Title: Joint Navigation Warfare Centers Common Operating Environment
1Joint Navigation Warfare Centers Common
Operating Environment
AGI UC Oct 11th, 2005
- Describe and Demonstrate the JNWCs Common
Operating Environment
- Measures of Performance
- S/N, Availability, Coverage
- Measures of Effectiveness
- CEP, TLE, Range Errors
Prediction analysis Performance assessment
- Problem
- Description of Needs
- Pre-flight
- Real-time
- Post-test
- Demonstration
- JNWC needs a tool that is
- Easy to use (Reading in data, processing results)
- High Fidelity (Yields accurate predictions)
- Eye Pleasing (You can see what is happening)
- Common among all users (Repeatable results)
- Built to support all phases (Preflight,
Real-time, Post) - Built to support all missions (EA, ES, and EP)
5Needs Pre-flight
- Perform Preflight prediction analysis
- Mission Planning (Jammers / Routes placement)
- Power Levels
- Assets in view
- J/S contour
- Predicted Nav solution
6Needs Real-time
- Provide Real-time Situational Awareness
- Data streaming from TSPI, TIBS, FAA, Comm links
- Positions, Collected data, performance data
- Projected data calculated via models
- Power levels, In-view analysis, theoretical
3-D Situational Awareness
Quick Look Analysis
Data Feeds Models
Birds Eye view of the test
Data Strip Charts
7Needs Post-test
- Perform Post Test analysis
- Comparison results / analysis
- Truth (TSPI) versus Measured (calculated)
- Predicted (models) versus Measured (calculated)
- Points of Interest Drill Down
- Vulnerability Assessments / TTP development /
8Started from
Color coded (FOM) Position (actual)
Jammer Gains and Coverage
FOM data
Tracking Vectors (Colored C/N)
Total RF power
Nav Error Instant
Nav Error over time
Each Jammer power
9Description of NCOE - AOI
- 4DX Application
- User Friendly
- Built to task
Start with AOI
10Description of NCOE - Time
- Time dependant
- 1 sec time step
- GMT standard
Next enter Time
11Description of NCOE - Tasks
- Tasks chosen by JNWC for JNWC
- Task to Results
- Input data
12Description of NCOE - Data
- External data wizard
- Import data smoothly
- No specific input format needed
Collected data
13Description of NCOE - Jammers
- Jammer data entry
- Types and locations
- Database included
Jammer data
14Description of NCOE - Platforms
- Platform data entry
- Types and equipment
- Database included
Platform data
15Description of NCOE - Finished
- Collected Data
- Truth
- Measured
- Predicted Data
- Analysis Tool
4D Interactive Display