Descriptive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Describe the data using visual methods (charts, etc. ... Color ... Pie charts are useful to show the relative proportions of each category, compared to the whole ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Descriptive

Part 2
  • Descriptive
  • Statistics

Part 2 Descriptive Statistics
  • Chapters 2 through 4 cover Descriptive Statistics
  • After we collect the raw data (from a sample
    survey or a designed experiment), we can
  • Describe the data using visual methods (charts,
  • Describe the data using numeric methods
    (averages, etc.)
  • Different methods are appropriate for different
    types of data

Chapter 2
  • Organizing and
  • Summarizing Data

  • This is the first of three chapters on
    Descriptive Statistics
  • Our first task in Descriptive Statistics is to
    organize and summarize the data
  • Organizing qualitative data into tables
  • Organizing quantitative data using charts
  • We must be careful to not misrepresent the data
  • We should recognize misrepresented data

Chapter 2 Sections
  • Sections in Chapter 2
  • Organizing Qualitative Data
  • Organizing Quantitative Data The Popular
  • Additional Displays of Quantitative Data
  • Graphical Misrepresentations of Data

Chapter 2Section 1
  • Organizing
  • Qualitative Data

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • Learning objectives
  • Organize qualitative data in tables
  • Construct bar graphs
  • Construct pie charts

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • Learning objectives
  • Organize qualitative data in tables
  • Construct bar graphs
  • Construct pie charts

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • Raw qualitative data comes as a list of values
    each value is one out of a set of categories
  • These values can be organized as either a long
    list or in a table
  • Raw qualitative data comes as a list of values
    each value is one out of a set of categories
  • These values can be organized as either a long
    list or in a table
  • Interpreting the list of data can be difficult,
    particularly if there is a lot of data
  • Methods are needed to aid interpretation

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • Qualitative data values can be organized by a
    frequency distribution
  • A frequency distribution lists
  • Each of the categories
  • The frequency for each category

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • A simple data set is
  • blue, blue, green, red, red, blue, red, blue
  • A frequency table for this qualitative data is
  • The most commonly occurring color is blue

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • The frequencies are the counts of the observations
  • The frequencies are the counts of the
  • The relative frequencies are the proportions (or
    percents) of the observations out of the total
  • The frequencies are the counts of the
  • The relative frequencies are the proportions (or
    percents) of the observations out of the total
  • A relative frequency distribution lists
  • Each of the categories
  • The relative frequency for each category

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • Use the same simple set of data
  • blue, blue, green, red, red, green, blue, blue
  • A relative frequency table is computed as follows
  • Sum of all frequencies 8 (there are 8
  • Blue has a relative frequency of 4 / 8 .500
  • Green has a relative frequency of 1 / 8 .125
  • Red has a relative frequency of 3 / 8 .375

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • A relative frequency table for this qualitative
    data is
  • A relative frequency table can also be
    constructed with percents (50, 12.5, and 37.5
    for the above table)

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • Tables are useful because they provide an exact
    count for the data
  • However, if the data set is medium to large in
    size, it may be difficult to understand the data
    when presented in a table
  • Additional techniques are needed to give a better
    idea of the big picture

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • Learning objectives
  • Organize qualitative data in tables
  • Construct bar graphs
  • Construct pie charts

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • In general, pictures of data send a more powerful
    message than tables
  • Visual methods, such as bar graphs, present a
    better summary than just a table
  • In general, pictures of data send a more powerful
    message than tables
  • Visual methods, such as bar graphs, present a
    better summary than just a table
  • A bar graph
  • Lists the categories on the horizontal axis
  • Draws rectangles above each category where the
    heights are equal to the categorys frequency or
    relative frequency

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • Bar graphs for our simple data (using Excel)
  • Frequency bar graph
  • Relative frequency bar graph

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • Good practices in constructing bar graphs
  • The horizontal scale
  • The categories should be spaced equally apart
  • The rectangles should have the same widths
  • Good practices in constructing bar graphs
  • The horizontal scale
  • The categories should be spaced equally apart
  • The rectangles should have the same widths
  • The vertical scale
  • Should begin with 0
  • Should be incremented in reasonable steps
  • Should go somewhat, but not significantly, beyond
    the largest frequency or relative frequency

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • A Pareto chart is a particular type of bar graph
  • A Pareto differs from a bar chart only in that
    the categories are arranged in order
  • The category with the highest frequency is placed
    first (on the extreme left)
  • The second highest category is placed second
  • Etc.
  • A Pareto chart is a particular type of bar graph
  • A Pareto differs from a bar chart only in that
    the categories are arranged in order
  • The category with the highest frequency is placed
    first (on the extreme left)
  • The second highest category is placed second
  • Etc.
  • Pareto charts are often used when there are many
    categories but only the top few are of interest

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • A Pareto chart for our simple data (using Excel)

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • An example with more data values
  • A data set from the text
  • Even with only 30 data values, this table cannot
    be interpreted easily

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • Graphs for this set of data
  • A frequency bar graph
  • A relative frequency bar graph
  • These graphs are more effective than the table

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • Graphs for this data (continued)
  • A Pareto chart

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • Two qualitative variables can be compared by
    comparing their bar graphs
  • A side-by-side bar graph draws two rectangles for
    each category, one for each variable
  • The frequencies (or relative frequencies) for
    each category can be compared

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • An example side-by-side bar graph comparing
    educational attainment in 1990 versus 2003

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • Learning objectives
  • Organize qualitative data in tables
  • Construct bar graphs
  • Construct pie charts

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • A pie chart is a circle divided into sections,
    one for each category
  • The area (angle) of each sector is proportional
    to the frequency of that category
  • Pie charts are useful to show the relative
    proportions of each category, compared to the

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • Good practices for constructing pie charts
  • Different colors should be used to distinguish
    the categories
  • Each category should be labeled with the category
    name and relative frequency
  • Good practices for constructing pie charts
  • Different colors should be used to distinguish
    the categories
  • Each category should be labeled with the category
    name and relative frequency
  • Pie charts are not as effective if there are too
    many categories or if some relative frequencies
    are too small

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • An example of a pie chart for the 2003 data from
    the side-to-side bar chart

Chapter 2 Section 1
  • Side-by-side pie charts are used sometimes, but
    can be difficult to interpret (using Excel, with
    substantial modifications)

Summary Chapter 2 Section 1
  • Qualitative data can be organized in several ways
  • Tables are useful for listing the data, its
    frequencies, and its relative frequencies
  • Charts such as bar graphs, Pareto charts, and pie
    charts are useful visual methods for organizing
  • Side-by-side bar graphs are useful for comparing
    two sets of qualitative data

Chapter 2Section 2
  • Organizing Quantitative Data
  • The Popular Displays

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Learning objectives
  • Organize discrete data in tables
  • Construct histograms of discrete data
  • Organize continuous data in tables
  • Construct histograms of continuous data
  • Draw stem-and-leaf plots
  • Draw dot plots
  • Identify the shape of a distribution

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Learning objectives
  • Organize discrete data in tables
  • Construct histograms of discrete data
  • Organize continuous data in tables
  • Construct histograms of continuous data
  • Draw stem-and-leaf plots
  • Draw dot plots
  • Identify the shape of a distribution

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Raw quantitative data comes as a list of values
    each value is a measurement, either discrete or
  • Comparisons (one value being more than or less
    than another) can be performed on the data values
  • Mathematical operations (addition, subtraction,
    ) can be performed on the data values

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Discrete quantitative data can be presented in
    tables in several of the same ways as qualitative
  • Values listed in a table
  • By a frequency table
  • By a relative frequency table
  • We use the discrete values instead of the
    category names

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Consider the following data
  • We would like to compute the frequencies and the
    relative frequencies

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • The resulting frequencies and the relative

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Learning objectives
  • Organize discrete data in tables
  • Construct histograms of discrete data
  • Organize continuous data in tables
  • Construct histograms of continuous data
  • Draw stem-and-leaf plots
  • Draw dot plots
  • Identify the shape of a distribution

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Discrete quantitative data can be presented in
    bar graphs in several of the same ways as
    qualitative data
  • We use the discrete values instead of the
    category names
  • We arrange the values in ascending order
  • For discrete data, these are called histograms

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Example of histograms for discrete data
  • Frequencies
  • Relative frequencies

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Learning objectives
  • Organize discrete data in tables
  • Construct histograms of discrete data
  • Organize continuous data in tables
  • Construct histograms of continuous data
  • Draw stem-and-leaf plots
  • Draw dot plots
  • Identify the shape of a distribution

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Continuous data cannot be put directly into
    frequency tables since they do not have any
    obvious categories
  • Categories are created using classes, or
    intervals of numbers
  • The continuous data is then put into the classes

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • For ages of adults, a possible set of classes is
  • 20 29
  • 30 39
  • 40 49
  • 50 59
  • 60 and older
  • For the class 30 39
  • 30 is the lower class limit
  • 39 is the upper class limit

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • The class width is the difference between the
    upper class limit and the lower class limit
  • For the class 30 39, the class width is
  • 40 30 10
  • The class width is the difference between the
    upper class limit and the lower class limit
  • For the class 30 39, the class width is
  • 40 30 10
  • Why isnt the class width 39 30 9?
  • The class 30 39 years old actually is 30 years
    to 39 years 364 days old or 30 years to just
    less than 40 years old
  • The class width is 10 years, all adults in their

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • All the classes (20 29, 30 39, 40 49, 50
    59) all have the same widths, except for the last
  • All the classes (20 29, 30 39, 40 49, 50
    59) all have the same widths, except for the last
  • The class 60 and above is an open-ended class
    because it has no upper limit
  • All the classes (20 29, 30 39, 40 49, 50
    59) all have the same widths, except for the last
  • The class 60 and above is an open-ended class
    because it has no upper limit
  • Classes with no lower limits are also called
    open-ended classes

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • The classes and the number of values in each can
    be put into a frequency table
  • In this table, there are 1147 subjects between 30
    and 39 years old

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Good practices for constructing tables for
    continuous variables
  • The classes should not overlap
  • Good practices for constructing tables for
    continuous variables
  • The classes should not overlap
  • The classes should not have any gaps between them
  • Good practices for constructing tables for
    continuous variables
  • The classes should not overlap
  • The classes should not have any gaps between them
  • The classes should have the same width (except
    for possible open-ended classes at the extreme
    low or extreme high ends)
  • Good practices for constructing tables for
    continuous variables
  • The classes should not overlap
  • The classes should not have any gaps between them
  • The classes should have the same width (except
    for possible open-ended classes at the extreme
    low or extreme high ends)
  • The class boundaries should be reasonable
  • Good practices for constructing tables for
    continuous variables
  • The classes should not overlap
  • The classes should not have any gaps between them
  • The classes should have the same width (except
    for possible open-ended classes at the extreme
    low or extreme high ends)
  • The class boundaries should be reasonable
  • The class width should be a reasonable number

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Learning objectives
  • Organize discrete data in tables
  • Construct histograms of discrete data
  • Organize continuous data in tables
  • Construct histograms of continuous data
  • Draw stem-and-leaf plots
  • Draw dot plots
  • Identify the shape of a distribution

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Just as for discrete data, a histogram can be
    created from the frequency table
  • Instead of individual data values, the categories
    are the classes the intervals of data

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Learning objectives
  • Organize discrete data in tables
  • Construct histograms of discrete data
  • Organize continuous data in tables
  • Construct histograms of continuous data
  • Draw stem-and-leaf plots
  • Draw dot plots
  • Identify the shape of a distribution

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • A stem-and-leaf plot is a different way to
    represent data that is similar to a histogram
  • A stem-and-leaf plot is a different way to
    represent data that is similar to a histogram
  • To draw a stem-and-leaf plot, each data value
    must be broken up into two components
  • The stem consists of all the digits except for
    the right most one
  • The leaf consists of the right most digit
  • For the number 173, for example, the stem would
    be 17 and the leaf would be 3

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • In the stem-and-leaf plot below
  • The smallest value is 56
  • The largest value is 180
  • The second largest value is 178

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • To read a stem-and-leaf plot
  • Read the stem first
  • Attach the leaf as the last digit of the stem
  • The result is the original data value
  • To read a stem-and-leaf plot
  • Read the stem first
  • Attach the leaf as the last digit of the stem
  • The result is the original data value
  • Stem-and-leaf plots
  • Display the same visual patterns as histograms
  • Contain more information than histograms
  • Could be more difficult to interpret (including
    getting a sore neck)

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • To draw a stem-and-leaf plot
  • Write all the values in ascending order
  • To draw a stem-and-leaf plot
  • Write all the values in ascending order
  • Find the stems and write them vertically in
    ascending order
  • To draw a stem-and-leaf plot
  • Write all the values in ascending order
  • Find the stems and write them vertically in
    ascending order
  • For each data value, write its leaf in the row
    next to its stem
  • To draw a stem-and-leaf plot
  • Write all the values in ascending order
  • Find the stems and write them vertically in
    ascending order
  • For each data value, write its leaf in the row
    next to its stem
  • The resulting leaves will also be in ascending
  • To draw a stem-and-leaf plot
  • Write all the values in ascending order
  • Find the stems and write them vertically in
    ascending order
  • For each data value, write its leaf in the row
    next to its stem
  • The resulting leaves will also be in ascending
  • The list of stems with their corresponding leaves
    is the stem-and-leaf plot

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Modifications to stem-and-leaf plots
  • Sometimes there are too many values with the same
    stem we would need to split the stems (such as
    having 10-14 in one stem and 15-19 in another)
  • Modifications to stem-and-leaf plots
  • Sometimes there are too many values with the same
    stem we would need to split the stems (such as
    having 10-14 in one stem and 15-19 in another)
  • If we wanted to compare two sets of data, we
    could draw two stem-and-leaf plots using the same
    stem, with leaves going left (for one set of
    data) and right (for the other set)
  • Modifications to stem-and-leaf plots
  • Sometimes there are too many values with the same
    stem we would need to split the stems (such as
    having 10-14 in one stem and 15-19 in another)
  • If we wanted to compare two sets of data, we
    could draw two stem-and-leaf plots using the same
    stem, with leaves going left (for one set of
    data) and right (for the other set)
  • There are cases where constructing a descending
    stem-and-leaf plot could also be appropriate (for
    test scores, for example)

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Learning objectives
  • Organize discrete data in tables
  • Construct histograms of discrete data
  • Organize continuous data in tables
  • Construct histograms of continuous data
  • Draw stem-and-leaf plots
  • Draw dot plots
  • Identify the shape of a distribution

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • A dot plot is a graph where a dot is placed over
    the observation each time it is observed
  • The following is an example of a dot plot

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Learning objectives
  • Organize discrete data in tables
  • Construct histograms of discrete data
  • Organize continuous data in tables
  • Construct histograms of continuous data
  • Draw stem-and-leaf plots
  • Draw dot plots
  • Identify the shape of a distribution

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • A useful way to describe a variable is by the
    shape of its distribution
  • Some common distribution shapes are
  • Uniform
  • Bell-shaped (or normal)
  • Skewed right
  • Skewed left

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • A variable has a uniform distribution when
  • Each of the values tends to occur with the same
  • The histogram looks flat

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • A variable has a bell-shaped distribution when
  • Most of the values fall in the middle
  • The frequencies tail off to the left and to the
  • It is symmetric

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • A variable has a skewed right distribution when
  • The distribution is not symmetric
  • The tail to the right is longer than the tail to
    the left
  • The arrow from the middle to the long tail points

Chapter 2 Section 2
  • A variable has a skewed left distribution when
  • The distribution is not symmetric
  • The tail to the left is longer than the tail to
    the right
  • The arrow from the middle to the long tail points

Summary Chapter 2 Section 2
  • Quantitative data can be organized in several
  • Histograms based on data values are good for
    discrete data
  • Histograms based on classes (intervals) are good
    for continuous data
  • The shape of a distribution describes a variable
    histograms are useful for identifying the shapes

Chapter 2Section 3
  • Additional Displays of
  • Quantitative Data

Chapter 2 Section 3
  • Learning objectives
  • Construct frequency polygons
  • Create cumulative frequency and relative
    frequency tables
  • Construct frequency and relative frequency ogives
  • Draw time-series graphs

Chapter 2 Section 3
  • Learning objectives
  • Construct frequency polygons
  • Create cumulative frequency and relative
    frequency tables
  • Construct frequency and relative frequency ogives
  • Draw time-series graphs

Chapter 2 Section 3
  • We will cover other ways to display quantitative
  • These methods are somewhat more specialized not
    as general as the methods in the previous section

Chapter 2 Section 3
  • Frequency polygons are similar to histograms
    except a polygon (a line graph) is used instead
    of rectangles (a bar graph)
  • Frequency polygons are similar to histograms
    except a polygon (a line graph) is used instead
    of rectangles (a bar graph)
  • To draw a frequency polygon
  • Compute the class midpoints (the average of the
    upper and lower class limits)
  • Plot the frequencies of each class above each
    class midpoint
  • Connect the points

Chapter 2 Section 3
  • The following is an example of a frequency
  • A histogram would be similar, just with bars at
    each point

Chapter 2 Section 3
  • Learning objectives
  • Construct frequency polygons
  • Create cumulative frequency and relative
    frequency tables
  • Construct frequency and relative frequency ogives
  • Draw time-series graphs

Chapter 2 Section 3
  • Cumulative frequencies are obtained by adding up
    all the frequencies for the smaller categories
  • Cumulative frequencies are obtained by adding up
    all the frequencies for the smaller categories
  • If the data is
  • 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6
  • then the cumulative frequency for the category
    2 is equal to 5
  • There are 4 observations of 1
  • There is 1 observation of 2
  • Thus there are 5 observations of values less than
    or equal to 2

Chapter 2 Section 3
  • Cumulative relative frequencies are obtained by
    adding up all the relative frequencies for the
    smaller categories
  • Cumulative relative frequencies are obtained by
    adding up all the relative frequencies for the
    smaller categories
  • If the data is
  • 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6
  • then the cumulative relative frequency for the
    category 2 is equal to .5
  • The relative frequency of 1 is .4
  • The relative frequency of 2 is .1
  • The cumulative relative frequency of 2 is .4
    .1 .5

Chapter 2 Section 3
  • A cumulative frequency table summarizes the
    cumulative frequencies in a table
  • A cumulative frequency table summarizes the
    cumulative frequencies in a table
  • A cumulative relative frequency table summarizes
    the cumulative relative frequencies in a table

Chapter 2 Section 3
  • For the data set
  • 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6
  • the cumulative tables are

Chapter 2 Section 3
  • Learning objectives
  • Construct frequency polygons
  • Create cumulative frequency and relative
    frequency tables
  • Construct frequency and relative frequency ogives
  • Draw time-series graphs

Chapter 2 Section 3
  • Graphs of the cumulative frequencies and the
    relative cumulative frequencies are called ogives
  • Graphs of the cumulative frequencies and the
    relative cumulative frequencies are called ogives
  • To construct an ogive
  • Compute the cumulative frequencies
  • Plot the cumulative frequencies above the upper
    class limits
  • Connect the points
  • Graphs of the cumulative frequencies and the
    relative cumulative frequencies are called ogives
  • To construct an ogive
  • Compute the cumulative frequencies
  • Plot the cumulative frequencies above the upper
    class limits
  • Connect the points
  • An ogive is an increasing function

Chapter 2 Section 3
  • The following is an example of an ogive
  • The curve is increasing because it is a
    cumulative calculation

Chapter 2 Section 3
  • Learning objectives
  • Construct frequency polygons
  • Create cumulative frequency and relative
    frequency tables
  • Construct frequency and relative frequency ogives
  • Draw time-series graphs

Chapter 2 Section 3
  • When the variable is measured at different points
    in time, the data is time-series data
  • It is natural to plot time-series data against
  • Such a plot is a time-series plot
  • Time series plots are used to
  • Identify long term trends
  • Identify regularly occurring trends

Chapter 2 Section 3
  • The following is an example of a time-series
  • The horizontal axis shows the passage of time

Summary Chapter 2 Section 3
  • Additional displays of quantitative data can
  • Show cumulative frequencies
  • Show cumulative relative frequencies
  • Show the time relationship of time-series data

Chapter 2Section 4
  • Graphical Misrepresentations
  • of Data

Chapter 2 Section 4
  • Learning objectives
  • Describe what can make a graph misleading or

Chapter 2 Section 4
  • Lies, damn lies, and statistics
  • Figures lie and liars figure
  • Lies, damn lies, and statistics
  • Figures lie and liars figure
  • Statistics displays can distort the truth
  • Unintentional distorting mislead
  • Intentional distorting deceive
  • Lies, damn lies, and statistics
  • Figures lie and liars figure
  • Statistics displays can distort the truth
  • Unintentional distorting mislead
  • Intentional distorting deceive
  • There are several common errors, such as
  • Charts where the visuals and the numbers do not
  • Charts that have an artificial base point to
    exaggerate the differences

Chapter 2 Section 4
  • The classic short book that identifies
    misrepresentations (graphic and numeric) is How
    to Lie with Statistics by Huff
  • The examples are out of date (the book was first
    published in 1954) but the invalid techniques
    are still used today

Chapter 2 Section 4
  • Common errors are
  • Inaccurate displays
  • Unclear vertical scale
  • Truncated vertical scale
  • Misleading dimensions

Chapter 2 Section 4
  • Despite advances in publishing and statistical
    software, there are still simple numeric mistakes
  • Lengths of bars in bar charts and histograms that
    do not match their frequencies
  • Slices of pie charts that are not proportional to
    their relative frequencies

Chapter 2 Section 4
  • This pie graph is deliberately incorrect
  • The red region is too small
  • The aqua region is too large
  • Pie charts are sometimes incorrect in this way

Chapter 2 Section 4
  • Some charts have a vertical scale that is unclear
  • The scale is possibly not labeled
  • The zero point of the scale is unclear
  • In these graphs, the order of the sizes is
    accurate, but the relative comparisons can be

Chapter 2 Section 4
  • In this graph, it is unclear
  • Where the vertical scale begins (bottom of or top
    of the shirts) starts
  • What the scale increments are

Chapter 2 Section 4
  • The vertical scale is truncated when the vertical
    scale does not start at 0
  • The vertical scale is truncated when the vertical
    scale does not start at 0
  • When the vertical scale starts at a higher
    number, the differences between the bars is
  • For some data, magnifying the differences is
  • For some data, magnifying the differences is

Chapter 2 Section 4
  • The two graphs show the same data the
    difference seems larger for the graph on the left
  • The vertical scale is truncated on the left

Chapter 2 Section 4
  • When there is interest in small changes showing
    day to day stock prices for example then the
    graph on the left is appropriate

Chapter 2 Section 4
  • When there is interest in the totals showing
    yearly salaries for example then the graph on
    the right is appropriate

Chapter 2 Section 4
  • Some charts are made visually more attractive by
    using symbols and graphics instead of plain bars
    and lines
  • Some charts are made visually more attractive by
    using symbols and graphics instead of plain bars
    and lines
  • If one category has twice the frequency of
    another, that graphic is doubled in size
  • Some charts are made visually more attractive by
    using symbols and graphics instead of plain bars
    and lines
  • If one category has twice the frequency of
    another, that graphic is doubled in size
  • If the graphic is a three dimensional graphic,
    then doubling each dimension increases the volume
    by eight times which is misleading

Chapter 2 Section 4
  • The gazebo on the right is twice as large in each
    dimension as the one on the left
  • However, it is much more than twice as large as
    the one on the left

Twice as large
Summary Chapter 2 Section 4
  • Displays are powerful for representing data
  • Displays are also powerful for misrepresenting
  • Avoiding distortions in your own work is very
  • Recognizing distortions in other peoples work is
    very important also

Chapter 2
  • Organizing and
  • Summarizing Data
  • Summary

Summary Chapter 2
  • Summaries of qualitative data
  • Frequency tables
  • Bar graphs
  • Summaries of quantitative data
  • Frequency tables
  • Histograms
  • Pie graphs, time-series graphs, etc.
  • Cumulative frequencies, ogives, etc.
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