Title: Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology
1Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Services for Students with Disabilities
- Transition to Post-Secondary
- Disability Services
- Who registers with Disability Services?
- What is a Case Manager?
- What is a Learning Strategist?
- Accessing Services
- Student Responsibilities
- Confidentiality
- Accommodations
- Other Services
- Assessment for Success
- Financial Assistance
3Transition to Post-Secondary Education
4Transition to Post-SecondaryStudent issues
- I find it difficult to take total responsibility
for my own learning. - I find it difficult to handle the workload!
- I have problems getting myself organized.
- I get distracted in class. How can I focus?
- Im failing a course and dont know where to go
for help. - Im afraid to tell my professors about my
disability. - I wish I had a friend. Its so hard to make
friends. It was so much easier in high school. - Im not sure this is the right program for me.
5Transition to Post-SecondaryKeys to success
- Program fit
- Awareness of strengths and challenges
- Self-directed
- Self-advocacy
- Good support network
- Wise use of college resources
6Disability Services
7Disability Services Mission
- Promoting Self-Reliance
- Maximizing Potential
- Encouraging Lifelong Learning
8Who Registers with Disability Services?
- Students who have or suspect they have a
- Physical or medical disability
- Mental health condition
- Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing
- Learning disability
- Blind, low vision
- Acquired brain injury
- register with Disability Services in order to
receive accommodations in and outside of the
classroom. - An accommodations is
- special arrangements made so that persons with
disabilities can fully participate." - Ontario
Human Rights Code
9What is a Case Manager?
- Case Managers are faculty who work with students
to develop a personal program of services and
accommodations. - Case Managers
- Assist with educational planning
- With students, develop an accommodation plan
- Offer guidance on financial issues specific to
students with disabilities - Refer to Learning Strategists when needed
- Promote independence by counseling on disability
issues - Counsel for transition to the workplace or other
postsecondary programs
10What is a Learning Strategist?
- Learning Strategists are faculty who teach
students how his/her disability impacts on
his/her learning in a post-secondary environment.
Through assessment, evaluation of documentation
and discussion, a Learning Strategist will
develop an individualized learning plan support
academic goals. - A Learning Strategist identifies strengths and
weaknesses and then develops strategies that
maximize strengths to compensate for the areas
that are challenging. - A students Case Manager will refer students who
are eligible for Learning Strategist services.
11Accessing Services
- Step 1
- After you have accepted an offer to Mohawk
College you can call the Disability Services
office at 905-575-2211. - The sooner you do this the better, as it takes
time to get all accommodations in place. The
best time is in the summer before your program
- Step 2
- When you call the Disability Services office you
will be making an appointment to see a Case
Manager. - Case Managers are divided up by program and by
disability group. The receptionist may ask you
what your disability is to ensure that you meet
with the correct Case Manager.
12Accessing Services(Continued)
- Step 3
- You will attend your Case Management appointment.
- You will need to bring as much information as you
have about you and your disability. Documents to
bring can include - IPRC or IEP documents
- A psycho-educational assessment
- Documentation from a physician
- Step 4
- At your appointment you will speak to your Case
Manager about the services available to you and
the accommodations that will be put in place to
support you while at college.
13Responsibilities of Students
- Students identify their disability needs to
Disability Services. - Providing accommodations is a partnership.
- Students inform faculty of their recommended
accommodations. - The Confidential Academic Accommodation Plan
outlines the appropriate accommodations for each
student. It is the students responsibility to
provide the Confidential Academic Accommodation
Plan to each faculty member where he/she believes
accommodations are necessary. - Students are not required to disclose nature of
disability to faculty.
- Disability Services at Mohawk College is a
confidential service. The documentation you
bring to the Case Manager is held in confidential
file in Disability Services. - Confidential information is shared only with
student consent. You will be asked to sign a
consent form so that your Case Manager can speak
to others who can also support your academic
goals. Those people may include - Mohawk faculty/staff
- Parents
- Community agencies
- It is your choice with whom your information
is shared with. - Limits of confidentiality
- An accommodations is
- special arrangements made so that persons with
disabilities - can fully participate." - Ontario Human
Rights Code
- Typical Test
- Accommodations
- Extra time
- Separate Room
- Reader and/or Scribe
- Computer and/or adaptive technology
- Typical Classroom Accommodations
- Digital recording of lectures
- Peer and/or Computerized Notetaker
- Breaks
- Educational Assistant
16Other Services
17What is Adaptive Technology?
- What is Adaptive Technology?
- Adaptive technology is equipment or software that
is used to improve the ability of individuals
with disabilities to work independently. Adaptive
technology supports students by taking advantage
of the student's existing strengths. - A Learning Strategist assesses the need for
adaptive technology and trains students to use,
in conjunction with individualized adaptive
technology strategies.
18Types of Adaptive Technology
- Text-to-Speech Software
- Speech-to-Text Software
- Organizational Software
- Portable Notetakers
- Personal Digital Assistants
- (PDAs)/Handheld Devices
19For More InformationBooking an appointment
- To make an appointment with a Disability Services
Case Manager, please call the Student Services
receptionist at - 905-575-2211
20For More InformationAbout Disability Services
- For more information about Disability Services,
you can go to - www.mohawkcollege.ca
- Click on Mohawk Students
- Click on Help for Students
- Click on Disability Services
21Assessments for Success
22Assessments for Success
- All first year students write the Assessments for
Success. - Students will receive information about
assessments in the Preparing for College
Success package sent to all first year students.
- The assessments are to evaluate incoming
students communication and mathematic skills. - Students will be asked to write Communications,
or Mathematics, or possibly both.
23Assessments for Success(Continued)
- If you require testing accommodations to write
the assessments, please make an appointment with
a Case Manager as soon as you receive your
notice. - For more information you can go to
- www.mohawkcollege.ca
- Click on the Assessments for Success
- icon on the main page
24Financial Assistance
25Financial Assistance
- Some students with disabilities face increased
financial demands to accommodate their specific
needs at college. - There is specific funding available to support
students with disabilities to gain some of these
accommodations. - The next few slides will discuss some of these
financial assistance options. For additional
information regarding eligibility and potential
purchases, please speak to your Case Manager.
26Ontario Student Assistance Program(OSAP)
- Many bursaries and scholarships are tied to the
Ontario Student Assistance Program. - Disability Services recommends that all students
apply for the Ontario Student Assistance Program
whether they believe they will receive these
funds or not. - You can apply online for the Ontario Student
Assistance Program by - http//osap.gov.on.ca
- Click on Apply Online
27The Canada Access Grant
- The Canada Access Grant is up to 2000 per year
for students with permanent disabilities. - To receive this grant you must apply for the
Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). - For more information about this grant please go
to - http//osap.gov.on.ca
- Click on OSAP Info
- Click on Assistance for
- Students with Disabilities
28Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD)
- The Bursary for Students with Disabilities is
- Up to 10,000 for each academic year
- Non-repayable
- Taxable benefit
- The Bursary for Students with Disabilities
provides funding for disability-related expenses. - The expenses can include
- Equipment, computers, software
- Tutoring needs
- Psycho-educational assessment
29Bursary for Students with Disabilities Eligibility
- Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
- Demonstrate financial need.
- This means that you must be Ontario Student
Assistance Program (OSAP) eligible. - Have no previous default of an Ontario Student
Assistance Program (OSAP) loan. - Be actively registered at college.
- You may have to repay the bursary if you withdraw
early in term.
To be eligible for the Bursary for Students with
Disabilities a student needs to meet the
following requirements
30Bursary for Students with Disabilities Additional
- Students need to talk to his/her Case Manager to
ensure that he/she is eligible and to discuss
what types of purchases would be appropriate to
accommodate his/her disability.
- The Bursary for Students with Disabilities is
authorized by the students Case Manager.
Students work with their Case Manager to
determine eligibility and appropriate purchases
to be made with the bursary.
- It is not recommended that students make
purchases prior to starting college or without
consulting with his/her Case Manager.
- Students should make an appointment to see
his/her Case Manager once OSAP is either approved
or denied the students application.
31Ontario Special Bursary Plan (OSBP)
- The Ontario Special Bursary Plan offers up to
2500 per academic year. - By being eligible for the Ontario Special Bursary
Plan, student can also qualify for an additional
2000 of the Bursary for Students with
Disabilities funding - To be eligible you need to
- Be registered with Continuing Education
- Cannot be receiving assistance through OSAP
- Be taking courses on a part-time basis
32Financial Aid Bursary (FAB)
- The Financial Aid Bursary is similar to the
Bursary for Students with Disabilities in that it
is designed to support the additional disability
related costs for students with disabilities at
college. - These costs can include
- Tutors, educational assistants, adaptive
software, adaptive hardware - The Financial Aid Bursary offers varies each
33Other Bursaries and Scholarships
- Mohawk College offers a wide range of additional
general bursaries and scholarships. - To find out what bursaries and scholarships are
offered and how to apply, please go to - www.mohawkcollege.ca
- Click on Mohawk Students
- Click on Financial Assistance
- Click on Scholarships and Bursaries
34For More InformationAbout full-time programs
- For information about full-time programs, you can
go to - www.mohawkcollege.ca
- Click on Choose a Program
- Click on Full-Time 2007-2008 Calendar
35For More InformationAbout Continuing Education
- For information about Continuing Education
programs, you can go to - www.mohawkcollege.ca
- Click on Continuing Education
- Click on CE Catalogue
- After you have selected a course
- or program you can then click on
- CE Registration