Title: Drug Courts in Missouri
1Drug Courts in Missouri
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3The Problem
- Since the 1980s, in Missouri and across the
nation, we attempted to incarcerate our way out
of crime and illegal drug use. - We were tough on crime.
- Three strikes and your out.
- Throw away the key.
- The war on drugs
- But, we were not smart on crime.
4The Problem (Source NADCP)
- 1 in 100 Americans are incarcerated
- 80 of those abuse alcohol or drugs
- 50 of these are clinically addicted
- 95 return to using once they have been released
from prison
5Missouri Correctional Population
- (2011 DOC Annual Report)
- 5,403 incarcerated for drug charges
- Average sentence is 8.6 years
- 1,336 incarcerated for DWI
- Average sentence is 5.9 years
6The Problem (Source NHTSA)
- In 2009, 10.5 million people reported driving
under the influence of illegal drugs. - 1 in 8 The rate of Americans driving on a
weekend night testing positive for an illicit
drug. - In 2010, more than 10,000 people died in
alcohol-impaired driving crashes..1 every 51
7The Problem (Source NADCP)
- Addiction tears families apart
- 60-80 of substantiated CA/N cases involve
substance abuse by a custodial parent or adult. - Parents who complete SA treatment are more likely
to be reunified with their kids, and their kids
spend less time in foster care - But.8 in 10 fail to complete treatment
8The Problem (Source NADCP)
- 18 Veterans commit suicide every day
- Rx misuse among active duty service members
doubled from 2002 to 2005 and almost tripled from
2005 to 2008 - 65 of justice involved vets are addicted to
drugs or alcohol - 75,000 Veterans are homeless on any given night
9- We need to incarcerate those were afraid
of..not those were mad at!
10Drug Courts
- Special docket
- designed to treat addicted individuals
- intensive treatment and other services
- Accountability
- must meet obligations to court, society,
themselves and their families - regularly and randomly tested
- frequent court appearances
- rewarded for doing well/Sanctioned for not
meeting obligations
11Treatment Court Team
- Judge
- Prosecuting Attorney
- Public Defender or Defense Attorney
- Drug Court Administrator
- Probation Officer
- Treatment Provider
- Law Enforcement
12Treatment Court Types
- Adult Drug Court
- Juvenile Drug Court
- Family Drug Court
- Mental Health Court
- DWI Court
- Reintegration Court
- Veterans Court
- Programs are 12-24 months in duration
- Locally driven initiative
- To Graduate, participants must
- Abstain from drugs and alcohol
- Satisfy treatment and supervision conditions
- Pay applicable fines or fees
- Complete community service
- Make restitution to victims
- Be employed get GED
- Re-engagement in the community
14Services Provided
- Substance abuse treatment
- Mental health treatment
- Family counseling
- Vocational counseling
- Educational assistance
- Housing assistance
- Help with medical or dental care
- Veterans benefits
15Missouri Treatment Court Leaders
- More Treatment Courts per capita
- DWI Court Legislation 2010
- DWI 2nd - 5 year denial
- DWI 3rd 10 year denial
- Allows DWI Courts to issue Limited Driving
Privileges to participants and graduates - Missouri specific DWI court training
16 Academy Adult Drug Court Boone County
17DWI Academy Court Greene County
18Family Drug CourtPeer Learning Court
- Risk and Needs Triage
- Assessment Tool
- Match participants to levels of judicial
supervision and treatment services - First to implement statewide
- Dr. Doug Marlowe April 2012 training
- 3 hour video available on JEWELS
20Medication Assisted Treatment
- City of St. Louis
- Commissioner Jim Sullivan
- Specific Dockets for each level of supervision
- MAT Docket
- MAT offered prior to release from jail
21Solution for Veterans in Need
- Post-Traumatic Stress
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Homelessness
- Self medication
- Drug Courts are answering this call of duty!
22SEMO Veterans Treatment Court Poplar Bluff, MO
- First of its kind
- Multi-jurisdictional
- 10 Counties
- 6 PP Districts
- 5 Judicial Circuits
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24- The key measurement of the failure of our
incarceration strategy is the recidivism rate. - Too many people, keep coming back.
- Revolving Door
25Missouri Recidivism Source 2011 DOC Offender
ProfileParolees Returned to Prison Within
2 years 3 years 5 years
Felony DWI 28 36 43
Drugs 39 47 54
26Missouri Recidivism Source 2011 DOC Offender
ProfileProbationers with New Conviction or Tech
Violations - Incarcerated Within
2 years 3 years 5 years
Felony DWI 18 24 33
Drugs 19 26 34
27Missouri Recidivism Source 2011 DOC Offender
ProfileNew Probationers Received First New
Conviction Within
2 years 3 years 5 years
Felony DWI 9 13 22
Drugs 10 14 21
28Drug Court Recidivism
- Begin measuring recidivism after program
completion - Defined as a new conviction for a felony or a
class A misdemeanor of a violent nature against a
person - OSCAs MO Recidivism Study
- Following a cohort who graduated in 2008 and 2009
- Now at 30 month mark
29Missouri Recidivism Drug Courts MO Recidivism
Rate Study
2 years 30 months
DWI Court Graduates Terminations 5 15 6 15
Drug Court Graduates Terminations 6 16 7 17
30Missouri Drug Courts Cost Substantially Less Than
- (Source 2011 DOC Annual Report)
- Costs (per inmate per year)
- Incarceration 22,852
- Drug Court 3,000 - 5,000
31Budget Solution
- Lower criminal justice system costs
- Reduce jail/prison use
- Cuts crime
- Reduces Impaired Driving
- Transforms offenders
- Productive citizens
- Working reduce public assistance
- Tax-paying paying child support
- Reunify families reduces foster care
32Committee Driven
- Drug Courts Coordinating Commission
- Drug Court Resource Fund
- Alternative Treatment Court Committee
- Established by the Supreme Court in 2007
- Review legislation and suggest changes or
additions to court rules and drug court policy
33Drug Court Coordinating CommissionRSMo
478.009Open Meetings in January, May and
- Dept. of Corrections
- Dept. Social Services
- Dept. Mental Health
- Dept. Public Safety
- State Courts Administrator
- Supreme Court (3)
34Drug Court Resource Fund
- FY13 - 14.2 million in requests
- 6.2 million allocated
- Allowable Spending
- Treatment
- Drug/Alcohol Testing
- Wrap Around Services
- Contractual Services
- Education
35Alternative Treatment Court CommitteeATCC
- Members include Drug Court Professionals in
Missouri - 3 Judges
- 1 Prosecuting Attorney
- 1 Defense Attorney
- 1 PP Staff
- 1 Drug Court Administrator
- 4 Treatment Court Staff
- Staff DCCC and ATCC
- Staff committees and workgroups
- Provide oversight and TA to courts
- Conduct research/ provide statistical data
- Conduct site visits/Ensure compliance of 10 Key
Components - Develop strategies for allocations and monitor
expenditures - Develop and conduct training
37Treatment Courts in Missouri
- 89 Adult Drug Courts
- 12 Juvenile Drug Courts
- 12 Family Drug Courts
- 19 Stand-Alone DWI Courts
- 3 Veterans Treatment Courts
- 1 Reintegration Court
- 136 Treatment Court Programs
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39Current Population
- 2,307 Adult
- 838 DWI
- 282 Family
- 120 Juvenile
- 47 Veterans
- 3,594 Total (as of August 2012)
- 1st Drug Court 1993 in Jackson Co.
- Treatment courts in 42 of 45 circuits
- Over 11,800 graduates
- Over 3,500 active participants
- Over 560 drug-free babies born
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- Graduation Rates
- Adult 52
- DWI 72
- Veterans Court
- no measures yet,
- expected to be the
- same as the national
- average of over 80
43We need your help!
- Ensure that drug courts are a true alternative to
prison. - Build Capacity
- Make Referrals
44We need your help!
- Key Component 3Eligible participants are
identified early and promptly placed in the drug
court program. - Statewide average number of days from charge date
to admission date was over 365 days - Optimal time period is 30 days to take advantage
of the trauma of arrest - Early treatment Better results!
45We need your help!
- Provisional Admittance
- Allow an offender to enter Drug Court before lab
tests are received - If the lab tests come back negative, the
defendant should be allowed to withdraw from the
program charges would be dismissed
46We need your help!
- Key Component 2 Protect due process rights!
- Each treatment court team should include a
defense counsel and a prosecuting attorney
47Our Mission
- NADCP.org
- not-even-once.com
- TheAntiDrug.com
- drugabuse.org
- ncjrs.gov
- whitehousedrugpolicy.gov
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