2(No Transcript)
3Session Objectives
Understanding the close out process
Learning about close out requirements
Knowing roles responsibilities
Sharing best practices
4Topics of Discussion
Refund de-obligation
Record retention
Discussion Topics
Grant reconciliation
Close out process documents
Notification audit
5Overview of the Close Out Process
- Complete grant close out within 90 days of the
end of the project period - Seek a no-cost extension from the Office of
Grants Management for activities that will extend
beyond the project period end dates
Grantee Responsibility
6Grantee Responsibilities
- Complete the following steps
- Pay outstanding obligations
- Closeout sub-grants
- Submit close out documents
- Enter final FSR in Egrants
- Return un-obligated funds
- Ensure SF-269 and PSC-272 are equal
7CNCS Role
- CNCS takes the following steps
- Verifies completion of program financial
requirements by grantee - De-obligates unexpended funds
- Accounts for equipment supplies
- Reconciles balances award with HHS/PMS account
8Gathering Required Documentation
- Final FSR (SF-269)
- Equipment inventory form
- Residual supplies form
- Subgrantee certification
- (if applicable)
9Preparing Final FSR (SF-269)
- Covers entire project period (usually three
years) - Accounts for total funds awarded
- Verifies that FSR figures are supported by
accounting system and documentation - Ensure amount you have drawn from HHS equals
amount disbursed on 272 an expended on FSR(269)
FSR Final Cumulative
10Preparing Final FSR (SF-269)
- Check accuracy of
- Grant Number
- Project period start end dates
- Authorized Federal Funds
- Match percentage
Grantee FSR Information
11Equipment Supply Inventory Forms
- Required for individual equipment with current
market value of 5,000 or more, purchased with
CNCS funds - Mark Not Applicable or NA if no such
equipment - Both Forms must be completed and filed even if
they report 0
Equipment Inventory Form and Residual Supply
Inventory Form
12Subgrantee Certification
- Required for grantees with subgrants
- Procedures for sub-grant close out same as for
grantees closeout - One certification to be filed covering all
13Finding Required Forms
- Available in PDF format at
- http//www.nationalservice.gov/for_organzations/tt
14Reconciling the Grant
Final FSR
- Be sure to include all grant amendments
- Reconcile FSR expenditures and SF-272 drawdowns,
so that funds expended are equal to funds
disbursed and advanced - If these reports do not reflect the same
expenditure amounts the Corporation cannot close
your grant until you make adjustments
15HHS/Payment Management System Report
XXXXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------
Organization Name 1T74X
1T47 1234567890X1
ABC State Commission AGY GRANT
U 97SPFXX004 269, 486
269, 486 269,
486 ---------------------------------------------
16HHS/Payment Management System Report
XXXXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------
Organization Name 1T74X
1T47 1234567890X1
ABC State Commission AGY GRANT
U 97SPFXX004 269, 486
264, 486 269,
486 ---------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------- Grantee
needs to refund the 5,000 difference between
disbursements and drawdowns. The Corporation
deobligates the amount this reduces the
Authorized and CHG-ADV columns to 264,486.
17Handling Local Match Deficiency
- Award is reduced by proportion of match that is
below the required level - Refund amount difference between original
- and reduced award when match deficiency
- exists
- Submit written request for waiver, including
- reasons for failure to meet match
18Refunding Unobligated Funds
- Review all obligations at closeout to ensure
that sufficient - funds have been drawn to cover the
obligations - Return unobligated grant funds at end of project
period - Accompany refund check with a letter stating that
the money reflects a refund - Send refund checks directly to
- Division of Payment Management
- PO Box 6021
- Rockville, MD 20852
19Refunding Unobligated Funds
- Include the following information in the refund
letter -
- PMS account and subaccount numbers
- CNCS Grant Number to be credited
- Amount of interest included (if any)
- Send a copy of the refund letter check to the
Office of Grants Management or Service Center
with close out documents
20Deobligating Funds
- CNCS will deobligate any authorized grant funds
- not drawn down at the end of the project
period - Deobligation reduces the amount of authorized
- funds to equal the amounts disbursed and
drawn down - Grantees do not have access to deobligated
- funds
21Notification of Closeout
- Grantee receives written notice from CNCS or
Service Center when a grant is officially closed - Notification is sent when a grantee has met all
programmatic and fiscal requirements
22Subsequent Audit
- CNCS retains right to conduct a subsequent audit
or other review of a grantclose out does not
change this right - Notice of audit may extend the three year record
retention requirement
23Retaining Records
- Retain all records for three years from
submission of the final FSR - Requirement is included in the CNCS Provisions
24Thats all there is, there isnt any more.
- Ethel Barrymore, (18791959) American actress