1semi-classical rescattering
- electron capture results in odd harmonic
photons. - harmonic cutoff (3Up IP) rule !!
- elastic scattering yields energetic (10Up)
electrons. - inelastic e-2e scattering ? multiple electron
2- tunnel (vo0)v(t) Eo/?cos?t - cos?o
- backscatter (? ?)set v(?r) -v(?r)
- v(t gt tr) Eo/?(cos?t - cos?r) (cos?r -
3Semi-classical solution of generalized
SFA Lewenstein et al., PRA 51, 1495 (1995)
- backscattering results in production of high
energy electrons
4helium, 0.8 ?m, 0.8 PW/cm2
5helium, 0.8 ?m
6Up ? ip2
7- some insights into double ionization
- NS linked to depletion of the neutral ground
state. - first electron tunnels into the continuum.
- the NS yield is strongly polarization dependent
as compared to the sequential processes.
8- Experiment performed at two intensities.
- 0.8 PW/cm2 1/500
- 0.4 PW/cm2 1/1000
- 3He is used for coincidence measurement.
9(No Transcript)
10- mechanical referencing design
- common interaction volume
- pulsed mode operation
- dual MCP detection
- UHV environment (10-10 t)
11mass spectrometer
electron spectrometer
12- an 81 XeKr gas mix test was used to test the
coincidence apparatus.
13205M shots 45M He hits 1058 He2 coin
81014 W/cm2
- double ionization results in hotter
distribution than single ionization. - distribution consistent with e-2e rescattering.
14(No Transcript)
15(No Transcript)
16helium, 0.4 ?m
- reduce ponderomotive energy by 4 since Up ? ?2
- The double-to-single ionization ratio is equal
for 800 nm 400 nm excitation.
17is the Keldysh picture relevant for multiple
18ratio double-to-single ionization
- non-sequential ionization exists for all inert
gases in the near-ir.
19? ?
Chaloupka et al. PRL 90, 33002-1 (2003).
20- rescattering model captures the essential
physics - single electron approximation
- quasi-static limit
- tunneling regime
- experimental test of the model has been limited
- starting to understand many-body effects
- little or no experiments
- relativistic regime
- long wavelength regime
- strong-field short wavelength limit
21scaling laws suggest that wavelength is important
parameter for altering the intense laser-atom
- SF wavelength scaling parameters
- Keldysh adiabaticity parameter ?????-1
- ponderomotive energy Up???2
- wave packet spread ???
- the scaling of the physics is virtually untested.
- may provide a new paradigm in the physics.
22inert gas
23(No Transcript)
24- you can really see these harmonics!
25low frequency limit ??? 1
- Large ponderomotive energy
- Up ? ? ?2
- Access tunnel ionization in more atoms
- ??????atom
- Paradigm for laser-atom interaction
- test scaling laws
- accessible to control schemes
- simplify metrology
26- ponderomotive or quiver energy Up ?2 ? /4
- displacement ? ? 2 E
27high frequency limit ?????atom ??gtgt 1 SF limit
?o ? 1 au
28(No Transcript)
29- fel oscillators are well established facilities.
- operate from the far-IR visible.
- high average power performance.
- limited by optics.
301.5-15 A, 1012/pulse, 200 fs, 120
Hz commissioning 2007-08
31(No Transcript)
32Five experiments slated for first operationssee
2000 BESAC report LCLS The first
experimentsat www.er.doe.gov/production/bes/BESA
target studies atomic physics femotchemistry nano
scale dynamics in condensed phase plasma warm
dense matter structural studies on single
Real answer No one knows?
33xenon at 770 nm and 790 nm
Rudati et al. PRL 92, 203001-1 (2004).
34Isolated Core Excitation Gallagher Cooke (1978)
- transient Rydberg population is shelved, while
the core electron is excited. - the differential shift between Rydberg doubly
excited states is near zero. - unlike ICE, the Rydberg electron is not a simple
spectator in FIRE. - scheme of Charalambidis et al. holds at low
intensity, Up ?? ?E PRA 50, R2822 (1994).