Title: NSPS An Integrated Perspective Agenda
1 NSPS- An Integrated PerspectiveAgenda
- Introduction of Panel Members
- Acting Deputy Assistant, G-1,CP
- Overview of NSPS from a Programmatic
Perspective - Mr. Dean Pfoltzer, Deputy Director-PAED, DCS G-8
- Roadmap to Implementation and Lessons-Learned
- Mr. Steve Bagby, DASA, FMC-Cost and Economics
- Automated Tools- The Enhanced Workbench
- QA
2National Security Personnel System Lessons
Learned Deputy Assistant G-1 for Civilian
Personnel 28 May 2008
- Army successfully completed its first large
rating cycle under NSPS - 39,591 employees 404 pay pools
- Lessons learned solicited from commands
- Automated support tool (PAA) biggest issue
4Rating Distribution
5Army and DoD Rating Distributions
6Shares Distribution
7Army and DoD Shares Distributions
8Feedback Common Themes
- Rating officials and pay pool panels did a good
job at distinguishing levels of performance - The shift in mindset from being rated top block
to being rated at level 3 is a difficult one - Job objectives and assessments need improvement
- Contributing factors are difficult
- Pay pool administrators need training and
better-organized information
9Automated Tools and Information
- Many comments received pertaining to performance
management automated tools - Performance Appraisal Application cited
consistently as being very difficult and
time-consuming - New version being released Aug 2008 for next pay
pool cycle - Compensation Workbench was well-received
- Many suggestions for improvement received
- Army NSPS website on Civilian Personnel Online
(CPOL) was commended as good source of
information - Many suggestions were received to make it more
useful and efficient - NSPS PMO is examining these suggestions and
making changes accordingly
10Business Rules
- Many organizations planning on making changes to
business rules - More consideration of salary progression
- More consistency between pay pools in the same
command or organization - Share distribution for level 3
- Salary/Bonus distribution
11Other Leadership Concerns
- Pay pool officials should be able to change
appraisals - Currently only rating official can make changes
seen as inefficient - Need relief from 5 limitation of salary
increases for in-band reassignments - Causing inequities in compensation and bad press
- Consider splitting pay band 2
- Need relief from Priority Placement Program (PPP)
requirement to clear entire pay band - Large increase in matches
- DoD has agreed to change this
- Unknown date for Bargaining Unit entry into NSPS
- NDAA 08 allows national-level bargaining (never
been done)
- FY 2008 National Defense Authorization Act
eliminated NSPS Workforce
Shaping - 5 CFR 351.402(b) stipulates that a competitive
area is solely defined by organizational unit and
geographic location - DoD froze all RIFs/transfer of functions
involving a mix of General Schedule/Federal Wage
System/NSPS employees - 15 April 2008 Federal Register (FR) proposes
competitive area change - Army RIF guidance developed subject to
coordination with Commands, leadership and union
13NSPS Program Evaluation
- Evaluate NSPS within Army to
- Assure compliance with law and regulation
- Assess NSPS internal controls
- Identify areas which may require further review
- Three tiered approach
- Ongoing data analysis
- Onsite in Progress Reviews
- Special Studies
15 16NSPS Pay Actions
17NSPS Pay Actions by Rating
18NSPS Payout Amounts by Rating
- Does not include
- Rate Range Adjustments (1.5)
- Local Market Supplements (average 1)
19G-8 NSPS Implementation After-Action Review Mr.
Dean Pfoltzer Deputy Director Program
Analysis and Evaluation, DCS G-8
20 Agenda
- A Leadership Initiative, HQDA FMC/G-8 Roadmap
- Pay Pool Structure Options
- G-8 Pay Pool Architecture
- Pay Pool Funding
- G-8 Ratings Distribution
- G-8 Shares Awarded Distribution
- Implementation Challenges
- Lessons Learned
- Compensation Management
21NSPS is a Leadership Initiative
- Leadership - Planning
- Formation of joint HQDA FMC/G-8 Executive
Steering Group (ESG) - Explored uncharted territory
- Identified key individuals to develop
organizational knowledge and lead working groups - Created 4 working groups to explore, learn, and
provide recommendations - Pay Pool Management/Business Rules
- Staffing and Employment
- Pay Setting
- Performance Objectives/Organizational Goals and
Objectives - Functioned as the decision making team for NSPS
22NSPS is a Leadership Initiative
- Leadership Communication and Training
- Socialized NSPS concepts
- Town Halls conducted with all employees
- Institutionalized meaning of a valued performer
- Transition Managers monitored, tracked, confirmed
all employees were trained - Leadership Decisioning via the ESG
- Reviewed findings and recommendations from 4
working groups - Identified Pay Pool Managers and Panel Members
- Finalized pay pool architecture
- Finalized and published business rules
- Reviewed results of mock pay pools
- Defined pay pool funding levels
23Pay Pool Structure Options
- Along organizational lines
- Mission/Mission Support
- By function
- Career Groups
- Pay Bands
- Occupation
- By geographic location
- By workforce
- Pay Pool Size Range 50 to 150
MACOM Decides
Directorate Pay Pool
Sub-Panel Div -B
Sub-Panel Div -C
Sub-Pan Div - A
Sub-Panel Engineers
-Panel Contracting
Sub-Panel Admin
24HQDA G-8 Pay Pool Structure Composition
Total 234
Pay Pool Panel Manager Civilian Panel
Pay Pool Panel Manager Civilian Panel
Members PDD - COL PDD - Civilian PBDMD -
Civilian CIPAD - COL CIPAD - Civilian MAFPAD -
Pay Pool Panel Manager Civilian Panel
Members FDZ - COL FDT - Civilian DOR -
Civilian DOI - Civilian DOM - Civilian
Pay Pool Panel Manager Military Panel
Members CAA 3 Military-COL CAA 7 Civilian
25Pay Pool Funding 2008 GPI
2008 GPI 3.5 Locality
1.0 Remaining Funding Rate Range
Adj. 1.5 (60 of 2.5) Pay Pool Element
2 1.0 (40 of 2.5) 2.5
NSPS Employee under standards for 90 days
Note All employees received the rate range
adjustment and locality pay. The remaining 40
of the general pay increase was applied to base
pay funding in the pay pools and distributed
based on performance.
26HQDA G-8 Ratings Distribution
27 HQDA G-8 Shares Awarded Distribution
As the number of shares increases, the share
value is diluted.
28Implementation Challenges
- Time Intensive
- Panels met twice- scheduling challenges
- Panel members required to attend all meetings-no
exceptions - Full-time effort for data administrators
- Executive level meetings bi-monthly
- System and Automated Tools
- Learning curve on automated tools
- Inadequate software
- PAA not user-friendly
- Cumbersome linkage between automated tools
- Need flexibility to accommodate real-time changes
during panel deliberations - Software problems became identified with NSPS
hindered acceptance of change - Guidance
- Guidance changed frequently
- Eligibility issues
- GPI split
- Work-arounds for automated tools
29 Lessons Learned
- Writing Appraisals
- Managers and employees need to build writing
skills - Effectiveness is critical - describe the impact
on the organization/mission of an action - OSD recommends 3-4 objectives - maximum of 5
avoid equal weighting - OSD recommends no more than two contributing
factors - PAA
- Draft objectives and reviews in MS Word, cut and
paste into the PAA - Use word count and spell check
- System and Automated Tools
- PAA is cumbersome, not user-friendly Plan time
to navigate this tool - CWB does not provide flexibility to accommodate
varying compensation logic - Conducting Pay Pool Panel Meetings
- Panel members need to come to meetings trained
and prepared - All panel members must attend all meetings- no
exceptions - Ensure that business rules have been established
ahead of time
30Compensation Management
- Find the right balance.
- Effectiveness vs. Efficiency
- No new dollars
- Monitor and understand your civilian pay
execution it will be reflected in your future
CivPay rates. - Pay Pool Funding
- Base/Bonus split
- Reassignments and Promotions
- Institutionalize guidelines to prevent
cannibalization and unplanned base salary growth - Develop common scope and complexity definitions
and guidelines -
31Compensation Management
- Hiring Decisions
- Business Rules regarding authority levels
- Starting salaries commensurate with scope and
complexity - Reflective of effectiveness vs. efficiency
trade-off - Total R (remuneration)
- Direct Cash
- Benefits and Incentives
- Intrinsic Rewards
- Develop Compensation Management Knowledge-Long
Term - Resources
- Consider having a dedicated resource for the
organizations compensation needs - Partner with HR Advisory Compensation Analyst
(job classification for this advisory capability
is underway at OSD) - Training
- Compensation training offered by OSD-CPMS will
become available - Build compensation management training into
Resource Managers professional development
33 Command Level Leadership
- Delegation Authority
- Accommodates skip year of performance awards
- Communicates with competing Commands to minimize
cannibalization - Identifies pay pool structure appropriate to the
organization - Identifies pay pool panel members managers
- Develops Metrics
- monitor pay costs
- affordability analysis
- Identifies hiring strategies
- interns vice journeymen
- hot skills
- retention issues
- Mandates affordability review of hiring and
promotion actions - Determines hiring and salary negotiation policy
and levels of authority - Establishes pay band control points
- Ensures internal and external equity across the
organization opportunity to realign based on
scope and complexity of jobs - Determines job classification and salary
stratification within pay bands (delegated to the
Commands by AG-1 CP)
34Sample Business Rules for Pay Setting
- Setting Initial Pay
- Hiring Authority may recommend up to 3 increase
above current salary - PPM may approve up to 5
- PRA must approve above 5
- Reassignment
- Hiring Authority may recommend up to 3
- PPM must approve 3-5
- Promotions
- Hiring Authority may recommend up to 6
- PPM must approve between 6-12
- PRA must approve above 12
35Basis for Civilian Pay Rate Development
- CTYPE (type of employee)
- 101- GS
- 102- Wage Grade
- 105- Koreans
- 110- Other Direct hire Foreign Nationals
- 121- SES
- 124/125- Miltechs
- 130- HQDA Interns
- 305- Students
- 202- German Nationals
- 204- Korean Service Corp.
- 205- Japanese Master Labor Contract
- 206- Other Indirect Hire Foreign Nationals
- Rate Group (type of work)
- 1) AMHA
- 2) BaseOps, AFHO
- 3) all other
- 4) RDTE- Mission
- 5) MCA- Mission
- 6) AWCF- Mission
- ROC (location)
- 1) Resource Organization Code
36 Enhanced Workbench (EWB) Mr. Steve Bagby
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army, Cost and
37Enhanced Workbench (EWB)Our Primary Focus for
- Increase Productivity
- Provide incentives for superior work
- Larger financial rewards
- Larger and faster raises
- Larger bonuses
- Ability to advance more quickly
- Flexibility in assigning work
- Fairness
- Judge employees performance objectively
- Reward employees objectively
- Same situation same reward
38Enhanced Workbench (EWB)2 Shares (66.4
receiving 2 Shares or less)
39Enhanced Workbench (EWB)Popular Methods
- Default Payout Split
- Everyone receives the same percentage of
performance award to base pay increases - Share Basis Option
- Assign a percentage of the award to go to base
pay increases based on the number of shares
awarded - Merit Matrix Option
- Divides the pay range into subdivisions and
assigns a base pay increase percentage based on
where the employees falls in the pay range and
shares awarded - Enhanced Workbench (EWB)
- Similar to Merit Matrix, but it takes into
account the rating distribution, applies business
rules related to minimum increases, and has
functions to automatically redistribute as
necessary to meet funding floor
40Enhanced Workbench (EWB)Method Comparison for
Base Pay Allocation
Which method promotes meaningful recognition?
41Enhanced Workbench (EWB)Summary
- Biggest driver of performance awards are the NSPS
rating and associated shares - Must ensure objectives are clear and the employee
has control over accomplishment of objectives - Enhanced Workbench (EWB) provided a baseline
payout split that ensured employees compensation
was fair, equitable, and based on objective
criteria - http//www.asafm.army.mil/secretariat/nsps/autotoo