Title: An Analytical Tool for Robot Mission Reliability Prediction
1An Analytical Tool for Robot Mission Reliability
- AISR PI Workshop
- NNX07AV71G-R
- May 7, 2008
- John M. Dolan (jmd_at_cs.cmu.edu)
- Steve Stancliff (CMU)
- Ashitey Trebi-Ollennu (JPL)
- www.cs.cmu.edu/reliability
- Motivation
- Approach
- Two sample missions
- Solar panel assembly (few high-reliability vs.
more low-reliability robots) - Task allocation in exploration
- Conclusions
- Statements about superior robustness of a greater
number of robots are qualitative - Minimal prior work Bererton02 on reliability
modeling for multirobot missions - Cost, time, and reliability are interdependent
- Team size increase ? time reduced cost higher
- Time reduced ? reliability requirement lower
- Reliability lower ? cost lower
- Be able to answer questions such as
- How does team size affect mission cost, duration,
and reliability? - Is it better to use a larger team of less
reliable (cheaper), or a smaller team of more
reliable (costlier) robots? - How is task allocation affected by considering
- Robots in remote or harsh environments
- Robots considered in terms of subsystems
R(t) e - ? t
- Extend MTTF (1/?) to include operating conditions
Poisson temp. model
L10 bearing load
- Combine MTTF using standard methods
Series modules ?sS ?i
Parallel modules ?p ? / (1 ½ ... 1/N)
- Explicit enumeration for a simple mission
- A slightly more complicated mission
? Combinatorial explosion for missions of any
real complexity.
- Stochastic simulation for more complex missions
8Solar Panel Mission
- Solar panel array installation
- Three subtasks
- Carry the panel to the assembly area
- Assemble the panel
- Return to the base
- Mission-design variables
- Mission duration (number of panels to install)
- Number of robots
- Component reliabilities
1. Transit
3. Return
2. Assemble
Assy. Area
9Solar Panel Mission
- Representative subsystem reliabilities from JPL
- Subsystem usage by task (in hours)
10Solar Panel Mission - Results
- What is the minimum number of (identical) robots
needed to provide a given mission reliability?
- e.g., 30 panels w/ 95 PoMC requires 4 robots
- Diminishing reliability return as more robots
11Solar Panel Mission - Results
- With excess robots, how much lower can component
reliabilities be?
? Lower-reliability 4-robot team has higher PoMC
than 2-robot team for mission duration lt
crossover w/ 2-robot (red) line
12Solar Panel Mission - Results
- On an equal-cost basis, do more robots provide
greater mission reliability?
Cost model (Mettas, 2000)
? 4-robot team with 40 reliability is equally
expensive and more reliable than 2-robot team for
missions with fewer than 85 panels
13Multirobot Task Allocation
- Goal - visit all target locations in shortest
total mission time
14Naive Solution
15When Robots Fail
Dashed lines represent failures
16Consider Robot Failure a Priori
- Denominator normalizes over those cases where the
mission succeeds
17Solution Using Expected Distance
18When Robots Fail (revisited)
- Repeat previous calculations for large number of
Robots2, Tasks2 worlds - Include probabilistic location for robot failure
(hand example assumed failure almost at target
location) - Look at both minimax (minimum-duration) and
minisum (minimum total distance / energy) utility
20Results - Minimax
Pt 99
20 x 20 world
20 x 20 world
Pt 99
21Results - Minimax
- For a 300 x 300 world with Pt 99, the naive
planner chooses a suboptimal plan 84 of the
time, and the optimal plan in those cases is on
average 41 shorter than the chosen plan
22Results - Minisum
Pt 99
20 x 20 world
- Analytical method developed for trading off
reliability, cost, and time in configuring
multirobot teams - For a specified mission duration, more robots
with significantly lower individual reliability
can be more mission-reliable or cost-effective
than fewer robots with high reliability - Ignoring possible robot failure in initial
multirobot task allocation plan ? suboptimal
plans with respect to the intended metric (e.g.,
minimum duration or energy)
24Future Work
- Incorporation of different failure models
modalities - Consider model for performance degradation rather
than binary failure for components and robots - Generalization over mission categories
- A. Mettas, "Reliability allocation and
optimization for complex systems," Proc. IEEE
Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symp.,
2000, pp. 216221. - S. Stancliff, J. Dolan, and A. Trebi-Ollennu,
Towards a Predictive Model of Mobile Robot
Reliability, CMU tech. report CMU-RI-TR-05-38,
August, 2005 - S. Stancliff, J. Dolan, and A. Trebi-Ollennu,
Mission Reliability Estimation for Repairable
Robot Teams, Int. J. Advanced Robotic Systems,
June, 2006.