and Professional Development (required)
- ISS Local Plan
- In the personnel descriptions, we added the BOE,
GIST, AIG Facilitator, LTs, and our two advisory
teams. - On other roles, we simply refined the
descriptions. - Professional development is very different from
the old plan. It describes the new AIG
certification process, as well as how we align
our professional development with the district
11Differentiated Curricula/Instructional Practices
- Differentiated Curricula/Instructional Practices
(required) - A well-defined policy exists for developing
curricula that builds upon and extends beyond the
North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCOS).
- District curriculum and curriculum models for the
gifted education program are aligned with the
programs mission statement. - The process for evaluating the implemented
curriculum to determine its impact on student
achievement is articulated. - Procedures are in placed to assure that all
teachers who teach gifted students use
differentiated instruction to accommodate the
strengths and needs of gifted students as
identified by assessment and evaluation. - Policies are clearly stated that ensure all
teachers of gifted students effectively use
multiple assessment and evaluation tools for
monitoring student understanding and achievement.
- Plan provides scheduled planning time for
teachers of gifted students for the development
of differentiated curricula and programs. - Available possibilities are clearly articulated
and are detailed within district
parameters/guidelines on partial or full
acceleration in appropriate areas (grade level
and/or content) for any student displaying
instructional need
12Differentiated Curricula/Instructional Practices
- ISS Local Plan
- We now have a deployment plan describing the
steps our district takes to differentiate
curriculum for our gifted learners (DEPs,
enrichment programs, etc). - This category of the rubric has never existed
13Evaluation (required)
- Designated individuals responsible for conducting
program evaluation process have an expertise in
gifted education and program assessment. - The district gifted plan reflects most current
best practices and research in gifted education. - Plan identifies a range of assessment tools and
processes to collect and analyze formative and
summative evaluation data to determine the value
added and effect gifted programs produce relative
to desire results. - Evaluation process includes parents and community
members from special populations in the planning
and decision making process of program design and
implementation. - Plan outlines how identified gifted academic
performances and programs will be disseminated
and reported. (The legislation requires local
plan evaluation to focus on student achievement.) - The plan clearly articulates how formative
evaluations are addressed with summative
evaluations occurring every three years on
programmatic growth. - Instruments used for evaluations are appropriate
for targeted gifted populations and possess a
high degree of reliability and validity. - Evaluation process includes the collection and
analysis of demographic data from the schools,
the gifted program and the community at large to
investigate potential inequities in the
identification of gifted students. - Needs Assessment (essential)
- The needs assessment process for gifted
programming is continuous, consistent and
concise. - Needs assessment provides suggestions for the
types of data that might be collected and
delineates who will be involved in the process. - The needs assessment process details how and with
whom recommendations for improvement will be
communicated at the school, district and state
14Evaluation (required) and Needs Assessment
- ISS Local Plan
- The Advisory Team concept has not changed, but it
now has a deployment plan and a more specific
membership description. - We have also added the Needs Assessment component
in the same deployment plan as they naturally fit
15Parent and Community Involvement (required)
- Parents and Community Involvement (required)
- Specific plans are evident regarding the
inclusion of parents and the community on the
ongoing implementation and monitoring of the
three-year plan. - Plan indicates how community members from special
populations will be involved in planning and
decision making regarding program design,
implementation and evaluation. - Provisions are clearly stated for regular parent
participation K-12 in the development of the
annual Differentiated Educational Plan (DEP)
and/or Individual Differentiated Education Plan
(IDEP). - A description is given of efforts (e.g. seminars,
trainings, special programs) to keep parents and
the community regularly informed about the
education of gifted students in the school
district including evaluation results. - Communications concerning the gifted program and
students are provided in appropriate languages,
when needed, for parents and communities within
the school district. - Plan articulates how reciprocal relationships
with a range of community organizations are/will
be established. - ISS Local Plan
- We now have a deployment plan for this component
as well. The former plan merely had narrative
describing how parents could be involved.
16Socio-Emotional Guidance and Counseling
- Socio-Emotional Guidance and Counseling
(essential) - K-12 counseling services are outlines that
support differentiated guidance services (e.g.,
peer support groups, mentors, after school
programs and/or summer enrichment programs that
foster affective growth needs) to address social
and emotional needs of gifted learners including
those from special populations. - Evidence that the unique needs of underachieving
gifted students, gifted students from diverse
populations, twice-exceptional students and
students who have been accelerated are addressed
with details regarding the specific guidance and
counseling services to be implemented. - Guidance and counseling services include
acceleration options (i.e., grade skipping,
subject acceleration, early entrance to
kindergarten and concurrent enrollment). - Guidance and counseling services to be offered
gifted students include a scope and sequence for
the affective curriculum. - A career counseling programs is well-defined and
with an implementation timeline for providing
gifted students and their families with
information pertaining to changing career
paradigms, academic planning and personal/social
awareness. - ISS Local Plan
- We now have a deployment plan on how this
component will be integrated into the overall
program. - This category of the rubric has never existed
17Nurturing (essential)
- Nurturing Programs (essential)
- A well-defined nurturing program based on
appropriate data as defined by the LEA to
identify high intellectually potential in
students exists at all grade levels. - Identification processes in nurturing program, if
used, are free of gatekeepers (e.g.,
standardized test scores, matrices with summed
scores) that inhibit students from special
populations being identified high-potential for
and participating in gifted programs. - Nurturing program articulates alternative
instruments (interviews, classroom performance
data, student portfolios with rubrics/reflections)
to better identify high potential students from
special populations. - Program articulates how students are provided
with advanced and enriched learning experiences
before a formal identification process begins. - Plan articulates programming that supports
affective growth as well as cognitive growth in
diverse learners. - ISS Local Plan
- After MUCH discussion, the team decided we would
like to create a K-2 Nurturing Task Force next
year to examine various possibilities. - This category of the rubric has never existed
18Links to Other System-Wide Efforts (required)
- Links to Other System-Wide Efforts (required)
- Description is given of efforts to coordinate the
education of gifted students with other
system-wide initiatives, such as technology
plans, staff development, research-based teaching
and learning strategies and programming planning. - ISS Local Plan
- We chose to explain this with our mission and
19Timeline (recommended) and Budget (recommended)
- Timeline (recommended)
- The plan includes a timeline that charts the
expected program initiatives for each of the
three years of the plan. - The timeline addresses the various components of
the plan so that a total portrait of the next
three years of the program can be seen and
understood. - Budget (recommended)
- A statement/chart of how the school system
intends to spend the state allotment is given. - The budget submitted reflects the local plan.
- Other sources, if any, of additional funds
(local, other state revenues and federal) are
stated and explanations are given as to how these
funds will be allotted. - Plan outlines how AIG coordinators and/or
administrators participate in the budget process
to provide essential services to students in the
gifted program. - Plan articulates commitment for financial
resources to accomplish programs
goals/objectives. - ISS Local Plan
- Our local plan timeline is included on the
Department Improvement Plan. - Our budget proposal is included.
20Forms (Procedure to Disagree required)
- The DEPs have been made more user-friendly and
aligned with district vocabulary. - Procedure to disagree has not changed very much
we just took one step out that was redundant
(Principal and GIST). - The old school site decision and student
identification form have been combined and
21Loose Ends
- System Commitment (Required-Must Be Approved by
Local Board) - A statement is enclosed from the responsible
fiscal agent (e.g., chair of school board or
superintendent) stating the systems approval and
intent to implement the plan. - Coordinator still needs to add per recommendation
of Local Plan Task Force, but these pieces are
not required appendix, glossary, and table of