Missouri School Readiness - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Missouri School Readiness


Saint Louis. Executive Director; Missouri Child Care ... Saint Joseph. President/CEO; United Way of Greater St. Joseph. Dr. Karen A. Bartz. Pleasant Hill ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Missouri School Readiness

Missouri School Readiness
  • Jody Bradshaw Denson
  • Policy Analyst
  • Metropolitan Council on Early Learning

Missouri Coordinating Board for Early Childhood
  • The CBEC was established by statute in 2005.
  • The CBEC has been charged to serve as the
    public/private entity for coordinating a cohesive
    system of early childhood programs and services
    that will result in the healthy development of,
    and high quality education for, all Missouri
    children from birth through age five.

Missouri Coordinating Board for Early Childhood
  • CBEC powers include actions to identify and
    recommend initiatives to improve services for
    children from birth through age five.
  • The CBECs mission is to help ensure Missouri has
    a coordinated approach to serving Missouris
    youngest children.

CBEC Members
Board Members
Board Members
CBEC 2009/FY10 Legislative/Budget Interests
  • Establish and maintain a Missouri Quality Rating
  • Allocate sufficient funds to maintain the
    increased levels of child care subsidy support
    achieved last year AND begin effort to increase
    support on an annual basis with goal of making
    child care subsidy levels equivalent to those
    used in other Missouri family support programs by

CBEC 2009/FY10 Legislative/Budget Interests
  • Increase state funding for Missouris Early Head
    Start program to add new slots and to increase
    the funding for existing slots
  • Allow the CBEC to become a member of the P-20

CBEC Child Care Subsidy Recommendations
Missouri Pre-K Panel
  • In Spring 2008, the CBEC convened a statewide
    panel to inform its efforts to develop a system
    of high quality, publicly funded
  • Four meeting held in 2008. The 33 members
    convened by the CBEC represent a cross section of
    the state in terms of geographical
    representation, engagement with early care and
    education, and variety of viewpoints.

Panel to make recommendations regarding six
  • Purpose for the States publicly funded pre-k?
  • Who should be served with public funds? Should
    States publicly funded pre-k programs target 3
    and 4-year olds or only 4-year olds?
  • Should publicly funded pre-k serve only children
    at-risk for school success or should it be
    universally available to families on voluntary
  • Should all publicly funded pre-k programs be
    required to meet similar standards? Areas to be
    addressed by these standards?
  • Which programs serving preschoolers should be
    qualified to offer publicly funded pre-k?
  • Structure of oversight to ensure accountability
    for States investments?

November 2008 Pre-K Panel Recommendations
  • By end of the 2011 legislative session, statutory
    authority should be established for publicly
    funded pre-k in Missouri. A financial structure
    should be in place ensuring enrollment is
    accessible and affordable to all age-eligible
  • Center or family-based programs that meet
    established standards should be able to
    participate and receive public funds.
  • Enrollment in publicly funded pre-k should be
  • By fall 2012, enrollment should be available to
    children for two years prior to their entry into
  • All programs should be held accountable for
    meeting identified, research-based program
    standards established by the State and required
    of programs at the time of programs initiation.

Recommendations Continued
  • All programs should be required to use a uniform,
    standardized child assessment process for
    tracking childrens progress and informing the
    instructional process.
  • By fall 2012, the DESEs data tracking system
    (MOSIS) should be used to establish a uniform,
    child-specific longitudinal measure of outcomes
    for children participating in the States pre-k
  • At the state level, a system of oversight should
    be established.
  • The system of oversight should identify a local
    or regional entity to facilitate design of a
    mixed delivery system responsive to community
    needs and resources.

Missouri Coalition for School Readiness
  • The Missouri Coalition for School Readiness is in
    the planning and development stage.
  • Coalition will be a partnership of early learning
    advocates and practitioners, business leaders,
    parents, law enforcement, and other interested
  • Goal is to build bi-partisan political support of
    voluntary high-quality early learning in key
    areas of the state.

Coalition Future
  • Part of the coalitions goal is to not only
    increase state funding for early learning, but to
    bring together advocacy agencies and civic and
    business leaders to raise private sector funds.
    This combining of funding streams can complement
    the state's investment in early learning
    education, creating a true public/private
  • The coalition hopes to expand funding to allow
    more children to have access to high quality
    early learning opportunities.

  • State partners will work to develop a framework
    for the coalition.
  • The Kansas Coalition on School Readiness model
    will be used to inform the development of the
    Missouri Coalition.
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