MTS Tutorial Service, Inc. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.


Monroe County Board of Education. Excel School. Monroeville Junior High School ... Trumann West Memphis. Turrell White Hall. Van Buren Wynne. English/Language Arts ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.

  • MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.

10988 North Harrells Ferry Road, Suite 1 Baton
Rouge, Louisiana 70816 (800) 861-9417 www.mtstutor
MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.
Corporate Office Contact Person Ralph
Ainsworth MTS Tutorial Service,
Inc. Local/State Contact
Person Ms. Bessie Gammon-Stewart MTS Tutorial
Service, Inc. Arkansas State Manager bstewart_at_mt Contact Telephone Numbers (870)
739-4476 Local (313) 949-6370 Mobile (800)
861-9417 Toll Free /Corporate Hours of
Operation 800 a.m. 400 p.m. cst -
Corporate 900 a.m. 700 p.m. cst -
Local/State Contact
MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.
Other Contact Information
Arkansas State Manager
Corporate Office Web Address w
MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.
MTS Tutorial Service, Inc. became an approved
Supplemental Educational Service Provider
beginning with the 2007-2008 school year in the
States of Alabama and Louisiana. Students were
tutored in these states in Reading and/or
Mathematics. In Alabama, the Alabama Reading and
Mathematics Test (ARMT) was used as the pre and
post test for those students served. For
Louisiana, the LEAP and/or iLEAP test results
were used as the pre and post test. The
2008-2009 school year will be the initial year of
service in the State of Arkansas for MTS Tutorial
Service, Inc. Other states new to our service
this year include Tennessee and Texas. The
following table represents the post test results
from the States of Alabama and Louisiana for the
2007-2008 School Year. The table provides the
state, district, and schools served, as well as,
the total number of students at each site and
percentage of enrollment that showed growth in
MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.
MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.
ALABAMA Chilton County Board of
Education Clanton Elementary School Clanton
Intermediate School Elmore County Board of
Education Wetumpka Intermediate School Wetumpka
Junior High School Greene County Board of
Education Carver Middle School Macon County
Board of Education Tuskeegee Institute Middle
School Monroe County Board of Education Excel
School Monroeville Junior High School Russell
County Board of Education Russell County Middle
MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.
LOUISIANA Ascension Parish School Board Lowery
Intermediate School East Carroll Parish School
Board Lake Providence Junior High School
Approved Arkansas Districts for 2008-2009 Alma
Dollarway Arkadelphia Drew Central
Ashdown Dumas Augusta Earle Ba
ld Knob East End Bearden East
Poinsett County Beebe El
Dorado Benton Elkins Bentonville E
ngland Bergman Farmington Blevins
Fayetteville Blytheville Fordyce Brinkley
Forrest City Cabot Fort
Smith Camden Glen Rose Clarendon G
osnell Cleveland Green
Forest Conway Green County Tech Cross
County Greenwood Crossett Gurdon Da
nville Hamburg Dardanelle Hampton
DeQueen Harmony Grove (Ouachita) Dermott
Harmony Grove (Saline) Dewitt Harris
Approved Arkansas Districts for
2008-2009 Continued Heber Springs Mountain
Home Helena/West Helena Mulberry/Pleasant
View Hermitage Nashville Hot
Springs Nettleton Hoxie Newport Hughes
Norphlet Huntsville North Little
Rock Jonesboro Osceola Junction
City Ozark Lake Hamilton Palestine
Wheatley Lakeside (Chicot) Paragould Lakeside
(Garland) Pine Bluff Lee County
Pocahontas Little Rock Prairie
Grove Lonoke Pulaski County Malvern
Rector Manila Rogers Marion
Searcy Marked Tree Sheridan Marmaduke
Siloam Springs Marvell
Smackover McGehee South Conway
County Mena South Mississippi
County Mineral Springs South Side (Bee
Branch) Monticello Southside (Batesville)
Approved Arkansas Districts for
2008-2009 Continued Springdale Vilonia
Star City Waldron Stephens Warren Stu
ttgart Watson Chapel Texarkana West
Fork Trumann West Memphis Turrell Whi
te Hall Van Buren Wynne
MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.
English/Language Arts Grade Levels Kindergarten
through Eighth (K-8) Reading Comprehension Factua
l Meaning Evaluative Meaning Inferential
Meaning Reading Strategies Language Mechanics Usa
ge Expression Integrated Writing and
Editing Word Study Vocabulary Word
Analysis Spelling
MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.
Mathematics Grade Levels Kindergarten through
Eighth (K-8) Problem Solving Algebra Geometry Pa
tterns, Numeration, and Number
Relationships Concepts and Computation Measurement
Statistics and Probability
MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.
All tutors employed by MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.
are state certified teachers. Every effort is
made to hire teachers who are highly qualified as
defined by No Child Left Behind (NCLB).
MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.
MTS Tutorial Service, Inc. is experienced in
providing learning opportunities for Low Income
Students Minority Students Migrant
Students Limited English Proficient Students -
Spanish Special Education Students
MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.
Our tutoring program operates immediately after
school, and the program is also offered during
the summer. The scheduling of these services is
determined by the district regarding the number
of days of tutoring in a week and the length of
the sessions. The services take place at the
students school site. Transportation is
determined between MTS Tutorial Service, Inc. and
each individual district. This is done according
to the Local Education Agency contract for
services. Once contracts are finalized with
districts and sites all transportation
documentation will be provided.
MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.
Our tutoring service uses MTSsoftware, a
software program that is aligned with the State
Standards for Arkansas. This program is
web-based and students work on computers while
being assisted by tutors. The program provides
reports detailing student progress on assigned
skills. Where students need more time on skills,
the software lessons are supported with printed
supplemental materials by Options Publishing.
Students work at their achievement level and not
at their grade placement level. MTSsoftware is
accessed through an Internet browser and students
enrolled with our service receive a subscription
to the software that lasts through the end of the
school year. Students may work on the program
outside of the tutoring sessions on lesson
content that has been individually assigned based
on their needs from any computer with internet
access. This can be from a library, home,
school, etc. . There are no materials, supplies,
or equipment students are required to provide to
participate in our program.
MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.
Our tutoring program provides tutoring to
students based on their achievement level as
determined by their pre-test data. The
instruction they receive is based on their
strengths and weaknesses and students work within
a content area, and on their level. Students
work in groups with a ratio of ten (10) students
per one (1) tutor. The tutor monitors their work
on the computer and provides instruction
individually while they work. Students who have
not mastered identified skills are instructed in
smaller groups with supplemental materials away
from the computer. Once the skill is determined
to be mastered, the student returns to the
computer and continues with the next set of
  • MTS Tutorial Service, Inc.

10988 North Harrells Ferry Road, Suite 1 Baton
Rouge, Louisiana 70816 (800) 861-9417 www.mtstutor
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