Title: Classical Civilization: China
1Classical Civilization China
2durable military large political
structures improved technology
classical civilizations
Dynastic Cycle
3Zhou Dynasty 1029-258 BCE
Hwang-He to Yangtze
no strong central government
Mandarin language - cultural unity
end with Era of Warring States
4Qin Dynasty 221-206 BCE
Shi Huang Di
centralized government
public works projects census standardized coins,
weights, measures
5Han Dynasty 206 BCE 220 CE
expand territory (Silk Road) centralized
Confucianism social order
Daoism natural way
6Confucianism vs. Taoism
yin-yang symbolizes social order harmony
yin/yang opposite forces in world
individuals place in group rules relationships rig
hteousness propriety loyalty good
faith duty justice very involved in social and
political institutions
individuals place in world scientific artistic spi
ritual natural simplicity effortless
action spontaneity compassion refrains from
trying to influence political or social
7civil service exam
collect taxes organize labor service
art calligraphy, painting
8social classes
land-owning aristocracy peasants
(laborers) mean people
trade expands
social status of merchants