Title: Strategies for Successful Writing
1English IV Enriched Dual Credit Foss Alamo
Heights High School
Strategies for Successful Writing
2Strategies for Successful Writing
- Ch. 1
- Writing A First Look
31. Why write . . .?
Strategies for Successful Writing
- Written word flourishes on campus in work world
. . . - Writing will become even more important . . .
4Advantages to writer and readers . . .
Strategies for Successful Writing
- Gives writers time to reflect on and research
issues - Makes communication precise effective
- Provides permanent record
- Saves the reader time
5Advantages . . .
Strategies for Successful Writing
- People will expect you to write for them
- College instructors
- reports, research papers, essays and essay exams
- Prospective employers
- (pre-hire post-hire)
- The ability to write will help you earn better
grades, land the job you want, and advance in
your career (3).
6Personal benefits . . .
Strategies for Successful Writing
- Medical or insurance reimbursement claims
- Request clarification . . .
- Document a demand for replacement of faulty
7Why write . . .?
Strategies for Successful Writing
- In response to a situation
- Situation determines
- purpose, audience, content, style, organization
- We dont . . . write in isolation but rather to
communicate with others who have an interest in
our message (4).
82. Purpose of Writing
Strategies for Successful Writing
- Some clear, authentic purpose must guide your
writing - fulfilling an assignment DOES NOT count!
- What do I want this piece of writing to do for
both my reader and me (4)?
9Purpose . . .
Strategies for Successful Writing
- Purpose grows out of the writing situation
- A report for science
- An editorial for the school newspaper
- Proposal to replace outdated eqpt with a
state-of-the-art model
10Purpose . . .
Strategies for Successful Writing
- 4 Common General Writing Purposes
- presenting info to fill in gaps in knowledge
- Sway readers towards a certain p.o.v
11Purpose . . .
Strategies for Successful Writing
- Personal essays, fiction, plays,
- poetry, journals, diaries
- Other writings, too everything you
- write offers you a chance to
- display your mastery of words and
- to enliven your prose.
12Purpose . . .
Strategies for Successful Writing
- Sheer entertainment OR entertainment with a
serious purpose - Lighthearted approach can help
- Satire
13Purpose . . .
Strategies for Successful Writing
- A specific purpose assists you at every stage of
the writing process - Define audience
- Select details, language approach that best
suits their needs - Keep on task avoid going off on tangents
143. Audience
Strategies for Successful Writing
- Everything you write is aimed at some audience
people you want to reach (6) - Ultimate purpose of all writing . . . To have an
effect on a reader even if it is you - Purpose Audience are closely linked
15Audience . . .
Strategies for Successful Writing
- You must define that someone to whom you write
- Most often, you may not know your audience --
businesses, customers, fellow townsfolk - You will need to assess your audience before
starting to write and/or later in the writing
process (7).
Strategies for Successful Writing
- Develop an Audience Profile
- 6 questions to ask yourself about your audience .
. . (see p. 7).
Strategies for Successful Writing
- The Effect of Audience on Your Writing
- Audience shapes all types of writing . . . (8).
- Differences in
- details
- language
- tone
different readers call for different approaches
Strategies for Successful Writing
- Discourse Communities
- a group that shares goals, values, concerns,
background information, and expectations - custom dictates
- what info must be included,
- the pattern of organization,
- the style of the paper
Strategies for Successful Writing
- Discourse communities . . .
- part of learning to write is becoming familiar
with the values and customs of different
discourse communities (8). - Read carefully in the field
- Acquaint yourself with current issues / concerns
- Learn how to write about them
See the 10 questions on p. 8
204. Qualities of Good Writing
Strategies for Successful Writing
- 3 ways to help ensure your prose meets your
readers expectations - Fresh thinking
- Sense of style
- Effective organization
these 3 qualities are weighted, or valued,
differently in different kinds of writing (10).
21Writing Ethics
Strategies for Successful Writing
- good writing is also ethical writing (11).
- Principles Writing should . . .
- be truthful
- tell whole truth
- not be presented as something different than what
it is - be clear to the reader
- not be intended to harm the reader
22Writing Ethics -
Plagiarism (new section of Ch 1 for 8th
Strategies for Successful Writing
- avoid plagiarism . . . taken material . . .
an unacceptable practice . . . it is academic
dishonesty (12). - Why is plagiarism an important issue?
- See the 6 reasons on p. 12
- Consult Chapter 22, Documenting Sources
- (432-61) if you need to . . .
23Writing Ethics -
Plagiarism (new section of Ch 1 for 8th
Strategies for Successful Writing
- How can you avoid plagiarism
- and the failing grade that often
- comes
with it (13)? - See the list of 5 ethical strategies, pp. 13-14.
24- You must make a conscious effort to avoid
plagiarism. Ignorance and carelessness are
rarely accepted as an excuse . . . (13). - It is easy to avoid the embarrassment and the
dire consequences (13).
25Strategies for Successful Writing
- Review Chapter 3 for . . .
- tomorrow
- (You should read / have read Chapter 2
- on your own -- and for yourself)
26Work Cited
- Reinking, James A. and Robert von der Osten.
Writing A - First Look. Strategies for Successful
Writing A Rhetoric, - Research Guide, Reader, and Handbook. 8th
ed. - Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson Prentice
Hall, 2007. - 3-14.
27Strategies for Successful Writing
28(No Transcript)