Title: Mifos Installer Using IzPack Installer Tool
1Mifos Installer(Using IzPack Installer Tool)
2Installer Assembly
- The installer jar will be generated at the end of
the build process, same as PMD. - The naming convention followed is,
- mifos-installer-vx.jar
- mifos-installer-vx-tomcat.6.0.16 (vx is the SVN
revision number taken from the Mifos build).
3Installation Steps of Mifos Installer V1.0 if
Tomcat allready installed
- User can select the choice of packs to install.
- Pack name Mifos Application will copy mifos.war
file and restart Tomcat, which will explode the
war file and creates a mifos directory in webapps
folder. - Pack name Mifos Database will takes the Database
details from the user (Database Server Name, Port
Number, Schema Name, User Name and Password). - Validates user inputs for Database Connection
details and displays a message box to input the
correct details. - Connects Database, updates hibernate.propeties
file with the User Database Input details and
runs latest-data.sql and latest-schema.sql files.
4Installation Steps of Mifos Installer V1.0 with
Tomcat Bundle
- User can select the choice of packs to install.
- Pack name Tomcat Bundle will copy
apache-tomcat-6.0.16.zip and will expand with the
same name at the selected Directory by the user. - Pack name Mifos Application will copy mifos.war
file and restart Tomcat, which will explode the
war file and creates a mifos directory in webapps
folder. - Pack name Mifos Database will takes the Database
details from the user (Database Server Name, Port
Number, Schema Name, User Name and Password). - Validates user inputs for Database Connection
details and displays a message box to input the
correct details. - Connects Database, updates hibernate.properties
file with the User Database Input details and
runs latest-data.sql and latest-shcema.sql files.
5Sample slides of Mifos Installer V1.0 with Tomcat
6Language Selection Panel
7Installer Welcome Panel
8README file Panel
9License Agreement Panel Next button will be
highlighted only if the License agreement is
10Packs Panel
11User Input Panel for selecting a directory to
install Tomcat1) User is asked to input a
directory which is already present in the
computer or a new directory can be created
with the help of a Browse button to install
Tomcat.2) Checks if the user has given a
directory, if not given display a message to
input the details.3) Validates if the user
has given an existing directory, else display a
message to input a valid directory and
proceed to the next screen.
12Database User Input PanelThis Panel needs the
user input for the Database connection details
and validates the user input.1) Checks for the
empty fields and display an error message to
input the value in the filed.2) Validates the
database connection details given by the
user.Note The user will not be able to proceed
to the next screen if the Database is not
started, this display the same error message
which displays when the wrong input details are
given. Once the database is started and the user
input details are correct, the user can proceed
with the Installation.
13Pack Installation Progress PanelDisplays
progress of copying files for the packs selected.
14Finish Panel.