Title: Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
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2 Yield-X
JSE Limited
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
Main Board
Agricultural Derivatives
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
Bonds -Trading spot bonds - Primary listings -
Secondary listings - Carries
Interest Rate Derivatives - Bond Futures - Bond
Options - Index futures and options - Rods -
Swaps - Notes - FRAs
Currencies - Futures - Options
3 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Budget Speech 21 February 2007
- Minister of finance Trevor Manuel
- Further developing South Africas financial
markets and increasing liquidity in the currency
market by permitting the JSE to establish a Rand
futures market - Budget Speech 20 February 2008
- Minister of finance Trevor Manuel
- The JSE Rand Futures market will be opened up
- What does this mean
- All corporate entities trusts close
corporations partnerships hedge funds and
banks can trade the currency futures with no
limits, i.e. no upper limit on the value traded.
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
4 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- What are Futures
- A futures contract is a legally binding
agreement that gives you the right to - buy or sell an underlying asset at a fixed
price on a future date
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
5 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- What are Currency Futures?
- Contracts that allow investors to trade an
exchange rate for some - time into the future
- Currency Futures are agreements between two
parties, where one commits - to buy (long) a currency and another to sell
(short) a currency on a - specified future date
- Long Currency Future holder buys the Dollar and
sells the Rands, i.e. - You want the Dollar to appreciate in value or
the Rand to depreciate in - value, example /R to move from R700 to R750
- Short Currency Future holder sells the Dollar
and buys the Rand, i.e. You
- want the Dollar to depreciate in value or the
Rand to appreciate in value, - example /R to move from R800 to R700
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
6 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Currency Futures Advantages
- Effective and transparent hedge against currency
risk - Diversify Internationally from South Africa
- Take a view on the underlying currency movement
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
7 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Currency Futures listed on Yield-X
- Dollar / Rand
- Euro / Rand
- Pound / Rand
- Australian Dollar / Rand
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
8 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
Exchange rate, Ratio of Exchange between Two
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
AUD 1 ZAR 7.3714
9 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- How are Currency Futures quoted on Yield-X?
- Yield-X quotes all currency future prices in the
same way as the underlying - spot exchange rate
- This is represented as the number of Rands per
foreign currency quoted to - four decimal places, e.g. R7.7050 to 1
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
10 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Currency Futures Product Specifications
- Underlying Instrument
- Rate of exchange between one US Dollar and SA
Rand -
- Standardized contracts
- Fixed expiries in March, June, September and
December - Rand Denominated
- Contracts quoted in SA Rand per one underlying
foreign currency - (e.g. US Dollar) to four decimal places
- Cash Settled
- No physical delivery of foreign currency
- Contract sizes
- 1000 foreign underlying currency e.g. 1000,
1000, 1000 and - ZAAD 1000
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
11 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Margining
- Each trade is matched daily by Yield-X, i.e. the
exchange ensures that - there is a buyer and a seller to each contract
traded - The JSEs clearinghouse Safcom becomes the
counterparty to each - trade once each transaction has been matched
and confirmed - The clearinghouse therefore ensures settlement
takes place on each - trade
- To protect itself from non-performance, Safcom
employs a process - known as margining. This mechanism is
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
12 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Initial Margin
- When a position is opened (either long or
short), the investor is - required to pay an initial margin in cash
(known as a good faith - deposit) with the broker who subsequently
deposits it with the - clearinghouse
- This amount remains on deposit as long as the
investor has an open - position
- The initial margin attracts a market related
interest rate which is - refunded to the investor once the position is
closed out, or if the - contract expires
- The initial margin requirement varies between
the different currency - futures offered
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
13 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
Plus Specials on Demand
14 Yield-X
- Variation Margin
- Known as the daily settlement of profits and
losses - The Currency Future price is determined from the
underlying markets spot - price to which forward points are added to
deliver the final price used in the - daily MTM process
- The Exchange re-values each position daily at
the close of each business - day, and this process is known as
Mark-to-Market (MTM) - Any difference from the previous days MTM price
is either paid to the - investors, or paid by the investors to the
clearinghouse, in cash and Rand - denominated
- This payment is called variation margin and is
simply the profit or loss on - each position
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
15 Yield-X
Profit Loss / Variation Margin - Example
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Profit /Loss is calculated off end of day
closing price (fair value) - Position holders of profitable trades receive
Variation Margin - Position holders of loss trades pay in Variation
Margin Received
Margin Payable
Long Position
Short Position
Margin Payable
Margin Received
16 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- How to Trade/Close a Position
- If an investor has a view on which direction the
currency is going to move, - the investor needs to contact their broker to
transact on their behalf - To close out the contract, the investor needs to
contact the relevant broker - and they enter into an equal but opposite
transaction - For example, if an investor had bought a
currency future contract, the - investor would close out the trade by selling
the contract
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
17 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- How to Roll Over a Position
- All investors who wish to hold their positions
beyond the expiry date will be - required to roll their positions over into the
next expiry date - Investors will need to close out their positions
and subsequently enter into - the next contract expiry. This is usually done
automatically on the investors - behalf by the broker
- Example - investors holding a June contract will
need to roll their - position into the September contract. If an
investor had bought a June - contract, the investor would have to sell the
June contract and - subsequently buy a September contract
- The benefit to the investor is that the same
exposure is maintained. The - Exchange offers discounted trade fees for all
positions that are rolled over
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
18 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Practical Examples
- Currency Futures are used Primarily to
- Speculate - No interest in purchasing/selling
the underlying currency - and hope to make profit on short-term price
movements in belief that - the currency rates will change
- Hedge Seek to reduce risk by protecting
underlying shares. It - removes the risk of existing or expected
currency exposure -
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
19 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Speculating
- Speculator expects Rand to weaken (Dollar
strengthen) - Buy 10 Contracts at R8.2000 an exposure of
R82,000 - Deposit R3,100 only for the initial margin (10 x
R310) - Sell contracts at R8.5500 in the future
- Profit R3,500
- 10 x 1,000 x (R8.55 R8.20) R3,500
- Initial margin of R3,100 is returned
- The R3,100 initial capital outlay has returned a
profit of R3,500 - A return of 13 during a period in which the
Rand only - weakened by 4
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
20 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Daily Cash Flows Speculative Example
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
Summary of cash flows Initial Margin R0 (-3100
3100) Variation margin R3,500 (500 1700 200
21 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Hedging
- Example Company ABC importing goods worth 1
Million - Buy (Long) 1,000 contracts at R7.7375 (1
Million) - An exposure of R7,737,500
- Deposit R310,000 as the initial margin (R310 x
1,000 contracts). - When goods arrive, need to pay physical dollars
on delivery. Company - ABC now sells the dollar future contracts
which are now trading at R7.9000 - Initial margin of R310,000 is returned
- Profit on currency future R162,500 1,000
contracts x 1,000 x (R7.90 - R7.7375)
- Pay for goods at R7.90 cost R7,900,000
- Net Cost R7,737,500 (Position was hedged)
still only paying for the - goods what they would have been three months
earlier. - I.e. Costs/profits are locked in
- If the price had gone down Company ABC will
loose on the futures, but pay - less for the physical spot
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
22 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
Example of a Zero-sum game For every winner
there is an equal loser
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
23 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Why Trade Currency Futures?
- Trade on a regulated and efficient platform
- Allow for transparent pricing
- Equalise the playing field for investors
- Allow individuals and smaller corporates to
access favourable rates - usually reserved for larger corporates
- Represents a relaxation of exchange controls for
- individuals and corporate entities
- Less administration for corporates no
reporting to SARB - required and no firm and ascertainable
commitment required (i.e. no - documentation required to hedge)
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
24 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Risks
- Gearing
- Post small amount but valued on full nominal
value - Can make money but can also lose money!
- Loss can be more than the initial margin posted
if unfavourable - position is not closed out
- Trading Hours
- Global currency markets open 24 hours a day
- Local market only open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
- Market could move against you while local market
is closed and - you will have to wait until the next days
opening of the market to trade out - some banks can put stop losses in place
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
25 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Costs
- Exchange fees to the members are R1.00 (excl
VAT) per currency future - contract traded
- These are the fees the exchange charges the
broking community however - the fees that the brokers charge the clients
vary from broker to broker
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
26- Statistics Update (1 December 2008)
- Total number of Contracts 4,9 Billion
- Total Contract Value R46 Billion
- Ratio On Screen vs Off Screen Trades 4060
27 QUESTIONS ?? Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
28 Yield-X
Detailed example of Cash Flows on a Long Currency
Futures Position This table details the daily
cash flows that will be debited or credited to
the investors trading account during the life of
the position.
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
29 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
Summary of Cash Flows Initial margin R0 (-3 100
3 100) Variation Margin R2 877 ( 1 036 777
1 701 2 079 686) Note this example
excludes any trading fees charged by the
exchange, the clearing member or the currency
future broker.
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
30 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
Detailed example of Cash Flows on a Short
Currency Futures Position This table details
the daily cash flows that will be debited or
credited to the investors trading account during
the life of the position.
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
31 Yield-X
Yield-X CURRENCY FUTURESBy Candice Quinn
All short positions are valued using the
formula CF1 - CF0 i.e. todays price minus
yesterdays price. Summary of Cash
Flows Initial margin R0 (-3 100 3
100) Variation Margin R3 700 ( 840 390 1
930 85 455) Note this example excludes any
trading fees charged by the exchange, the
clearing member or the currency future broker.
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range
- Bringing Offshore Trading Back Home
- Developing the SA Financial Market
- Enhancing the JSEs Innovative Product Range