Title: New Hellfire Physical Model
1New Hellfire Physical Model
- Boris Dobrydnev
- BMH Associates, Inc.
- 5365 Robin Hood Road, Suite 100
- Norfolk, Virginia 23513-2441. U.S.A
2ProblemsNot a physical modelUnrealistic
trajectoriesNo distinction in modes and missile
3PurposeRealistic physical modelSimulation of
all launch modesCorrect fly out trajectories
4Conceptual model
5Hellfire missile
6Laser Seeker Model
- Collects data on all laser spots
- Checks for laser code
- Checks for Field-of-View
- Intervisibility test
- Clouds
- Smoke
7Hellfire firing modes
9Guidance model
- Preprogrammed flight if no laser spot detected
- constant climb angle
- various values for different modes
- descent to the approximate spot location if lock
is lost for - AGM-114K
- If laser spot is detected
- use gravity bias (constant angle) if far from
the spot - move directly to the spot if close to the spot
10Flight Dynamics model
Constant acceleration for initial period of time
until the velocity reaches its maximum Air
resistance proportional to the square of velocity
for the rest of the fly out Limited turn rate
11Actual LOBL Trajectory
12Simulated LOBL Trajectory
13Actual LOAL-Direct Trajectory
14Simulated LOAL-Direct Trajectory
15Actual LOAL-Low Trajectory
16Simulated LOAL-Low Trajectory
17Actual LOAL-High Trajectory
18Simulated LOAL-High Trajectory
- New physical model
- Successfully simulate LOBL
and LOAL trajectories - Enhances realism in training