Title: Using Metadata for ETDs
1- Using Metadata for ETDs
- - Interoperability and Heterogenity -
- 22.03.2001
- ETD2001 Pasadena
- Susanne Dobratz, Humboldt-University Berlin,
Germany - dobratz_at_rz.hu-berlin.de
2Using Dublin Core for ETDs
- Aim
- Development of a Metadata set useable for
catalagueing and searching digitally born
documents esp. dissertations - provide a method to transform metadata and
contents to be archived by the German National
Library - other standards doesnt seem to fit (MARC,
Z39.50) - But
- Dublin Core at one university doesnt equal
Dublin Core at another - deal with heterogenity of data sets,
interpretation, encoding, approaches
3Heterogenity of approaches
- Data
- Differences in interpretation (author, approval)
- Different requirements (abstracts, keywords in
diff. languages, local specialties) - Databases
- different models/ schemas
- relational databases (Mysql / Sybase / Oracle /
...) - plain HTML 4.0 with Frontpages
- Workflows within university libraries
- Librarians fill in all metadata (correctness)
- Author fills in form (personal metadata, title,
4How to find an agreed Dublin Core Set?
- Semantics
- Round table negotiation about required fields,
their special interpretation and usage - Germany 1 Year
- within NDLTD still in progress (version 0.3)
- Syntax
- Defining controlled interfaces to local systems
- for retrieval
- Germany TheO interface based on Harvest software
- for transport -gt archiving in (German) National
5Dissertation Online
(04/1998 - 10/2000) German Research Association
6DissOnline.de Initiative
- Funding by DFG ended by 10/2000
- Initiative was opened to other parties
- universities, libraries
- publishers
- authors
- individual institutions
- Bureau for coordination German National Library
(DDB) - organisation of further developments and
workshops - hosting of the dissonline.de information portal
- communication with participants, hotline,
listserv, ...
7Metadata Reached Results
- Group of Prof. Günter Törner Thorsten Bahne in
Duisburg (now MathDiss International) - Development of an Dublin Core Metadata Set for
dissertations - Implementation of an input-tool
- MyMetaMaker for Theses
- Suggestion for expressing DC-metadata set for
theses in RDF - Working on an international agreement for a DC
metadata set for theses and dissertations within
8Metadata Actual Work
- Investigation of Metadata Sets for
Multimedia-Documents (German National Library) - containing more than 1 file
- audio/ video information
- Implementation of MetaMaker-Tool for RDF
9Metadata Proposed Process
adopted from T. Bahne
10TheO Theses Online Broker
- http//www.iwi-iuk.org/dienste/TheO/
11Global Harvest Server Structure
TheO Thesis Online Broker
adopted from K. Zimmermann
12Open Archives Initiative
- Using Open Archives Initiative (OAI) as method to
set up nationwide distributed network - OAI provides
- policy for servers
- structure and XML encoding for exchangeable data
- a protocol for requests
- http//www.openarchives.org
13Implementing OAI in Germany
- Universities document servers
- small number of documents (up to 500)
- document formats PDF, HTML, SGML, (PS)
- most use HARVEST software for retrieval
- supported by DINI (www.dini.org)
- plans workshops to spread the idea
- develop a policy for OAI in Germany (2 are
planned in June Oldenburg, Stuttgart) - help libraries open their resources (digital
documents) - possiblitity to connect library archives with
14Open Archives Initiative in Germany
- Humboldt-University Berlin HUBerlin
- database approach (sybase) with php4 script
- http//dochost.rz.hu-berlin.de/oai
- University of Oldenburg (Group of Prof. Hilf)
- Harvest compatibility to OAI protocol
- uses php4
- Library of Oldenburg University
- uses mysql php4
15OAI _Identify
16OAI_ListRecords / Resumption Token
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