Title: NSPS
2- Pay panel met 5-8 Nov 07
- Sub pools reviewed a total of 324 appraisals
- Main pay panel and pay pool manager reviewed all
ratings of 1/2/4/5, and any rating that a change
was recommended - Total pay pool funding for payout is 631,679
(all elements)
3Prior to Pay Panel Review
4Prior to Pay Panel Review
5After Pay Panel Review
6After Pay Panel Review
7Rating Count
8Rating Distribution
9Lessons Learned
10- . Issue Many of the evaluations used
Contributing Factors (CF) without identifying in
the raters assessment which CF or what specific
action the employee accomplished to achieve the
CF (either or -). - Discussion Although guidance was given to
raters before the pay pool met, many failed to
provide adequate justification or identification
of CFs used to either increase or decrease an
objectives rating. This seemed to be the
predominate problem/issue that caused the pay
pool to question or recommend changes to an
objective rating. An inordinate amount of time
was spent clarifying CFs. - Recommendation Raters need to fully examine CF
descriptors when awarding CFs. Provide early
and specific guidance to raters on identification
of CFs in an objectives rating. Additionally,
have Higher Level Reviewers (HLR) confirm this as
part of their review process.
11- Issue Over-inflation of Ratings
- Discussion The majority of initial ratings were
over-inflated with 65 of the employees being
rated a 4 or above. After the pay pool
deliberations, 28 were validated as a 4 or 5
rating. It was obvious that the Rating Officials
(RO) did not adjudicate their assessments using
the Performance Indicators and associated
descriptors, thereby requiring phone calls on 75
of the PAAs. - Recommendation ROs and HLRs need to adhere to
the guidelines IAW NSPS, specifically that a 3
rating is a valued employee who met the
performance objectives. Justifiable CFs need to
be clearly identified and linked to the
objective not to exceed 2 CFs per objective.
12- Issue Unavailability of Rating Official or
Higher Level Reviewers due to Inaccuracy of
Contact Info - Discussion Contact information was inaccurate,
if available at all for the majority of ROs. 234
phone calls had to be made out of 325 ratings. - Recommendation Contact information be indicated
in the block titled Component Unique Information
and consist of a primary and alternate contact
numbers, home/cell.
13Issue Location of Pay Pool Discussion The
pay pool should be conducted similar to a
Promotion Board and should be held at an off-site
location so panel members are not
distracted/interrupted from performing pay pool
responsibilities. Recommendation Select a
suitable off-site facility located near Fort
Knox, KY, with sub-pay pools being co-located at
the same facility for purpose of calibration.
14- Issue Concerns about NSPS disruption during C2
transformation. Civilian employees could be
adversely impacted during pay pool process. - Discussion Employees moving around between
close-out (30 Sep) of rating cycle and pay out
(early Jan) can cause employees to lose out on
any pay-out. All aspects of how the
transformation will impact on employees under
NSPS needs to be thoroughly analyzed. - Recommendation Assign Ms. Good as a member of
the C2 Tiger team and schedule an appropriate L6S
event to capture how best to proceed with C2 with
minimum impact on process.
15- Issue Having sub-element be pay pool members to
avoid perceptions. - Discussion Panel members briefly discussed
COAs for pay pool organization under C2
transformation. - Recommendation Sub pay pools should be
comprised of members from Pay Pool Manager level
and levels from which the PAAs originate.
16- Issue Gather all PAAs for specific RO before
calling to adjudicate. - Discussion Panel members found it helpful to
evaluate all PAAs under a particular RO before
making calls of adjudication.
17- Issue Phone calls are for purpose of giving RO
opportunity to provide additional information not
previously captured in assessment, not to
re-write assessment. - Discussion Panel members call raters to advise
that their assessments do not support the rating
and that the panel will be recommending these
changes to the PPM. The RO should be allowed to
address specific issues telephonically, and if
additional info is provided that they only be
given 1-2 hours to email/fax the info for
18- Issue Contributing Factors need to be limited
to 1-2 per objective. - Discussion Many objectives had numerous CFs
assigned. It became difficult to discern what
the RO was awarding with the net cast that wide. - Recommendation CFs should be limited to 1-2
per objective and then specifically address which
CF you are awarding and why.