Title: 4 anode planes
1PWCs with 1mm (0.040 inch) wire spacing
Gas connections
Discriminator Crate 32 channels/discriminator
card. Crate holds power supplies
for discriminators preamps.
Signals are differential ECL, AC coupled at the
receiving end.
Spectrastrip twist-n-flat cables carry
signals from preamps and bias voltages to
preamps. Typical length 15 ft. (5 m)
Preamps (8 channels per card)
High quality flat cables (Ansley cables)
carry Signals from discriminators to TDC
system. Typical length 200 ft. (61m)
4 anode planes Per chamber ? xxo ? yyo
from vertical
Power 208-240V AC (120 derived in crate used
for preamp power supplies).
-HV typically lt 2000 V (SHV connector)
Discriminator threshold voltage (1/crate)
carried to crate on bnc cable.
2TDC Interface Crate (identical to discriminator
crate) 32 channels/Interface card
Dedicated CAMAC crate With LeCroy ECLine TDCs
Standard CAMAC crate With ECLine controller
standard CAMAC crate Controller.
Spectrastrip Twist-n-flat cable (16 channels per
cable). Signals are differential ECL.
Power 208-240V AC (120 derived in crate used
for preamp power supplies).
Discriminator threshold control (uses 110 V AC)
(bnc outputs)