Title: Towards the Fifth Framework Programme
1Information Society Technologies Programme
Knowledge Management and Smart Organisations Prese
ntation at Operational Research 42 Swansea -
12-14th September 2000 Paul Hearn European
Commission Paul.Hearn_at_cec.eu.int
2What Ill be speaking about today
- A vision for Europe
- To become a major player in a global networked
economy where individuals and organisations can
seamlessly come together and interact through a
ubiquitous infrastructure that promotes both
trust and confidence.
- One means to achieve it
- The IST Programme supports the development and
adoption of novel IST solutions through shared
cost and share risk research projects.
3Themes to explore
- - A look around the corner?
- - A means to get there a birds eye view
- - Knowledge management OR
- - Submitting a proposal
- - Dos and donts
- - Current KM project portfolio
- - Wrapping up
- - What can I do now?
4The heat is on
A look around the corner
- Globalisation is
- increasing
- competition
- constraint
Innovation is the differentiator
Knowledge is already a key success factor in
A flexible workforce is a differentiator
ICT solutions are an enabler
5A look around the corner
Knowledge flows in smart organisations
Dynamic business environments Non-traditional
alliances partnerships Interplay of competitive
and collaborative forces
ICT enabled
6A look around the corner
But the key question is...
how do we know what we know?
7Themes to explore
- - A look around the corner?
- - A means to get there a birds eye view
- - Knowledge management OR
- - Submitting a proposal
- - Dos and donts
- - Current KM project portfolio
- - Wrapping up
- - What can I do now?
8The Fifth Framework Programme (1998-2002)
The Fifth Framework Programme (FP5) defines the
European Union's strategic priorities for
Research, Technological Development and
Demonstration activities for the period
1998-2002. FP5 has been conceived to help solve
problems and to respond to major socio-economic
challenges such as increasing Europe's industrial
competitiveness, job creation and improving the
quality of life for European citizens. Emphasis
is placed throughout on the process of
innovation to ensure the output of EU research
is translated into tangible benefits for all.
9The Fifth Framework Programme (1998-2002)
Key action 3
Key action 4
Key action 1
Key action 2
Creating a User friendly Information Society 3.6
Energy, environment sustainable
development 1.083 BEURO
Promoting competitive sustainable growth 2.705
Quality of life and living resources 2.413 BEURO
International Cooperation
0.475 BEURO
Innovation and SMEs
0.363 BEURO
Human Potential
1.28 BEURO
Total 14.96 BEURO
10The Information Society Technologies Programme
The strategic objective of the Information
Society Technologies (IST) Programme is to
realise the benefits of the information society
for Europe both by accelerating its emergence
and by ensuring that the needs of individuals
and enterprises are met.
11The Information Society Technologies Programme
Key action 1
Key action 2
Key action 3
Key action 4
New methods of work e- commerce
Essential technologies infrastructures 1,363
Multimedia content tools 564 MEURO
Systems services for the citizen 646 MEURO
Future Emerging Technologies
Research Networking
Total 3.6 BEURO
Includes Cross Programme Themes
gt360 MEURO
12New Methods of Work and Electronic Commerce
Objective The aim of this work is to develop
information society technologies to enable
European workers and enterprises, in
particular SMEs, to increase their
competitiveness in the global marketplace,
whilst at the same time improving the quality of
the individual's working life, through the use of
information society technologies to provide
the flexibility to be free from many existing
constraints on both working methods and
organisation, including those imposed by
distance and time...
13New Methods of Work and Electronic Commerce
New Perspectives for Work and Business
II.1.2 II.1.3
Knowledge Management
Mobility and Ubiquity
Dynamic Value Constellations
Trust Security
Sustainable Workplace Design
Smart Organizations
II.2.1 II.2.2 II.3.1 II.4.1
Action Lines
II.1.4 II.4.2
Early Exploitation Adoption - Testbeds
Trials (e.g. digital economy testbeds,
large-scale trust confidence)
Specific Support Measures(e.g. clusters,
training, interoperability, dissemination)
II.1.5 II.1.6
Broad Adoption in Regional Sectoral Settings
14Action Line II.1.2 - Knowledge Management
Objectives To empower individuals and
organisations through novel knowledge management
solutions aimed at enhancing creativity,
innovation, competencies, and responsiveness.
Projects are expected to explore and validate
novel "intelligent" knowledge management
technologies, applications, methodologies and
practices aimed at leveraging numerous and varied
sources of often incomplete and/or ill-structured
individual and corporate knowledge (e.g.
knowledge about products, services, customers,
suppliers, business partners as well as in-house
and external expertise in all shapes and forms).
This includes multidisciplinary solutions for
capturing, organising, mining and, more
generally, exploiting, exchanging and trading
knowledge in support of both intra- and
inter-organisational activities.
15Action Line II.1.2 - Knowledge Management
Focus To develop and validate highly adaptive,
context-sensitive and anticipatory knowledge
management functionalities capable of dynamically
providing individuals (whether as workers or
consumers) and organisations with timely
knowledge and suggestions relevant to the tasks
they are currently engaged in. The challenge is
to develop practical, easy-to-use solutions that
cut across multiple intra- and inter-organisationa
l functionalities and activities, making it
possible dynamically to extract and recombine
knowledge across traditional functional and
organisational boundaries.
16Themes to explore
- A look around the corner? - A means to get
there a birds eye view - Knowledge management
OR - Submitting a proposal - Dos and donts -
Current KM project portfolio - Wrapping up - What
can I do now?
17Knowledge Management and OR
Knowledge Management (KM) forms an important
part of modern Operational Research (from
http//www.orsoc.org.uk web site)
18Knowledge Management and OR
An understanding of motivations of people and
how they interact with each other is central to
KM (personal reflection)
19Knowledge Management and OR
What can OR bring to KM?
And vice versa?
What can OR offer to the people, processes and
technologies central to KM?
These might be open questions for you at OR 42.
20Focus for knowledge management projects
- data bases
- intelligence
- network
- Integrated in
- collaborative
- platforms
- and portals
- strategy
- decision support
- customer relationship
- supplier management
- guidelines
- methodologies
- rules
- working teams
- learning facilities
- culture
- communities of practice
21Themes to explore
- A look around the corner? - A means to get
there a birds eye view - Knowledge management
OR - Submitting a proposal - Dos and donts -
Current KM project portfolio - Wrapping up - What
can I do now?
22Submitting a Proposal
1. Basic rule Think of a good idea which can
have real impact, and then find an action line in
the IST programme which can accommodate it. There
is something for (almost) everyone...
2. Put together a multidisciplinary and
world-class consortium with wide geographical
Look for partners using the Cordis Expression of
Interest service http//www.cordis.lu/fp5/src/eoi
23Submitting a Proposal
3. Read up on how the IST programme works. There
are many modality options, and not all are
available or open at any one time!
24Submitting a Proposal
4. Submit your proposal to an open call.
I will concentrate on the RTD call for Knowledge
Management which closes in October 2000. But
others are open too.
25Submitting a Proposal
RD in Knowledge Management
- Obtain new knowledge intended to develop or
improve products, processes or services to meet
the needs of Community policies - RTD is a shared cost, shared risk action
- There are specific evaluation criteria
thresholds for RTD projects
RTD means research technological development
26Submitting a Proposal
RD in Knowledge Management
Pre-announcement June 2000 Call opened July
2000 Deadline October 2000 Evaluation starts
Early November 2000 Results in November
2000 Projects start Jan-Feb 2001 Budget
? We expect some 10-15 KM projects to be
27Submitting a Proposal
How an RTD proposal is evaluated
28Submitting a Proposal
4. Read the guidelines and related documents
about how to submit a proposal http//www.cordis.
lu/ist Work Programme 2000 Call Text in Official
Journal Evaluation Manual General FP 5 Evaluation
manual Annex IST specific Evaluation
Manual Guide to proposers (parts 1 and
2x) Evaluators Guidelines
29Submitting a Proposal
5. Visit a real or virtual KA2 information
day physical events calendar http//www.cordis.lu
/ist/events.htm virtual info day http//www.ispo.c
30Themes to explore
- A look around the corner? - A means to get
there a birds eye view - Knowledge management
OR - Submitting a proposal - Dos and donts -
Current KM project portfolio - Wrapping up - What
can I do now?
31Some dos and donts
Do this
Please (dont do this)
- Do look carefully look at evaluation criteria
- Good scientific quality alone .. is not enough
- Do give realistic cost estimates
- Dont only read your Action Line
- Take time to understand the broader IST context
- Dont artificially adapt a proposal to an Action
Line - Define the actual centre of gravity
- Dont rely on your scientific reputation
- Scientific quality is evaluated anonymously
32Lessons learned of failed RTD proposals
- Content
- Lack of technological innovation
- Aims too general, current state of art missing
- Vague or weak exploitation dissemination plan
- Â Planning - Management
- Links missing between objectives detailed work
plan - Management structure vague
- Unjustified use/allocation of resources
- Consortium not balanced (users, industrial
partners) - Milestones missing or too general
- Allocated responsibilities not clear
- Risks issues not addressed, no contingency plans
- Â European added value
33Themes to explore
- A look around the corner? - A means to get
there a birds eye view - Knowledge management
OR - Submitting a proposal - Dos and donts -
Current KM project portfolio - Wrapping up - What
can I do now?
34The current KM project portfolio
plus Corma, Décor, Inspire, Lever, Prima, Xperts
For more details on these projects visit
http//www.cordis.lu/ist/projects.htm or the
project web site shown.
35The current KM project portfolio
ACCESS- MAINTS http//www.metriqs.it/accessmaints
/index.htm ASSIST http//assist.datatechspa.it COM
MA http//www.ii.atos-group.com/sophia/comma/HomeP
age.htm INSPIRE http//www.bmtech.co.uk/inspire/in
dex.html LORE http//lore.gformula.com/default.ht
m MODEL http//www.lrf.gr/model NIMCUBE http//www
.nimcube.com PICK http//www.atb-bremen.de/projec
ts/pick/pick.html PRESERVE http//www.vis.iao.fhg.
de/vis/vis-en/projects/preserve/index.htm PRIMA ht
tp//www.esi2.us.es/prima/ PROMOTE http//www.boc-
eu.com XPERTS http//xperts.fatronik.com
36The current KM project portfolio
ACCESS-MAINTS will implement a corporate
knowledge management and delivery platform to
provide support services to maintenance and
technical engineers working in geographically
dispersed sites for the aerospace industry.
(IST-1999-11763) ASSIST focuses on the help desk
environments of large companies, supporting
remote workers with knowledge management
facilities, initially in the telecommunications
and postal services. (IST-1999-10934). COMMA
will implement and trial a corporate memory
management framework based on agent technology.
The objective is to integrate different
technologies (enterprise models, user models and
a multi-agent system) to deliver the technical
solution. (IST-1999-12217).
37The current KM project portfolio
CORMA focuses upon the telecommunications sector
enabling new product development to be
facilitated by knowledge management. Pilot
projects will validate the approach in a supply
chain in the sector. (IST-1999-12685). DéCOR
will develop integrated tools to be validated in
the insurance and consulting sector for knowledge
management. Support for the delivery of
organisational knowledge in active,
context-sensitive and self adaptive manners will
be produced. (IST-1999-13002). INSPIRE will
create an intelligent support tool to increase
the success rate in business process
re-engineering. It will achieve this by providing
knowledge management based support for process
modelling, design and implementation.
38The current KM project portfolio
LEVER trial is the customisation and validation
of a total Knowledge Management (KM) solution
(the result of KNOW-NET Esprit Project 28928) in
the software section. LORE will deliver an
integrated knowledge management technology and
human resource management system to exploit human
and knowledge capital value. The solution will
enable people competences, process projects,
document information and financial data to be
consolidated. (IST-1999-12645). MODEL will
deliver a knowledge management system producing
an integrated methodology that enables the
capture of both explicit and tacit knowledge
within an organisation to increase the
effectiveness of learning materials.
39The current KM project portfolio
NIMCUBE will develop a holistic reference
methodology for new use and innovation management
and measurement in RD. It will provide methods
and IT solutions for measuring, managing and
optimising reuse of knowledge and innovation.
(IST-1999-11926). PICK will develop methods
and tools for managing the corporate knowledge
needed to support process improvements in
manufacturing processes. The tools will be tested
in the automotive and aerospace industries.
(IST-1999-10442). PRESERVE will design and
implement a service knowledge network supporting
a production system consisting of machines linked
in a production chain. The development will be
based upon Internet technologies.
40The current KM project portfolio
PRIMA proposes a risk-based business approach,
comprising a design to risk method, a risk
management corporate memory tool to organise risk
knowledge processing, and a decision support
system to assist in bidding and pricing
activities connected to risk processing.
(IST-1999-10193). PROMOTE will design a
methodology for process oriented knowledge
management validated by a prototype to be
installed in three end user companies in the
financial sector. (IST-1999-11658). XPERTS will
provide manufacturing and engineering companies
with the means to manage the design knowledge of
experts. This ranges from new employee knowledge
acquisition, the use of design knowledge in daily
activities through to ensuring that after
departure from the organisation design knowledge
is retained. (IST-1999-11961).
41The current KM project portfolio
Capture Create
Package Store
Share Apply
Transform Innovate
Access-maints Corma
Preserve Pick Passion Xperts Cosmos Knowweb
Ampos Prima
Model - KDE
Ecolnet- KleeCo-
Assist Promote
42The current KM project portfolio
It is a little early. A nice result from an
earlier project...
45The current KM project portfolio
Join the European Knowledge Management Forum, an
interactive portal and interest group on
standardisation, best practices and new ways of
working in knowledge management. Contact Dr
Frithjof Weber, BIBA Germany Email
46Themes to explore
- A look around the corner? - A means to get
there a birds eye view - Knowledge management
OR - Submitting a proposal - Dos and donts -
Current KM project portfolio - Wrapping up - What
can I do now?
47Wrapping up
- A vision for Europe
- Ive tried to present a vision for Europes role
in the Information Society.
- One means to achieve this vision
- Ive tried to show one mechanism which might
allow this to happen.
- It just remains for me to say
- Join in, and lets do
48What can I do now?
3. Visit our main web site at http//www.cordis
.lu/istka2 2. Visit our web site on knowledge
management at http//www.ispo.cec.be/istka2/al1-
2.html 1. Join our discussion list on KM research
at http//www.topica.com/lists/km-rocket
and have a great discussion on the
interaction between OR and KM!
49Information Society Technologies Programme
Thank you for you attention Paul Hearn European
Commission Paul.Hearn_at_cec.eu.int