Title: The New Renaissance in Mathematical Science
1The New Renaissance in Mathematical Science
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3Talking Seals
Tecumseh Fitch http//psy.st-andrews.ac.uk /people
Partha Mitra http//www.cshl.org/ gradschool/mitra
Quantum Physics
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7Mathematical Modelling
Story-telling with mathematics
Description Plot
Cannonball mass, speed direction
Newtons laws
8Mathematical Modeling
Story-telling with mathematics
Description Plot
Mathematical Metaphor
Physical Laws
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Limited remit allowed rapid progress
11Linearity, Non-linearity, Chaos and Emergence
Linearity 1. Quantitative changes in
conditions lead to quantitative changes in
behaviour 2. The behaviour of the many is a
simple extrapolation of the behaviour of the few.
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Small differences in initial conditions lead to
large differences in future motion
- Driven damped pendulum
- Double pendulum
- Planetary motion
- The weather
Small differences in initial conditions lead to
large differences in future motion
cs/demos/ChaoticPendulumApplet.htm www.physics.ors
t.edu/rubin/nacphy/JAVA_pend/CHAOS/ www.maths.tcd
.ie/plynch/SwingingSpring/doublependulum.html Mat
More is Different 1972
P.W. Anderson
More is Different 1972
The behaviour of large and complex aggregations
of elementary particles, it turns out, is not to
be understood in terms of a simple extrapolation
of the properties of few particles. Instead, at
each level of complexity entirely new
properties appear, and the understanding of the
new behaviours requires research which I think is
as fundamental in its Nature as any other
P.W. Anderson
18Bob Laughlin
A Different Universe
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20Complicated Stories
Concrete Metaphor money can be counted!
Concrete Metaphor money can be counted!
www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/ dww/home/homebrown.htm
Stocks maths worked out by Bachelier
1900 Brownian Motion maths worked out by
Einstein 1905
Economics is fundamentally non-linear.
Concrete Metaphor animals can be counted!
Ecology is fundamentally non-linear.
Concrete Metaphor animals can be counted!
Ecology is fundamentally non-linear.
25Complicated Metaphors
26Computers and the Construction of Mathematical
Mathematical metaphor for beauty
and apparent intelligence,
and apparent drunkenness
27Complicated World
28Game Theory
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31Game Theory
Enormous Successes Social Dynamics in man and
animals Auction of bandwidth, mobile
phones Critical Mass Philip Ball
32Game Theory
The Subtlety of Game Theory
- Relation to world delicate
- Mathematical metaphors not
- that concrete
- Nature of mathematical modelling
- Mimic or Description?
Critical Mass Philip Ball
33Neuroscience and the Relation of Models to the
Real World
Mus silicium (sonoran desert sand mouse)
http//neuron.princeton.edu/ moment/Organism/inde
34The New Renaissance in Mathematical Science
35Game Theory
Cellular Phones
36Game Theory
Cellular Phones
37Game Theory
Cellular Phones
- Distribute Phone Users to Masts
- Game Theory
- Queuing Theory
- Statistical Mechanics
- (same as spin glass!)
- Same problems in internet etc
38New Renaissance in Mathematical Science?
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