Title: Last developments in INSPIRE Data Specifications Dominique Laurent
1Last developments in INSPIREData
Specifications Dominique Laurent
- Annex I
- Data specifications from v2 to v3
- Development of Implementing Rule
- Remaining actions
- Other points
- specification maintenance discussion paper
- calls for expression of interest
3ANNEX I themes
4Specifications v2
- Sent to SDIC/LMO on 19/12/08
- For review
- For testing
- Review
- Around 3 600 comments received
- By beginning of March 2009
- Testing
5Specifications from v2 to v3
- Processing of comments
- Theme specific by TWGs
- Common technical issues by DT DS
- Political, organisational by Commission (JRC)
- Comment Resolution Workshop on 23-24/04/09 at
Ispra JRC - members of working groups (DT DS, TWG, JRC)
- members of commenting SDIC/LMOs
6Specifications from v2 to v3
- Cross-theme harmonisation
- Metadata JRC defined
- Common mandatory metadata elements
- Coordinate reference system
- Temporal reference System
- Encoding
- Topological consistency (for networks)
- Potential common optional elements
- Completeness
- Positional accuracy
- Maintenance
- - But TWGs may recommend other metadata elements
7Specifications from v2 to v3
- Cross-theme harmonisation
- Clarification about voidable a voidable property
has to be provided if available or derivable at
reasonable costs - Clarification about layers (for portrayal)
- instantiable feature type
- with direct geometry
- For feature types in annexes II or III,
distinction between - Placeholders only name defined, not in the IR
- Candidates name basic attributes defined, in
the IR
8Specifications from v2 to v3
- More flexibility
- Possible extensions of INSPIRE specifications
- If conformant with Generic Conceptual Model
- Two kinds of code lists
- Centrally managed by INSPIRE
- Extensible by MS
9Specifications from v2 to v3
- Main characteristics of v3 presented during
INSPIRE conference in Rotterdam (June 2009) - Data specifications supplied by TWGs to JRC by
end June-beginning July 2009 - Last editorial review cross-theme harmonisation
at JRC during summer 2009 - v3 published on 16 September 2009
10Development of Implementing Rules
- A two-steps approach
- Document Draft Structure and Content of IR
- published with v2 of specification
- by extracting
- Common requirements from Generic Conceptual Model
- Theme-specific requirements from specifications
- for review by SDIC/LMO
- Draft Implementing Rule
- Based on v3 of specifications (and GCM)
- One document for all themes
11Development of Implementing Rules
- Review in September - October
- Inter-service consultation (European Commission)
- Informal consultation by MS
- Possible updates in November
- ? possible modifications in the specifications
- Committee meeting on 14/12/09
12Remaining actions (JRC)
- Publication of comment spreadsheet expected soon
- Report about testing later
- Registries
- Glossary
- Feature Concept Dictionary
- Namespaces (for identifiers)
- Establishment of a Task Force (as for services)
Almost ready
13Other points
14Data maintenance
- Discussion Paper about maintenance of INSPIRE
specifications - Status
- Prepared by DT DS
- But not yet published
- Content
- Reasons for changes
- Type of changes and frequency
- Possible organisation (TWG or CEN)
- Technical organisation (tools, registries, )
15Calls from Commission
- A call for expressions of interest
- Launched in September 2009
- For a list of candidates (persons, organisations,
consortium) - To assist the Commission in the context of
INSPIRE - Possible source of editors and facilitators for
annexes II and III - Call of expression of interest
- To be published later
- To the SDICs and LMOs
- For the development of data specifications for
Themes of Annex II and III - domain experts
- reference material
- user requirements
16Testing summary
- 14.10.2009 Testing Kick Off
- 19.12.2009 Data Specs. v.2. released
- 06.03.2009 Testing Deadline
- 82 registered SDICs/LMOs
- 324 registered Wiki Accounts
- 26 Wiki Forum Threads
- 46 Wiki Forum Replies
- 80 final testing reports
- From 45 SDICs/LMOs
17Distribution of Reports
- 16 countries are represented
- (with projects even more)
European distribution, but also other countries
are represented
18SDICs/LMOs Overview
- Stronger involvement
- of SDICs
- 30 reports indicated
- cooperation
- 8 testing consortiums
- on the Wiki
19Reports by theme
20Type of test
21Transformation method
SW used for transformations
22Data quality and consistency
CRS transformation
24 positives
- Local data could be more or less mapped to
proposed INSPIRE DSs - Understanding of the methodology
- General approach is feasible considering the
recommendations - Implementation of on the fly transformations
- Teaming up experience
- negatives
- Complexity of INSPIRE DSs
- Lack of time to proceed more comprehensive
testing - Almost no application testing done
- Low feedback on benefits
- Low support GML 3.2.1