Title: NHS Supply Chain IT Developments
1NHS Supply Chain IT Developments
- Bryan Semple, IT Solutions Director
- bryan.semple_at_supplychain.nhs.uk
2eEnablement is at the core of NHS Supply Chains
Supplier Value Proposition
We offer modern and robust supply chain solutions
to deliver value and growth to your organisation
We offer the most efficient channel to market
We can help you to grow your NHS business,
improving profitability and access to the market
We make innovation happen and get your new
products to market faster
We understand the NHS and can help you gain
additional insights
- Catalogue Creation
- Programmatic Marketing
- Rapid Product Launch
- Contract Uptake Monitoring
- Rapid Response to New Opportunities
- New Product Introduction
- Market Intelligence
- Product Councils and Clinical Engagement
- End-to-end eCommerce with all trusts
- Once-Only integration and Catalogue Management
- Reduced Cost of Operation
- Business Intelligence
- Demand Forecasting
- Improved Planning and Decision Making
3Today, we are focusing on two major developments
which will deliver benefits to suppliers and the
Intenda Sourcing Contract Management
NHS-Cat Catalogue Management, On-line Ordering
Materials Management
GS1 Data Standards
Source Procurement eEnablement in the NHS -
Using information to deliver better health care
(NPEDG, June 2007)