Title: A renewed EU Tourism Policy:
1European Commission
Enterprise and Industry Directorate-General
IRE Conference 21/08/2006
A renewed EU Tourism Policy Towards a stronger
partnership for European Tourism COM (2006) 134
Franco Ianniello Head of Unit Tourism DG
Enterprise and Industry
2Some Statistical Data
3Some Statistical Data
4 of the Community GDP 4 of the total labour
force With the related sectors 11 of the
Community GDP 12 of the total labour force
4Tourism and the Growth and Jobs Strategy
- Tourism and the renewed Lisbon Strategy
- Tourism and the development of European regions
- Sustainable tourism contributes to employment and
5Challenges facing tourism
- Demography changes
- Demand for specific forms of tourism
- External competition
- Sustainability
- The answer competitiveness, quality and
6Dialogue and partnership amongst tourism
- a wide variety of stakeholders
- a wide variety of policy measures
- Partnerships is necessary at every level of the
decision-making process
7A renewed European Tourism Policy
- clear and realistic goals
- the best use of available resources
- building on on-going actions
- offering added value
- complementary to MS policies
8A renewed European Tourism Policy
- Aims to improve competitiveness and create
more and better jobs - Instruments co-ordination, co-operation and
supporting actions - Areas mainstreaming tourism
- promoting sustainability
- enhancing visibility
9A renewed European Tourism Policy Mainstreaming
measures affecting tourism
- Better regulation
- Policy-coordination
- Improved use of available European financial
10Promoting tourism sustainability
- European Agenda 21 for tourism
- Specific supporting actions
11Enhancing the understanding and the visibility
of tourism
- Collecting of data
- Promotion of European destinations
- Improving the visibility of tourism
- a common goal
12A renewed European Tourism Policya stronger
- The way forward
- Building up partnership at all levels
- EU commitment, and
- active involvement of all stakeholders