Title: Whats the Problem
1The Real Threat to the Middle East Israel's
Environmental Catastrophe.
Dr. Eric Pallant Department of Environmental
Science Allegheny College Meadville, PA 16335
2Home to Islam, Christianity, and Judaism
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4Whats the Problem?
- One generation goes, another comes, and the
earth remains forever Eccles. 14
To a new Life in the Land of Israel. Romania,
Theodore Herzl
David Ben Gurion
6Making the Desert Bloom
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10Israeli War Casualties
11Constant Terror in the Background
12Short-term vs. long-term thinking
13Auto Use
In last 25 years of vehicles and of miles
driven have increased 600 Public transit has
declined 7 annually
Southernmost interchange of Trans-Israel Highway
14Tel Aviv April 30, 2001
15Air Pollution Days
- Tel Aviv 55 77 days per year
- Jerusalem 55 71
- Beer Sheva 15 -27
17War versus Pollution
1814 of all mortalities of people over the age of
30 in Tel Aviv Metropolitan area come from air
19Four Sources of Water in Israel
- Sea of Galilee
- Mountain Aquifer
- Coastal Aquifer
- Desalinated Salt water or desalinated ground water
20Sea of Galilee
21Look closer at Sea of Galilee
22Water Shortages
- Israel began 21st Century running a deficit of
500,000,000 cubic meters
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25The trends are up
26Dead Sea
- Dead Sea has lost 1/3 of surface area
- Is dropping 3 feet per year
- The death of the Dead Sea is a result of water
extraction for other uses
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28Dead Sea tourism
29Dead Sea tourism
30Dead Sea tourism
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33Historical decline in Dead Sea
34Aerial view of Dead Sea
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36Water quality is declining
37Tel Aviv wells contaminated
- 88 of Tel Aviv wells have organic pollutants
- 16 wells shut in 15 years due to fertilizers and
toxics - 15 wells shut due to salinity
38Only one of Israels 17 rivers is NOT polluted
39Inadequate sewage treatment
40Jewish and Arab sewage
Raw sewage from Shaareh Tikvah going into
41The Hebron River Becomes an Open Sewer
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46Land Use
- 1960 1990, Population doubled
- 1960 1990, built-up areas quadrupled
47Land Use
- By 2020 population will double again
- 8.5 million people
Tel Aviv
50Marine Pollution
51The Good News
- Heschel Center is providing environmental
leadership training for Jewish and Arab, secular
and religious, rich and poor, urban and rural.
52Green CourseMegama Yoruka
- Activist arm of the environmental movement
- Centered in colleges and Universities
- Since 1997
53Society for Protection of Nature in Israel
54Israel Union for Environmental DefenseAdam Teva
- Legal protection for open space, clean air Middle
East - Prosecutes polluters
- Protects open space
Promoting solar
55Arava Institute for Environmental Studies
- Israeli Palestinian Jordanian cooperation to
protect the shared environment
56Life and Environment
- Umbrella for 80 environmental organizations in
57The real threats?
58The real threats?
59Redefining Zionism
- Quality of life
- rather than
- Quantity of land
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