Title: Select the next action from the list'
1Select the next action from the list.
2Click on Go to proceed after selecting the next
3Click on tick-mark to select the work description.
4Click on tick-mark to proceed with submitting the
5Click on Submit to submit the form.
6Once the form is submitted, a message is
displayed and the submitted form no. is displayed
in RED colour. Next, click on the next form no.
7When submitting an encrypted form, first
Decrypt the form by clicking here.
8Select the correct digital certificate to decrypt
the form and then click on OK.
9Enter the password and then click on OK
10Once the data is decrypted, the Encrypt button
is activated and the actual data is displayed.
Now click on Encrypt to encrypt the data before
11The data gets encrypted again.
12Now click on Submit to submit the form.
13Submitted form no. gets highlighted and message
showing form submission status is displayed.
14Once all the bid forms are submitted, the status
is changed to Completed.