Title: Benton High School
1Benton High School
2Demographics 0809
Student Enrollment 860 Free
Reduced 47.6 Graduation Rate 85.3 Attendance
Rate 94.2 Total Staff 128
Total Staff 128 Teachers 63 Counselors 4
Librarian 1 A Coordinator 1
Para-Professionals 5 Full-Time Sub
1 ISS Teacher 1 Administrators
3 Activities Directors 1 Support Staff
24 Secretarial Staff 6 Library Staff 1.5 A
Staff .5 Maintenance Staff 7 Nutrition
Service Staff 7 Nurse 1 School Resource
Officer 1
3- Student Achievement
- Increased student performance in Math and
Communication Arts for each cohort class - Variety of student choices for instruction which
develops a myriad of skills - Increased access and motivation for rigorous
courses - Here are two students stories
- Paden Chambers Kelsey Makos
4Benton High School Improvement Plan
- Goal 1 Benton High School will close the
achievement gap for students determined to be
at-risk compared to remaining students. Using
MAP EoC upper two levels and lower two levels,
there will be no more than a (10) gap between
these subgroups additionally, there will be a 2
improvement from level one to level two and a ½
increase from level three to level four each
year. - Goal 2 Benton High School will increase the
number of students who persist to graduation by
(2) with specific interventions for at risk
students (grades, attendance, discipline) - Goal 3 Benton High School will increase
students attendance rate to 95 by improving the
climate, spirit and morale of the building. - Goal 4 Benton High School will implement a
technology plan in four years that will improve
classroom instruction and student learning as
measured by EPAS data and MAP EOC assessment
improvement from initiation of the plan.
5Goal 1 Benton High School will close the
achievement gap for students determined to
beat-risk compared to remaining students.
- Benton At-Risk (BAR) Cadre
- At Risk Data Collection
- At Risk System Interventions
- At Risk Individual Student Interventions
6Goal 2 Benton High School will increase the
number of students who persist to graduation
- Using BAR data for early identification of
potential dropout students - Use BAR data for alternative placement
- Individual teachers assigned to mentor students
in alternative or dropout situations
7Goal 3 Benton High School will increase
students attendance rate
- Personal contact with assigned teacher volunteers
- AlertNow! calls for students daily
- Competition for attendance Class vs. Class
- Incentive program with excellent rewards
8Goal 4 Benton High School will implement a
technology plan in four years that will improve
classroom instruction and student learning.
- Technology Cohort Benton 2.0 Initiative
- Constructivist Approach to Learning 24/7
Classroom Learning - Innovative Professional Development Virtual
Southside - Library 2.0 Pilot
9Points of Pride Our Perspective
10Educating Every Child for Success
- Benton High School
- Creating a Culture for Growth