Title: Plasma Node demonstrators
1Plasma Node demonstrators
- 1/Registry
- Set of XML descriptors of planetary plasma data
(MAPSKP, VEX, MEX) - Compliant with the SPASE data model 1.2.0
- eXist database (native XML, parameter level)
- Search engine ( measurement type, region)
- Goals demonstration and experimentation
(standard versus user requirements, SPASE
extensions, ) - 2/Science
- Based on AMDA
- Use remote data (MAPSKP, VEX-MAG, HST) and local
data - High level tools and functionalities
- Goals demonstration and experimentation
2Prototype application on use cases
Registry prototype Searching the resource
location (MAPSKP, HST aurora, VEX, ACE)
Local database
AMDA/Planeto Science prototype Access,
extraction of the targeted data (distant or
local) Integrated analysis
3AMDA Automated Multi-Dataset Analysis
- Multi-spacecraft and multi-instrument data
- Visualisation
- User defined parameter computation
- Standard model computation
- Data and computed parameter extraction
- Event list production and management
- Automated and semi-automated (visual) search on
the content of the data - Access to external databases (now CDAWeb, MAPSKP
, next SKR, VEX-MAG, HST images, MEDOC solar
data, )
4AMDA/External Data
SPASE descriptors
SPASE Connector
SPASE descriptors
CDPP (Sitools)
Local Database
5Mapskp registry interface
Build data tree
Build parameters
data tree
spase descriptor
URLs of granules
MapsKP server
Spase XML Descriptors
Daily update
6Mapskp Registry Search Engine
- Available _at_
- http//cdpp-spase.cesr.fr8800/exist-1.1.1/xquery
/PlasmaNodeRegistry.xql - Search criteria
- Time span
- Measurement type
- Observed region
- Resource type ( numerical data , display data or
catalog) - Response
- Spase Xml descriptor
- Possibility to use XSL style sheet for better
7Plasma Node Registry Next step
- Implement an OAI interface (to be harvestable by
other VOs) - Add metadata (HST,VEX, )
Geological Data
Geological Models
Mineralogical Data
Abundance models
Atmospheric Composition Data
Spectroscopy Data
Magnetospheric Models
Plasma Data
Dust Data
Rings Data
Comet Data
Implement a Registry for each node ? Which data
model ? ? Tasks for FP7
9Architecture of IDIS registries
- Inventory of resources to what level ?
- Need at least  measurement type to implement a
use case - For this level of metadata, it is mandatory to
use a data model - Current status not sufficient for FP6 ?
- Final goal up to the  parameter level
- For the current inventory
- it is not necessary to have a distributed
architecture ( one search engine registry on
every node) - It is not necessary to use the SPASE model to
describe high level resources ( person,
repository,) (see IVOA VOResource ) - To implement harvestable registries, it is
necessary to use a data model to describe
resources ? unreachable in the FP6 context. - For FP7 we have planned to establish at least one
model and dictionnary for EuroPlaNet - Study the existing models (IPDA, IVOA,SPASE) to
know whether they fit the requirements of IDIS - One data model for IDIS, and a dictionnary for
each node ? Several models? - These questions requier a full analysis and
experimental study.
10What is necessary to implement a
searchable/publishing Registry?
- A data model SPASE,IVOA,
- A data dictionary
- Tools to edit XML descriptors
- Schemas to validate the descriptors
- A database to store the descriptors
- Science and use cases to implement the search
interface - Implement OAI interface to be harvestable
11VSPO an example of VxO
- VSPO Virtual Space Physics Observatory
- http//vspo.gsfc.nasa.gov/websearch/dispatcher
- Could be a model for the plasma node(at least) ?
12VSPO metadata registry
- metadata registry based on the eXist XML database
- metadata registry accessed via
- database browser http//vspo.vs3o.aquilent.com/exi
st/admin/admin.xql - OAI-PMH
- VSPO's OAI-PMH Repository instance is based on
the OAIcat software http//vspo.vs3o.aquilent.com
/oaicat. - to harvest the registry http//vspo.vs3o.aquile
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