Title: National Institutes of Health
1National Institutes of Health
- Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)
- GBRS Budget Module Training
- August, 2006
- Office of the Director
2 Purpose of the Training
- Learn about the GPRA process
- Learn key GPRA terminology
- Learn how to use the GBRS Budget Module
including - How to access GBRS on the VPS System
- How to navigate around the system
- How to submit update targets and goal budget
information - How to use the reporting features
3Training Will NOT Address
How to develop specific GPRA Targets/Goals or
associated Budget Data
4GPRA Timeline for FY 08 OMB Submission
- July 31st
- Revisions to FY08 Strategic Targets
- Performance results for FY06 Strategic Targets
that are met early - August 10th
- Revisions to FY08 Performance Targets and Goal
Narrative - Performance results for FY06 Performance Targets
that are met early - August 15th
- Budget data due (tentative)
- Week of August 21st - OMB budget due to HHS
- September 11th - OMB Budget Due Date
5GPRA Overview
- The Government Performance and Results Act
(GPRA) was passed in 1993 as a legislative
solution with bipartisan support to make the
Federal Government more accountable to the
American people for the tax dollars it spends and
the results it achieves. -
6GPRA Reporting Submission
- Each GPRA report covers 3 years current fiscal
year plus 2 out-years. - GPRA is submitted with budget three times a year
(performance-budget integration) - May/June (planning) - DHHS
- Aug/Sept (planning) - OMB
- Nov/Dec (performance) - CJ
7Performance Reporting at NIH
GPRA information supports the following
Performance/Budget activities at NIH
- Congressional Justification (CJ)
- Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART)
- Performance Accountability Report (PAR)
- Presidents Management Agenda (PMA)
- Research Development (RD) Investment Criteria
- Dr. Elias Zerhounis Performance Plan
- HHS Top 20 Department-Wide Objectives
- Project/Program Evaluations
- Quarterly Scorecard
8GPRA Programs
9GPRA Performance Goals
- Performance goals are long-term and have
prospective annual or short-term measures. - NIH GPRA performance goals are categorized into
five functional areas - Scientific Research Outcomes (SRO)
- Communication and Transfer of Results (CTR)
- Capacity Building and Research Resources (CBRR)
- Strategic Management of Human Capital (SMHC)
- Program Oversight and Improvement (POI)
10NIH mission to uncover new knowledge that will
lead to better health for everyone.
National Institutes of Health Balanced
Portfolio Government Performance and Results Act
(GPRA) Performance Driver Map
Scientific Research Outcomes
Generation of new scientific knowledge of new or
improved prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of
- Short/Long term
- Low/High risk
- Intramural/Extramural
- Knowledge Dissemination
- Translation
- Field input
- Data / Repositories
Communication and Transfer of Results
Shared knowledge for public benefit
Capacity Building and Research Resources
- Training
- Technology
- Facilities
- Partnerships
Highly trained basic and clinical scientists
leadership in technology and facilities
Strategic Management of Human Capital
Availability of highly skilled and diverse
workforce enhanced work environment
- Performance-based approach
- Workplace Management
- Adequate Workforce
Program Oversight and Improvement
Enhanced program management and compliance
with relevant laws
- Results-oriented Management
- Resource Management
- Stewardship
11Roles and Responsibilities
Responsibilities of Leads IC or OD
Responsibilities of Contributors
- Coordinate with the lead IC in planning and
reporting on the goal -
- Provide evidence to the lead IC on contributions
to the goal - Provide required narrative and budget information
to lead IC for the goal - Include all relevant advances in reporting
- Communicate and coordinate with contributors on
planning and reporting of goal -
- Serve as point of contact with SAB/OB for
planning and reporting of goal - Establish parameters for inclusion/exclusion of
contributions to goal based on the science - If the goal is preclinical research, clinical
trials should not be submitted as contributing to
the goal - Coordinate with contributors on evidence required
to document contributions to the goal - Provide the required narrative and budget
information to OSP and OB for the goal - Report performance, including all relevant
12Core Criteria for Planning and Reporting
Performance Goals
- Trans-NIH Approach
- Representative Performance Goals
(Disease/Disorders/Management) - Annual Budget Performance Target-Based Approach
- Balanced Scientific Research Portfolio
(Intramural/Extramural, Basic/Clinical) - Scientific Risk (Low-Medium-High)
- Time (Short-Term, Mid-Range, Long-Term)
13GPRA Goal Development Criteria
- Criteria for all GPRA Goals
- be representative by fitting appropriately into
the overall set of goals that together, signify
the NIH mission - be measurable by having quantifiable annual
targets that mark against a baseline - be trans-NIH in nature by having a lead IC and
scientific and/or financial contributor(s) who
work closely with other planning officers, budget
officers, program staff to provide a balanced
portfolio - be meaningful to the research community, as well
as the public and NIH stakeholders - refer to a metric and/or date for completion, as
appropriate - reportable annually
- make obvious the budget/performance integration
- appear in managers performance plans
- link to the objectives found in Health People
2010, the FY 2006-2008 HHS Strategic Plan, and
the Presidents Management Agenda
14GPRA Goal Development Criteria(continued)
- In addition, Scientific Research Outcomes (SRO)
goals should - be specific to a definable problem or disease
area with a focus on outcomes - be recognized as an outcome that could be
achieved in the future, but may not be reachable
for any number of reasons - be definable as an intramural and/or extramural
goal - be classified as a basic or clinical goal
- fit within the GPRA goal risk/time matrix to
maintain a balanced portfolio - address the OMB RD Investment Criteria of
quality, relevance, and performance
15Performance Goal Reporting
- Each performance goal reports on the following
- Background
- Prevalence / Incidence (optional)
- Disease Burden (optional)
- Rationale
- Planned Implementation Strategies
- Annual Performance Target Table with Baseline
- Summary of Performance Results
- Implementation Strategy Advances or Other
Highlights - Data Verification/Validation
16NIH GPRA Annual Targets Performance vs.
Strategic Target
NIH GPRA Goal Targets are annual activities
undertaken to achieve a Goal. The annual Target
activities are milestones for the Goal.
- The two types of GPRA Targets are
- Strategic Target
- Strategic Targets are the annual Scientific
and/or Financial contributions to a goal. While
goal contributors must record annual Strategic
Target in VPS, Strategic Targets are not included
in the GPRA report. Strategic Target information
is outlined in the Planned Implementation
Strategies section of the GPRA report. - Performance Target
- Performance Targets are reported each year with
a baseline on the Performance Measures Table of
the GPRA report.
17NIH GPRA Annual Targets Performance vs.
Strategic Target (Continued)
- Leads and contributors collaborate on planning
strategies and performance reporting for
long-term goals and annual Targets - During the first submission each year, ICs
contributing to/participating in a GPRA Goal
develop Strategic Targets in support of the Goal
one of the Strategic Targets is then selected and
converted into a Performance Target for inclusion
in the GPRA report. - Scientific Research Outcome (SRO) Goals with
leads and contributors have both Strategic and
Performance Targets. Non-SRO Goals without
contributors only have Performance Targets. - All GPRA annual Targets must be outcome-oriented.
18GPRA Target Budget Reporting
- A budget value is assigned to each GPRA Target to
define all planned costs, direct and indirect,
required by a program for support in addition to
estimating activity cost. - The values are rolled up to aggregate levels for
the purpose of assessing the budget and resource
requirements at the goal level or any level of
the strategic plan.
19A Checklist for Replacement of GPRA Goals
Determine the Functional Area of the Goal
Strategic Management of Human Capital
Program Oversight and Improvement
Capacity Building and Research Resources
Communication and Transfer of Results
Scientific Research Outcomes
Select a Driver
Determine the Lead IC or OD
Role of the Lead
Role of the Contributor
- Coordinate with the lead IC in planning and
reporting on the goal - Provide evidence to the lead IC on contributions
to the goal - Provide required narrative and budget
information to lead IC for the goal
- Include all relevant advances in reporting
- Communicate and coordinate with contributors on
planning and reporting of goal
- Serve as point of contact with SAB/OB for
planning and reporting of goal
- Establish parameters for inclusion/exclusion of
contributions to goal based on the science
- If the goal is preclinical research, clinical
trials should not be submitted as contributing to
the goal - Coordinate with contributors on evidence
required to document contributions to the goal
- Provide the required narrative and budget
information to SAB and OB for the goal
Collect Products Needed in Addition to
Contributors (scientific and
20Program Performance Monitoring System (PPMS)
- Systemic Assessments Branch (SAB) Webpage
- A convenient, centralized location for viewing
GPRA and performance-related information - Provides resources for developing and writing
GPRA goals - Provides access to current and archived
performance information and reports - Serves as an entry point into GPRA/PART on-line
reporting system (VPS)
21SAB Webpage (Http//nihperformance.nih.gov)Main
Entry Page
22SAB Webpage (Http//nihperformance.nih.gov)Main
23Program Performance Monitoring System
- Visual Performance Suite (VPS)
- Centralized single point of access performance
and budget collecting, monitoring reporting - Enhances coordination communication among
collaborators - Provides access to current past
budget/performance data reports - Provides a venue for analyzing budget/performance-
related information
24SAB Webpage (Http//nihperformance.nih.gov)GPRA
Goals Reporting Page
25SAB Webpage (Http//nihperformance.nih.gov)GPRA
Goals Performance Reporting Page
26SAB Webpage (Http//nihperformance.nih.gov)GPRA
Goals Reporting Page
27SAB Webpage (Http//nihperformance.nih.gov)GPRA
Goals Budget Reporting Page
28Types of GPRA Goals
- One Lead Multiple Contributors
- One Lead Contributor
- One Lead No Contributors
29One Lead Multiple Contributors Each With One
Reportable Target Activity (Different
Activities, Different Budget)
The Planned Implementation Strategies section of
SRO GPRA Goal report contains Strategic Target
performance information.
GPRA Goal (completion Date 2008)
Annual Targets Budget Integration
FY 2006
FY 2007
FY 2008
Strategic Target
Performance Target
Strategic Target
Strategic Target
NCI (Contributor)
Strategic Target
Strategic Target
One Strategic Target is converted into a
performance target each year and reported with a
baseline on the Performance Measures Table of the
GPRA Report.
Strategic Target
NIAAA (Contributor)
Performance Target
Strategic Target
Strategic Target
Strategic Target
NIDDK (Contributor)
Strategic Target
Strategic Target
Strategic Target
Performance Target
Goal Budget Total (Sum of all target budgets)
Enter the budget for each target. The individual
target budgets will aggregate to the Goal
budget. If the goal budget cannot be allocated
at the target level or if there is any portion of
the total Goal budget that cannot be allocated to
a specific target, enter the unallocated portion
of the Goal budget in the VPS budget module
system section labeled Other Implementation
Strategies Cost or Financial Contribution). This
will enable budget reporting consistency.
30One Lead Contributor Multiple Target Activities
(Activities from One Budget and Activities from
Different Budget)
The Planned Implementation Strategies section of
non-SRO GPRA Goal report contains story that ties
the Targets together and adds strategies that
complement achieving Goal.
GPRA Goal (completion Date Ongoing
Annual Targets Budget Integration
FY 2006
FY 2007
FY 2008
Performance Target
Performance Target
Performance Target
OER/OD (Lead IC)
Performance Target
Performance Target
Performance Target
Performance Target(s) are reported on each year
with an annual baseline on the Performance
Measures Table of the GPRA Report.
Performance Target
Performance Target
Performance Target
OIR/OD (Contributor)
Performance Target
Goal Budget Total (Sum of all target budgets)
Enter the budget for each target. The individual
target budgets will aggregate to the Goal
budget. If the goal budget cannot be allocated
at the target level or if there is any portion of
the total Goal budget that cannot be allocated to
a specific target, enter the unallocated portion
of the Goal budget in the VPS budget module
system section labeled Other Implementation
Strategies Cost or Financial Contribution). This
will enable budget reporting consistency.
31One Lead No Contributor (Multiple Target
Activities, One Budget)
The Planned Implementation Strategies section of
non-SRO GPRA Goal report contains story that ties
the Targets together and adds strategies that
complement achieving Goal.
GPRA Goal (completion Date 2008)
Annual Targets Budget Integration
FY 2006
FY 2007
FY 2008
Performance Target
Performance Target
Performance Target
OM/OD (Lead IC)
Performance Target
Performance Target
Performance Target
Performance Target(s) are reported on each year
with a baseline on the Performance Measures Table
of the GPRA Report.
Performance Target
Performance Target
Performance Target
Goal Budget Total (Sum of all target budgets)
Enter the budget for each target. The individual
target budgets will aggregate to the Goal
budget. If the goal budget cannot be allocated
at the target level or if there is any portion of
the total Goal budget that cannot be allocated to
a specific target, enter the unallocated portion
of the Goal budget in the VPS budget module
system section labeled Other Implementation
Strategies Cost or Financial Contribution). This
will enable budget reporting consistency.
- GPRA Contact at the Office of Portfolio Analysis
and Strategic Initiatives (OPASI) - Deborah Duran, Ph.D.
- Durand_at_od.nih.gov
- GPRA Contact at the Office of Budget (OB)
- Michael Greenan
- Greenanm_at_od.nih.gov