Title: Classification of Living Things
1Classification of Living Things
2Non-Science Example of Classification
- The item in this picture is
- Automobile
- Truck, Car, or SUV? Car
- Made by? Ford
- Type of Ford car? Mustang
- -Was made in what year? 2002
- -Is it Convertible? No
- -Color? Silver
3Classification Goes from General to Specific
- Automobile Biggest
- Car
- Ford
- Mustang
- 2002
- -Non Convertible
- -Silver - Specific
- Classify to group things together based on
similarities - Why Classify?
- To make organisms easier to identify
- To make organisms easier to compare
- How do we classify?
- Compare Traits features or characteristics of
an organisms - The Science of Classification is called Taxonomy
5Tools Used to Classify Organisms
- 1. Comparative Morphology
- Compares Physical Structures, Traits
- 2. Evolutionary Relationships
- Related Organisms with common ancestors, Derived
Characters - 3. DNA/RNA comparison
6Timeline of Classification
- 1. 384 322 B.C. Aristotle
- 2 Kingdom Broad Classification
- 2. 1735 - Carl Linnaeus
- 2 Kingdom Multi-divisional Classification
- Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family Genus,
Species - 3. Evolutionary Classification (After Darwin)
- Group By lines of Evolutionary Descent
- 4. 5 Kingdom System 1950s
- 5. 6 Kingdom System 1990s
- 6. 3 Domain System 1990s
7Early Classification Aristotle 384-322 B.C.
- 2 Groups Plants and Animals
- Plants Green, Non Mobile
- Animals Not Green, Mobile
8How would you classify this using the
Plant/Animal system?
Praying Mantis Green but.. Mobile
9Linnaeus Divisions Still Used in Modern
- 1. Kingdom largest group
- 2. Phylum
- 3. Class
- 4. Order
- 5. Family
- 6. Genus
- 7. Species
- (Most Closely Related)
10Mnemonic Device To help remember categories and
- Kingdom - King
- Phylum - Phillip
- Class Came
- Order Over
- Family - For
- Genus - Ginger
- Species - Snaps
- Within each category, a particular group is
called a Taxon - Many Taxons for each category
- Ex Mammalia is the Taxon for the Class category
in Humans - Ex Homo is the Taxon for the Genus category in
Humans - Carnivora is the Taxon for the Order category in
12Linnaeus Introduced Scientific Naming
- Binomial Nomenclature is the 2 word scientific
name of an organism - Uses Genus and Species
- Genus is capitalized, not species, all italicized
- In writing the name, cant italicize, so
underline - Homo sapien (Genus and species of Human)
- Panthera leo (Genus and species of Lion)
- Used Latin
- Felis concolor
13Example Classification
- Lion
- 1. Kingdom Animalia (all Animals)
- 2. Phylum Chordata (All vertebrate animals)
- 3. Class Mammalia (All Mammals mammary
glands) - 4. Order Carnivora (Meat eaters)
- 5. Family Felidae (includes all Cats)
- 6. Genus Panthera (Includes all roaring
Cats) - 7. Species leo (Lions)
14From Kingdom to Species
156 Kingdom System
Animalia Plantae Fungi Protista Eubacteria Archaea
163 Domains
- Eubacteria Common Bacteria
- Archea Bacteria ancient Bacteria
- Eukarya Includes everything else, Protist,
Fungi, Monera, Plants, and Animals
174. Three Domain System
- 1. Domain Bacteria
- Corresponds to Eubacteria Kingdom
- Unicellular Prokaryotic Organisms
- No Nucleus
- Ecologically Diverse live everywhere!
- Metabolically Diverse
- Cell Walls contain substance called Peptidoglycan
special protein and sugar - Target of many Antibiotics
18Three Domain System
- 2. Domain Archaea Ancient Bacteria
- Corresponds to Kingdom Archaeabacteria
- Unicellular, Prokaryotes
- Metabolically Diverse
- No nucleus
- Live in Extreme environments like those of early
Earth - Cell walls without Peptidoglycan
- A trait used to distinguish between Archaea and
Bacteria Domains
19Three Domain System
- 3. Eukarya
- Contains Kingdoms
- Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
- Eukaryotic, single or multi-cellular Organisms
- Nucleus
- Most visible life
- Humans are in Domain Eukarya