Title: Kein Folientitel
Oscillatory Compact Simulator
- per International standard IEC 61000-4-12,
61000-4-10 - per the IEEE Recommendation ANSI /
IEEE C62.41
Ringwave - per IEC 61000-4-12 Annex A - per
ANSI C62.41 9.1.1 9.4 - 100 kHz
Ringwave Damped Oscillatory Wave - per IEC
61000-4-12 Annex B - 100kHz Oscillation
frequency - 1 MHz Oscillation
frequency Damped Oscillatory Magnetic Field -
per IEC 61000-4-10 - 100 kHz Oscillation
frequency - 1 MHz Oscillation frequency
Specifications of the Ringwave shape
- Voltage risetime 0.5 µs 20
Open circuit - Current risetime
lt 1 µs Short circuit - Oscillation
frequency 100 kHz 20 - Decay time
0.4 lt Pk2/Pk1 lt 1.1
0.4 lt Pk3/Pk2 lt 0.8
0.4 lt Pk4/Pk3 lt 0.8
IEC 61000-4-12, Annex A
Information about the Ringwave Phenomenon IEC
61000-4-12 Annex A The ringwave is a typical
oscillatory transient, induced in low voltage
cables due to the switching of electrical
networks and reactive loads, faults and
insulation breakdown of power supply circuits or
lightning. The ringwave is representative of the
electromagnetic environments of - residential
and industrial installations. the ring wave is
due to - switching of reactive loads -
lightning ANSI C62.41, 7.4.2 Most surge voltages
propagating in indoor low voltage systems have
oscillatory waveforms.
Test setup for A.C. power supply port, three
phases, line-to-ground test
coupling network included !
Figure 4.a - Setup implemented with the ground
reference plane (see 6.1.2 )
Test levels (per IEC 61000-4-12)
Level 1 2 3 4
Common Mode 0.5 kV 1 kV 2 kV 4 kV
Differential Mode 0.25 kV 0.5 kV 1 kV 2 kV
Determination of the test level
Level 1 Switching - Power supply ports
connected to protected local power
source - I/O ports connected
to cables running in parallel
with power cables of the same
class. Lightning - Power supply, I/O ports
of equipment in control room Level 2 Switching
- Power supply ports connected to main
distribution systems of
residential area - Power
supply ports of equipment in industrial and
electrical plants decoupled
from mains power distribution
by isolation transformers, protection
devices, etc. - I/O ports
connected to cables running in parallel with
power cables of the same
class Lightning - Power supply, I/O ports
connected to shielded cables
Determination of the test level
Level 3 Switching - Power supply ports
connected to dedicated power
distribution systems in electrical and
industrial plants - I/O
ports connected to cables running in parallel
with power cables of the same
class. Lightning - Power supply port
connected to undershielded cables
- Power supply, I/O ports connected to
outdoor cables with
shielding provisions (metallic cable trays
etc...) Level 4 Switching - Power supply
port connected to power source with
heavy inductive loads in industrial or
electrical plants. - I/O
ports connected to cables running in parallel
with power cables of the same
class. Lightning - Power supply, I/O ports
connected to outdoor cables without
shielding provisions.
Test implementation with ring wave, impedance
Test of power supply port (via CDN) - EUT ports
connected to major feeders with 12O generator
impedance - EUT ports connected to outlets
with 30O generator impedance Test of
input/output ports (via CDN) - Normaly
with 200O
generator impedance - if protection devices or
filters are involved with 12O or 30O
according product
spec. Test of a system with communication
ports The test voltage shall be applied between
the cabinets of EUT 1 and EUT 2.
with 12O generator
impedance Standard cable length 10m
Minimum five positive and five negative
transients should be applied with the following
minimum time intervall - 10s for tests with 12O
impedance - 6s for tests with 30O impedance -
1s for test with 200O impedance
10Damped Oscillatory Wave Immunity Test
Informations about Damped Oscillatory Phenomenon
IEC 61000-4-12 Annexe B This phenomenon is
representative of switching of islolators in
HV/MV open-air stations, and is particularly
related to the switching of HV busbars, as well
as of background disturbance in industrial
plants In industrial plants, repetitive
oscillatory transients may be generated by
switching transients and the injection of
impulsive currents in power systems (Networks
and electrical equipment) ANSI C62.41 The
damped oscillatory phenomenon is not related in
the US-Standard
11Damped Oscillatory Wave Immunity Test
Specifications of the Damped Oscillatory Wave
- Voltage rise time 75 ns
20 Open-circuit - current rise time
lt 1 µs short circuit -
oscillation frequency 100 kHz 10
1 MHz 10 - decaying
Peak 5 gt 50 of Peak 1
Peak 10 gt 50 of Peak
1 - source impedance 200 ?
12Damped Oscillatory Wave Immunity Test
Schematic circuit of the test generator for
damped oscillatory wave
coupling network included !
Figure B.2 - Schematic circuit of the test
generator for damped oscillatory wave
13Damped Oscillatory Wave Immunity Test
Test levels (per IEC 61000-4-12)
Level 1 2 3 4
Common Mode 0.5 kV 1 kV 2 kV (2.5 kV for
substations) ---
Differential Mode 0.25 kV 0.5 kV 1 kV ---
Level 1 Ports connected to cables running in the
general area of the control
building. Level 2 Ports connected to cables of
equipment in the control building
and relay house (kiosks) Level 3 Ports
connected to cables of equipment installed
in the relay house.
14Damped Oscillatory Wave Immunity Test
Test implementation with damped oscillatory wave
Source impedance The output impedance ot the test
generator is fixed at 200 O Repetition rate -
minimum 40/sec
for 100 kHz - minimum
400/sec for 1 MHz Burst duration
not less than
2s Polarity
positive and negative
15Damped Oscillatory Magnetic Field
Other Information IEC 61000-4-10 This is a
typical phenomenon caused by the switching of
isolators in H.V. sub-stations, and particularly
in H.V. bus-bars. ANSI C62.41 The
damped oscillatory phenomenon is not pertinent in
the US Standard
16Damped Oscillatory Magnetic Field
Specifications of the Damped Oscillatory Wave
- oscillation frequency 100 kHz
1 MHz 10 - decaying 50 of
peak value after 3-6 cycles
17Damped Oscillatory Magnetic Field
Test levels (per IEC 61000-4-10)
Repetition rate - 40 transients/s at 100
kHz - 400 transients/s at 1 MHz Test duration
Class 1 2 3 4 5
A/m peak - - 10 30 100
Class 1 Environment where sensitive devices using
electron beams can be used
(monitors, electron microscope etc...) Class 2
Well protected environment
(Shielded areas of industrial installations and
HV substations) Class 3 Protected environment.
Equipment located far away (100-800m)
of MV circuits and HV bus-bars switched by
isolators. (Computer room of HV
substations) Class 4 Typical industrial
environment. MV circuits and HV bus-bars
located at 15-100m. (Fields of heavy
industrial and power plants,
control room of HV sub-stations) Class 5
Severe industrial environment Switchyard areas
of heavy industrial plants, MV,
HV and power stations.
18Configuration per IEC-standard
IEC 61000-4-...... standard - 2 ESD - 4
Burst 4.4 kV - 5 Surge 4 kV - 8 Power freq.
magnetic field - 9 Pulsed magnetic field -11
Dips, interrupts and voltage variations -29
Voltage dips and interrupts on DC -10 Damped
oscillatory magn field -12 Oscillatory waves
immunity tests - Ringwave 6kV - Damped
oscillatory wave 3 kV
19Configuration per ANSI/IEEE IEC
Recommended Waveforms Dito - ESD
(acc. IEC) UCS500M6 - Burst up to 5.5 kV IEC
ANSI - Surge up to 6.6 kV IEC ANSI - Power
Fail AC IEC - Power Fail DC IEC -
Power magn. Field IEC - Pulsed magn Field
IEC Optional module - Ringwave
IEC ANSI OCS 500 M6 - Ringwave 6 kV
IEC ANSI - Damped oscillatory
wave 3kV IEC - Damped osc. Magn. field
20Applications fields for the oscillatory waves
Ringwave All equipment connected in -
residential area - industrial area - electrical
plants Damped oscillatory wave All equipment
connected in - industrial area - electrical
plants - open air substations
Damped oscillatory magnetic field All equipment
connected within 500m of MV circuits or HV
bus-bars switched by isolators
213 - Phase Applications
3 - Phase Applications
UCS500M/6B CNI503
OCS500M/6 single phase
OCS500M/6 three phase
22Solution of Schaffner
EM TEST Solutions OCS500M/6 single phase
or OCS500M/6 three phase
Schaffners solution NSG 2050 Mainframe PNW
2052 Ringwave Module INA 2050 Additional
frame PNW 2056 Oscillatory Module CDN131 Single
phase coupling network or CDN133 Three phase
coupling network
23Solution of Schaffner
EM TEST UCS500M/6B Burst Surge Power
Fail Ringwave Coupling network
25 kg
Schaffners solution NSG 2050
Mainframe PNW 2050 Surge INA 2050
Additional frame PNW 2225 Burst PNW 2003
Power Fail INA 2050 Additional frame PNW 2052
Ringwave Module PNW 2056 Oscillatory
Module CDN131 Coupling network
100 kg
Schaffner should not be a tough competitor for
this product line!
24Solution of Keytek
Give the customer the opportunity to use our
and you will
get the order!
Keytek disadvantages 1- Very heavy and huge
Min 2 pers. required to move it 2- Automation
of the test not possible No link files
No external meas. instruments 3- Manual
Coupling network
EM TEST advantages 1- High flexibility and
mobility One person can easily move it
(20kg) 2- RS232 and GPIB interface to
control external measuring instruments ltDUT
monitoring Pulse Checkgt 3- Automatic 3-phase
coupling network
25Solution of Keytek
Same price level !
EM TEST advantages 4- Burst frequency up to 1
MHz The new Burst standard voted on in Nov 03
requires test frequency of 100kHz! 5- Power
Fail min. dip 0.1 ms 6- DC power fail 7- High
quality components (semiconductor switch for
Keytek disadvantages 4- Max Burst frequency
100kHz 5- Min. dip 10 ms not suitable for
110V 60Hz DC power fail not
possible 6- Very noisy and inaccurate
mechanical switches for Surge
26Technical specifications
Keytek Burst 250 V 4.4 kV 1 kHz - 100 kHz 15ms
or 0.75ms Surge 250V 6.6 kV 15s - 100s Power
Fail only AC 10 ms - 10s 100 ms-
100s Ringwave 250 V 6.6 kV min 15s
Parameters Burst - Max Voltage - Rep.
frequency - Burst duration Surge - Max
Voltage - High repetition rate Power Fail - EUT
Supply - Dips duration - Repetition
time Ringwave - Test voltage - Repetition time
EM TEST Burst 200 V 5.5 kV 0.100 kHz - 1000
kHz 0.1ms to continuous Surge 250V 6.6 kV 2s
- 100s Power Fail AC and DC 0.1ms - 10s 10ms -
100s Ringwave 250V - 6 kV min 1s
Each parameter shows the technical supremacy of
the EM TEST System
27EM TEST benefits - High quality
components - Easy to operate
- Best service worldwide