Title: Fifth Framework Programme Information Society Technologies Programme
1Fifth Framework Programme Information Society
Technologies Programme
- Technologies and Engineering for Software,
Systems and Services - Best Practice Actions
- November 1999
- Call for Proposals
2The September call
- ESSI Background, objectives lessons
- The call text
- How to propose
- Proposal template
- Financial side
- Finding suitable technology
3ESSI European System and Software Initiative
- Promoting the adoption of Software Best Practice
in Europe
4Why Software Best Practice
Competitive advantage
Greater customer satisfaction
Certification is a yardstick for improvement and
not a goal in itself !
Better quality
Better value for money
Real business benefits !
Greater efficiency
Improvements to the software development process
5The ESSI model
Implementation using 7 lines of complementary
Process Improvement Experiment
Experience/User Networks
6Key messages from ESSI
- Process before technology
- A well defined process is a prerequisite for
long-term improvement - People and Soft Issues are important
- Training of People shall not be forgotten
7Some ESSI Facts
- One pilot call in 1993
- Three calls under FP4
- More than 2,300 proposals received
- More than 470 projects funded
- Around 120 MEuro invested
- All industrial sectors covered
- Good participation from SMEs
8Industrial Impact
- over 5.000 organisations involved in Experiments
- 80 are SMEs
- full spectrum of industrial sectors covered
- Largest repository of software best practice
cases - trained more than 20.000 professionals
- experience and awareness transfer to more than
15,000 professionals
Software Best Practice
9Impact so far
- Higher project awareness in smaller SWD companies
- Higher competitiveness, improvement in
productivity - Improvement in employees attitude (in project)
- Cultural turning point
- Certifications (like ISO)
- Some learned what they should do, but ...
10Still Barriers of SPI are
- Still too often the move towards
improvement remains technology driven - Lack of maturity of the tools and the support for
them - Missing a business driver leads to an invisible
ROI - And the greatest of all
- Missing commitment of Senior Management gap
between practitioners and managers
- continue and improve the work done so far
- focus on those themes which have not reached the
critical mass yet - support to create show cases for replication for
those themes which offer sufficient experience
(e.g. conf. mgmt, testing) - maintain the set of complementary activities
(single actions, support nodes and dissemination)
12The call text
- The Software Component-based Initiative
- The single actions
- The support nodes
- The accompanying measures for dissemination
13The Software Components Initiative
- aims to promote Europe-wide use of
component-based approach to the development and
engineering of software systems, applications and
services - includes several action lines
- includes Best Practice and Trial actions
- in particular it includes Best Practice actions
for Action Line IV.3.1 - Component-based software
14The Software Best Practice Action
- To improve the software development process
- small step
- measurements of improvement
- on underlying baseline
- single partner
- obligation to disseminate
- co-operation with support node
- time frame 9 to 24 months
- (funding 100KEuro - 350KEuro?)
15The Support Nodes
- on time support to the single actions
- to create synergies among single actions
- to package results for replication
- to foster replication
- nodes will be networked at European level
- call for tender - soon
16The Dissemination
- implemented via the Accompanying Measure VIII.3.1
- with the objectives of
- raising awareness
- spreading the results of experiences run
- continuous submission
- opportunity for Israeli organisation(s)
17How to propose -the relevant documents
- The Workprogramme
- description of action lines
- The Proposers Guides and the forms
- PG1, PG2F and Protool
- how to structure and present a proposal
- The evaluation manual
- the criteria under which the proposal will be
18How to propose -to assemble a proposal
- Part A - administrative and budget information
- can be filled with the support of the ProTool
- Part B and C - the contents has to be defined
according to the Guide for Proposers - The criteria for evaluating the proposal are
specified in the Evaluation manual
NB there are weights and thresholds
19Proposal Template
- A draft template for software best practice is
available from ISERD - See www.iserd.org.il/ist under documents
- Use as a guide - try not to copy word for word as
then man yproposals will look the same and less
20Financial side
- Cost model is Additional Cost
- This means that for -
- labour - full cost of employment
- all other allowable costs - invoiced amounts
- No hardware costs
- Software may be put under other costs?
- Note differences with ESSI!!
21Financial side (cont.)
- funding
- contract
- Accompanying measures AM/AM-TU
- Keyword BESTP
22How to propose -the submission
- electronically pre-registration to be requested
for electronic signature - on paper 1 original and 5 copies to be
delivered to the Commission - please mark on the envelope IST Programme in
addition to what specified
23Finding suitable technology
- Need to identify a technology for component reuse
suitable for you renvironment - Best method is via past PIEs which dealt with
this area - Scan VASIE repository at www.esi.es/VASIE/
- Use key words such as component, reuse, object
oriented etc
24Further information
- Web site
- http//www.cordis.lu/ist
- Helpdesk
- fax 0032 2 296 8388
- e-mail ist_at_cec.be
- Unit web site
- http//www.cordis.lu/ist/ka4/tesss
- ISERD www.iserd.org.il/ist
- ESPINODE www.kpa.co.il/espinode