Title: Neutrino%20Physics%20-%20Lecture%201
1Neutrino Physics - Lecture 1
- Steve Elliott
- LANL Staff Member
- UNM Adjunct Professor
- 505-665-0068, elliotts_at_lanl.gov
2Course Format
- Seminar series on neutrinos
- Student presentations
- Hand out enrollment sheet.
3Lecture 1 Outline
- Prerequisites
- References
- Discussion regarding course
- Connections to other physics
- Neutrinos in the standard model
4Prerequisite TopicsBut, I can cover topics on
- Schrodinger level quantum mechanics
- We will make reference to quantum field theory on
occasion - Kinematics/Relativity
- Particle Reactions
- Cross Sections
- Radioactivity (???????)
- Energy Loss
- Symmetries (P,C,T, CP, CPT)
- Linear Algebra Basics
5Some References
- hep-ph/0606054, Strumia/Vissani
- APS neutrino study and its working groups
- https//www.interactions.org
- Neutrino Astrophysics - John Bahcall
- The Physics of Massive Neutrinos - Boris Kayser
- Massive Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics
Mohapatra/Pal - Physics of Massive Neutrinos Boehm/Vogel
6Why are neutrinos relevant?
- Basic Particle Physics
- We know little about the neutrinos properties
- Beyond the Standard Model
- The neutrino is an important ingrediant to
understanding the inclusion of mass and the
various energy scales - Nuclear Physics
- Key to understanding symmetries and interactions
- Astrophysics
- Supernovae
- Cosmology
- Dark matter
- Large scale structure
- Particle, anti-particle asymmetry
7The Standard Model Particles
u up c charm t top ? gamma
d down s strange b bottom g gluon
?e ?? nt W W boson
e electron ? muon ? tau Z Z boson
u up c charm t top ? gamma
d down s strange b bottom g gluon
?1 ?? n? W W boson
e electron ? muon ? tau Z Z boson
u up c charm t top ? gamma
d down s strange b bottom g gluon
?3 ?? n? W W boson
e electron ? muon ? tau Z Z boson
Force Carriers
The Neutrinos
8Neutrinos mix, therefore
- Neutrinos have mass
- Might have non-zero magnetic moments
- Heavier neutrinos might decay
- Might be Majorana or Dirac
- What are the implications for
- unification, supersymmetry, and extra dimensions?
- possible existence of additional species?
- the possibility that neutrinos have something to
do with the matter-antimatter asymmetry?
9Why neutrinos are unusual
- Neutrinos might be the ultimate neutral particle
- They would not be distinct from their
antiparticles. - If so they would be Majorana particles
- They might also be Dirac particles
- Like the charged quarks and leptons
10Neutrinos and the weak interaction
- The weak interaction violates parity.
- Hence there are no right handed current
interactions - This can be interpreted two ways.
- There are no right handed neutrinos
- There are RH neutrinos, they just dont interact
11There are 3 active light neutrinos
The width of the Z decay depends on the number of
channels available for the decay.
12Dirac vs. Majorana
(nDi , nDh)
(nDi , nDh)
(nMi , nMh)
bb(0n) addresses Dirac/Majorana nature of n.
13Field Theory Overview - I
- Field operators obey equations of motion derived
from a Lagrangian (L) via a variational
principle. - If the interaction term in L is small (small
coupling constant), a perturbative approach is
used. - Represent successive terms as Feynman diagrams.
14Field Theory Overview - II, QED L
Free electron
Interaction Term
15Field Theory Overview - IIIdiagrams resulting
from the QED interaction
16Typical Dirac mass term
Quarks and leptons get their mass by a coupling
to the Higgs. Here is an example (the electron)
a Dirac particle.
Mij doesnt have to be diagonal, although it is
for the charged leptons.
17For neutrinos
In the standard model, ?jR (the RH neutrino)
doesnt exist, therefore neutrinos are massless
by construction. Now that we know that neutrinos
have mass, we need to learn how to incorporate
that into the model. There are many possibilities.
18We could simply put in ?jR
The coupling fij doesnt have to be diagonal and
in general it isnt. To find the physical fields,
those of definite mass, we need to diagonalize
19Such a term leads to mixing
m? is the ?th diagonal element of the mass matrix
The neutrinos mix.
- fij is completely arbitrary
- Doesnt explain why neutrinos are so much lighter
than their lepton partners. - We have not included additional possible mass
21Adding Majorana mass terms
- Ms are nxn matrices for n generations.
- ?R, ?L are n element column vectors from n
From NC scattering, We know ML is small
22Diagonalize M
Leads to two eigenvalues m1 (MD)2/MR and m2 MR
23Leads to the seesaw mechanism
- If we take MD to be order of lepton mass, and we
know that MR is large - We have two Majorana neutrinos
- One with a mass much less than the leptons
- One which is very heavy.
24Connections to other physics
- Cosmology
- Large scale structure
- Baryon asymmetry
- Nuclear and Particle physics
- Incorporating mass into the standard model
- Astrophysics
- Nucleosynthesis
- Supernova dynamics
Neutrinos are very practical
25A summary of the questions
- Are neutrinos Majorana or Dirac?
- What is the absolute mass scale?
- How small is ?13?
- How maximal is ?23?
- Is there CP violation in the neutrino sector?
- Is the mass hierarchy inverted or normal?
- Is the LSND evidence for oscillation true? Are
there sterile neutrinos?