Title: Note the gradation in definitions of potential vorticity
1Note the gradation in definitions of potential
vorticity Full (Ertel) PV PV ?
???????????? Isentropic PV IPV ?
(???f?????z Quasi-geostrophic PV q ? ????z
and for each definition there is a
conservation principle, i.e., D?PV?/Dt
0 for inviscid adiabatic flow
2 The conservation of IPV is visualized
as compensation between ? increase and ?z
Isentropic surfaces
???f small ?z large
???f large ?z small
3 There is also conservation of potential
temperature, i.e., D?/ Dt 0 for inviscid
adiabatic flow, (including bottom boundary)
Hence PV is conserved on isentropic
surfaces, and ? is conserved on a PV iso-surface.
4An examination of large-scale flow from the PV
perspective I The PV climatology - what are
typical PV values? - what is a PV anomaly? II
Examples of the instantaneous fields - PV and
jet streams III Illustrations of PV - PV
structures and links to geopotential height field
- PV streamers and cut-offs - PV
inversion - PV non-conservation IV Case
studies of extratropical cyclones -
attribution application of PV inversion - PV
tower analysis
5winter climatology of PV and ?
6winter climatology of PV and ?
7summer climatology of PV and ?
8Climatological PV patterns
High PV
Low PV
Low PV
Overworld entirely within the stratosphere High
PV in extra-tropics Middleworld High low
PV in extra-tropics Underworld entirely
within the troposphere Low PV in extra-tropics
9Climatological PV patterns
High PV
High PV
Low PV
Low PV
Low PV
Overworld entirely within the stratosphere High
PV in extra-tropics Middleworld High low
PV in extra-tropics Underworld entirely
within the troposphere Low PV in extra-tropics
10Relationship of Jet Stream to PV
Time-mean distribution
High PV
Low PV
11Instantaneous (and idealized) Jet Stream Complex
12Instantaneous Jet-stream large
lateral gradient of PV
Depiction of wind (jet) strength PV gradient
on 320K
in a cross-section
Wind isotachs
Shading PV gradient
PV contours
13Evolution of large-scale PV distribution
14Accompanying evolution of 500 hPa field
15Break-up of a stratospheric PV-streamer
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19Evolving upper-level PV distribution on an
isentropic surface
Water vapor satellite image
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21positive upper-level PV anomaly
22negative upper-level PV anomaly
23Qualitative illustration of PV inversion
PV pattern on a tropopause intersecting
isentropic surface, and accompanying wind
field red green pos. PV
anomalies shades of blue neg. PV
anomalies Sea-level pressure pattern and
low-level moisture field Note linkage of PV
flow field!
24negative surface ?-anomaly
25positive surface ?-anomaly
26upper-level PV anomaly
low-level PV anomaly
27The non-conservation of PV latent
heating friction (cloud
condensation, radiation, ) Approximation on
synoptic scale outside the PBL
28Depiction of evolution of PV distbn. during
cyclogenesis (- LOTHAR !!)
Incipient system
Mature system
29PV 315K
PV, v 850hPa
? 850hPa, SLP
30PV 315K
PV, v 850hPa
? 850hPa, SLP
31PV 315K
PV, v 850hPa
? 850hPa, SLP
32US east coast cyclogenesis 4/5 Februar
1988 Davis and Emanuel 1991
33Z on 500hPa
Z on 1000hPa
12 UTC 4 Feb
12 UTC 5 Feb
34low PV (lt 0.25pvu)
PV tower (PV gt 0.75pvu)
35surface ?
surface ? anomaly
12 UTC 4 Feb
36surface ?
surface ? anomaly
00 UTC 5 Feb
37surface ?
surface ? anomaly
12 UTC 5 Feb
38PV inversion relative importance of various PV
anomalies to 850-hPa vorticity field
00 UTC 5 February contributions from upper-level
PV low-level PV boundary ?
39PV inversion relative importance of various PV
anomalies to 850-hPa vorticity field
12 UTC 5 February contributions from upper-level
PV low-level PV boundary PT
40Low-level PV and diabatic PV-generation
12 UTC 4 Feb
12 UTC 5 Feb
PV on 850hPa (dashed) diabatic PV production rate
on 850hPa (solid)
41Atlantic frontal wave development 23/24
November 1992 Rossa et al. 2000
4206 UTC 22 Nov
4318 UTC 22 Nov
4406 UTC 23 Nov
4518 UTC 23 Nov
46IR satellite images
06 UTC 22 Nov
19 UTC 23 Nov
47The PV tower at 18 UTC 23 Nov (PV and RH)
S-N cross section
W-E cross section
48The PV tower at 18 UTC 23 Nov (PV and backward
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50Inversion of PV tower segments contributions to
400-300 hPa
700-600 hPa
900-800 hPa