Title: Performing Common Tasks In
1Performing Common Tasks In
2- I. Creating Web Content
- In Joomla
3Access the Joomla back-end for our site
4Most of your work can be done under the content
and components tabs. Many of the same tools can
also be accessed through the buttons.
5Content items display as web pages.Content is
organized by section and category.
6Joomla categories are a nested hierarchical
Category names, etc can be edited or changed.
New categories can be added to any level of the
All articles in a particular category can be
published or unpublished using these buttons.
7Access Public or Private?
Page Title
Items can be re-ordered one position at a time
by clicking the blue arrows. It is easier to
reorder within a record
Publication status
Unique page ID Joomla uses this number to access
content using php and a SQL database
8Title and Title alias are redundant
Standard formatting toolbar
Items must be assigned a section and category
Assign access level
Important Metadata See next slide
Intro text field Most content goes in this
9You can set access using this pull-down menu.
Creator/author can be specified.
Items can be re-ordered
Defaults appear automatically, but Publication
information can be changed.
Unique identifier
10Important remember to save and close any
document you open. If you just hit the back
button, the document will stay checked out and
inaccessible in Joomla.
Text can be entered into the intro field with few
special precautions. Links and images may require
a little special treatment however.
11Highlight anchor text and use these buttons to
add or delete links
This pop-up form enables you to enter a link
destination url. Remember that Joomla
identifies items by ID , As in this sample
link http//pascalsc.org/nweb/index.php?option
12The Joomla template controls the placement of
images. To add an image select the Image tab.
13II. Posting News Items
14Joomla organizes news items by category. We
currently have three news categories.
15The most recent posting is displayed first. Full
text can be accessed by clicking an entry. Note
that the date is included as part of each title.
Date posted
17News is organized as a separate section under the
content tab.
18In Joomla, news items appear in chronological
order by category most recent item lastthe
opposite of the way items display on the actual
web site.
19Add date to title
1. You may need to enter your name author. 2.
Items can be re-ordered here. 3. Created date
can be changed. 4. You can specify dates to begin
and end publication of a news item.
Section should set automatically. Specify
1 2 3 4
20III. Uploading Documents to Joomla
21Documents are generally handled through the
DOCMan features found under the Components tab.
22Documents Files become documents when they have
been named and assigned a category in DOCMan
Date assigned automatically Or entered manually
Password Access?
23Under DOCMan files, you can find the Upload button
24Select Upload a file from your computer and
25Find the file you want to upload using the
Upload the file to Joomla using the
26Success! Now you need to turn the uploaded file
into a document. Click
to proceed
27In order to locate the file, you may need to
select ComponentsgtAutopopulate for DOCMangtStart
Assigning Files
281. Locate the uploaded file in the top box and
click on the filename to highlight it.
2. Select the category from the options in the
bottom box.
3. Click the Assign Files button in the upper
right hand corner.
29This message indicates success! Click the Edit
in DOCMan button in the upper right corner
30Now you need to locate the document in the DOCMan
- Documents list. New documents are added as
the last entry under the appropriate category.
Click the document name.
31You can also use the filter tool to locate the
32You can select a category from the drop-down
menu or filter by title
33Select the permissions tab to permit access by
A short description of the document can be added
in this field. This information will display
alongside the appropriate document icon on the
web sitegenerally either pdf or Word
Click the Yes radio button to publish to the
34How documents display on the PASCAL website
Navigation reflects category hierarchy
Description text
35(No Transcript)